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continuing: for feces, instead of a pad, i have wipes - dry wipes that are fairly large unfolded sorry i don’t remembet the brand name but they are available on line in a case of 600 i think. using one or two i place them in the pullup when they are half way pulled up and carefully pull the pullup the rest of the way and make sure the wipe/wipes are still neatly flat and fully covering the entire necessary area of the interior of the pullup. that way the whole mess can be neatly lifted out of still clean pullups once i’ve gotten to work. then flush it away. you have to make sure to not stuff the toilet. flush several times, break up tear up solid matter etc. if this procedure isn’t clear, please feel free to ask and i will explain better. but its just been in the past few months that i’ve been finessing this to an art! it is still nothing great. and for loose stool, it is hit or miss. but mostly i do it this way because i just can’t do the bundle up thing. can’t won’t don’t. thats me. this is life.
I'm new to this site as well. I'm a 42 year old widowed woman suffering from severe overactive bladder and many digestive problems as well. I feel like throwing my hands up and giving up. I desperately am seeking treatment to help me feel better.

Hello and welcome here. The fact you've joined us tells the group you will NOT accept 'giving up'. You may still want to 'throw up your hands', and that's ok. Hang with us for a while and just see what comes of your associations in this group. You are worth it and we