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No, I haven't tried belted undergarments before. Is there a particular brand that you find to be best? I don't use barrier cream either. I assume I probably should!?!
By the way will1982, welcome. This group is a God sent breath of fresh air in all areas so to speak. I trust you will find both answers to questions, relay your experiences both good and bad and find fellowship with mutual leaky brothers and sisters.
will1982 said:
No, I haven't tried belted undergarments before. Is there a particular brand that you find to be best? I don't use barrier cream either. I assume I probably should!?!

I usually buy these.


I'm sure there are better belted undergarments but these are cheap and readily available. I only wear them for short time spans. They are a one size fits all. I am 6'3" with a average waistline and they fit ok but if your waistline is on the bigger size...... they may not fit right.

This is the barrier cream I use.. yeah I know... the name.. and its marketed toward babies, but it works good. I used it on my 3 children as well. In fact that's how I found out about it.

Hello, I am 45 male and married. I have suffered bed-wetting at some level for most of my life. In stressful times it becomes worse. I wear protection every night. My wife is supportive thankfully. This has created problems with our personal relations though. We are at lest open and do discuss it.
Hey everybody,
im nearly 24 about to graduate, been dealing with both bowel and bladder incontnence since I was small
It really sucks cause my bowel accidents are frequent and also happens at night so it is kinda serious
My parents are still helping with some of my costs for briefs and I have some hesitations on any type of surgery at the moment but itd great there are communities like this
The biggest problem is trying to hide that I wear protection since I use a brand called better dry at the moment wich are really not discreet but at least I can get away with long skirts and stuff sometimes
Good morning. I am a new member here, and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Scott Olson. I am currently 49 years of age. I am single. I live in Worcester, Massachusetts in my modest studio apartment with my favorite companion, my cat, Ebony.I am a professional musician, composer, arranger, and former piano teacher. I am presently working on producing my second music CD. I also produce multimedia content on You Tube. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Music / Organ Performance, as well as three Certificates of Undergraduate Completion in Business and Computers. I am expecting to complete a fourth Certificate as a Help Desk Technician shortly at the beginning of December, 2017.

I have had Type II Diabetes for approximately the last five to six years. As a result of diabetic neuropathy, I was also diagnosed with incontinence approximately four years ago. I suffer from frequent uncontrollable urges to urinate on a daily basis, since the neuropathy and high glucose levels have affected the nerves of my bladder. I have worn and used adult diapers since then to manage this condition.

It has taken all this time until now to obtain what I finally believe is a sensible and efficient solution to managing my incontinence, particularly managing the heavy episodes of urination that I experience daily, as well as managing any leaks associated with them. As a very high-functioning, highly intelligent individual with Asperger's Syndrome and Bipolar I Disorder, I am extremely detail-oriented, and I tend to over-complicate everything that I do.As a direct result of this, I have quite literally tried nearly everything to manage my condition of incontinence, from pull-ups that were originally prescribed by my doctor, to adult diapers, booster pads, vinyl pants, and several other products. I have found that keeping things as simple as possible is the most efficient method to manage incontinence, in my humble opinion.

Please allow me to share some advice concerning incontinence management at this time. To begin with, I believe one significantly key factor is finding a product that is highly absorbent, is the appropriate size, fits you well, and is comfortable. This is particularly true of adult diapers.Since I wear them daily (nearly 24/7), I really need to wear some sort of protection that fulfills all these parameters. In my experience, I want to take the liberty at this point of saying that, at least for me, the Abena Abri-Form L4's that I use are by far the #1 adult diaper for me, with Tranquility ATN's being a close second. Abena adult diapers originally come from Denmark. They are quite absorbent and comfortable, and the L4's provide the highest level of incontinence protection within the Abena line of incontinence products. One feature of the Abena adult diapers that I am especially fond of is the fact that the four tape tabs are very strong. While it is true that one cannot re-attach them for fear of them ripping the material of the adult diaper, they never give way and do not stretch or break, once properly attached. By comparison, the Tranquility ATN adult diapers do not have tape tabs that hold up as strongly. As to ordering my incontinence supplies, I order from XP Medical exclusively. XP Medical is a company that exclusively sells incontinence products, and it was originally founded by a gentleman who himself was incontinent. XP Medical really cares about shipping their products to you discreetly, routinely reviews their incontinence products, and provides the highest quality products for those that suffer from incontinence, in my opinion.


Another key point I want to make is about rash and yeast infection prevention. Since I wear adult diapers daily, this has been a big problem for me in the past. I suffered from a major yeast infection and rash about three years ago during one particularly hot summer week. As a disabled person, I have a nurse supervisor, as well as a morning nurse, and a Personal Care Attendant (PCA), that help me manage my medical conditions, particularly my diabetes, as well as my personal care. At the recommendation of my nurse supervisor, I have been using a combination of prescription Nystatin powder mixed with Wal-Mart brand Desitin cream. This has been a great combination, since the powder does not fall off (it is mixed with the cream), and the end result is a topical application that is at once anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal, which is really good, considering that the root cause of yeast infections is fungal in nature.

My PCA comes to my apartment six out of seven days a week (he takes Sundays off to drive for Uber and Lyft). He cleans my kitchen, bathroom, and apartment in general. He sweeps and mops my floor, and even takes care of my kitty. :) I cannot say enough about how awesome it is to have a PCA caring for me. My PCA showers me as well, and then applies the cream combination i mentioned to the areas that are covered by my adult diapers. He even helps me by putting on my adult diapers on me, then gets me dressed for the day.

One other thing that my PCA does for me is that, every week, on Wednesdays, he shaves my "diaper area," so to speak, for me. This level of personal care affords me an extra layer of protection from rashes and infections, since it keeps the area clean and smooth, and free of irritation. The key here is to use a warm facecloth to wet the area first, followed by a healthy application of shaving cream, and then the area is shaved carefully with a manual five-blade razor. I find this particular weekly routine to really help me maintain healthy skin.

Well, my apologies if my first post was a bit long and rambling. However, I do hope that my observations and advice have helped some of you manage your condition of incontinence. I look forward to your helpful commentaries, and thank you for your warm welcomes to these forums in advance. I look forward to reading your posts here on these forums. Thank your for reading. Take care, be safe, and have a wonderful day!
I am caregiver for my husband who has diabetes, nerve damage, and urinary incontinence. It's extremely frustrating to try and help him, as he is very embarrassed about the problem. I've bought him padded briefs and waterproof pads for his chairs and the bed, but the number of times a day he has to change clothes is increasing, and so are the times I must wash his clothes and the pads. His doctor hasn't made any suggestions as to how we can handle this better. His urologist suggested kegels.He tries, but he has very little feeling in the whole bottom half of his body, and he just won't exercise very much. There must be something else we can do, or better products we can buy to help him. HELP!!! -- SharonWaldman

Yes, Sharon. There IS a lot help here and a LOT of good products have been evaluated.

Do scroll through the many posts recently relating to what works for the more
severe incontinence episodes so many of us face. There are many options.

Product suggestions and mail order resources are out there and no secret to
the many of us who manage similar problems 24/7/365.

All of us tend to run the course with 'trial and error' in choosing these
incontinence products, but that's how you'll find what works best for YOUR

I'd be happy to try and help. If you'd like to reach out to me for some product samples, I can send over some items that should greatly assist with the situation you describe.

Ken Edmunds
Mom of 3 with stress incontinence. Pelvic Floor therapy did not work. Scheduled for tvt sling (urethra) no other work needed. Here looking for personal reviews of tvt sling.
Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm here to try to help my mom. My name is Cathy my mom has urinary incontinence and just started having bowl incontinence. I never had kids and never care to change a kid diaper unless I was the only one there and had to do it. I have a great sense of smell and a weak stomach so dealing with her bowl incontinences is very hard on me. I also understand it very hard on her also and try to be patience and polite. I always told her when she start to loss control of her bowl I would put her in a home. I was serious at the time but now I can not see myself doing that, I need to let her know I will not put her in a home. I really believe if I put her in a home it would kill her. My mom is also 78 and legally blind. She has had two hip replacement-two knee replacement- and one shoulder replacement. She also had two back surgery's and had cancer about four or five years ago. My heart hurts for her so bad. I love my mom very much and do not want to say anything that will hurt her. I think I got better with helping her clean up after she losses control of her bowls, however I think she can tell I hate dealing with the situation. Today she told me she was scare, i think she afraid she may need surgery and will die. I just need to talk to people about this and any advice you can give me would be helpful. Like things I should not say to her that would make her feel worst. Thanks
MommyLyssa said:
Mom of 3 with stress incontinence. Pelvic Floor therapy did not work. Scheduled for tvt sling (urethra) no other work needed. Here looking for personal reviews of tvt sling.

My mom had some type of ring put into her to help with bladder incontinence. By the time we got home and went to the bathroom the ring came out the same day. I read about tvt sling and if it was me I would give it a try, I wish you the best of luck Lyssa and let us know how it works for you. The last time she ask the Dr. to try something else to help her with her bladder incontinence they told her at her age and with here medical history it would not be worth the risk, so she just has to live with it. Now she has bowl incontinence just went to the Dr. today and they are sending her to see a specialist. I'm praying the can fix what ever causing it with out surgery.
Hello all

I am in a hard spot. Basically I’m a relatively healthy 32 year old single guy. I’ve not realized that I’ve had oab symptoms for years thinking that going to the restroom every hour or two was what people do. Last weekend I lost bladder control and went to the hospital - mercifully they ruled out all neurological and brain issues, diabetes, ms etc but the fact remains that I couldn’t control my bladder.

After a couple days I was sent home with a stack of diapers and a prescription for some tablets which have helped a lot. My main issue is that I just have so many questions and being told “just wear diapers from now on” doesn’t answer them so I’m here.

My urologist did bladder scopes and such and found nothing wrong and I have a urodynamic test 2 weeks out.

I’m freaking out a bit here. Haven’t told anyone. Not friends family or anything. I have to go to work Monday and am totally unsure how to deal with that. I just don’t know where to turn so I’m glad I found this site.
@Newbie2this this is a great place to ask questions about this, I am a 21 year old guy who was diagnosed with OAB when I was much younger but hadn't had problems for years until the last year or two when I started having all kinds of issues with bladder control so your not alone and if you have any questions feel free to ask
Thanks green gold. It’s nicd to have a resource like this. I’m not sure how to handle returning to work Monday. If I have an incident how do I change? There’s no private restrooms. Just ones with lots of stalls. I’ve been using pull-ups and that seems like a possible fail point too as I have to get the new one on and don’t want to take my clothes off.
When my issues are flaring up I find high quality products that can hold enough that changing can wait until my classes are done (I'm in college) is what works best for me. Likely, if you use pull-ups taking your clothes off would be necessary to change. If you really don't want to take your clothes off I would maybe use a tape-on product. I would also recommend using a handicap stall the extra space makes changing a lot easier. I would also keeps a small bag you can carry a small bag with you that you can take to the restroom that contains clean products, wipes to clean yourself, and either some sort of colored bag if you are alright with disposing the soiled brief there or a Ziploc bag you can put it in and dispose of it in a more discrete location. Overall a lot of this takes some trial and error products that work for one person don't for another and things that help one person don't always help others.
i work full time newbie2this. i change in the restroom in a stall. i change in stalls where ever i have to and it isn’t fun but to me, there is no choice. yes, i do think of being fairly naked at my place of employment. there really is no choice as i see it. and there is teh situation of having to throw away dirty bulky smelly used underwear. i pack it up and take it with me and throw it away outside on my way home or even the next day. i really don’t want anyone to know even my wife and kids. so i have to hide the debris at home too. but i don’t know how else to handle it. yes, i agree with greengold4. i carry a plastic bag with my supplies. i also have a hanger from a clothing store - the kind with clips to hold pants i think. that way i can hang the bag on the horizontal handicap bar on the wall so i dont have to go reaching to the floor or whatever. i don’t use ziploc bags though because i am concerned about the environment and cost. i just use store plastic bags. they contain odor slightly. some better than others. could use 2 or 3 if necessary. it almost seems silly caring about the environment. i bet my pullups will cause as much harm as a ziploc. i often don’t want to take my pants off to do this, but i worry about causing a mess with feces. i really do worry if i’ve gotten anything on the outside of my clothing. i did have to get used to undressing in public places. it is difficult. i’ve been struggling with this for about 5 years. i have only recently come upon a fairly good way to handle it. i hate the idea of wearing underwear filled with waste. but you cant change after every time something leaves your body. and i tested the limits of many brands. i hate wearing bulky stuff. i hate wearing thin stuff. i cant understand why some brands are so skimpy in the back. even if it isn’t needed for its intended purpose, that is just uncomfortable. i use Dignity Compose pullups. they feel great! they are too thin to last for heavy useage. i pee moderate amounts every hour and a half so after 2 or 3 times i do need to change. to handle this, i add a pad which i found that is really great called Total Dry Booster Pad Duo. i then change the pad and not the pullup. i take many many layers of my employers toilet paper about the length of the pad to soak excess pee during the day as necessary and just flushe it down the toilet. that also extends the life of the pad and or pullup. it is a balancing act. for feces, you’d think that’d be a worse problem. but its not. that is usually a problem in the mornign on my way to work. i’m running out of time to edit. i’ll continue in another post.
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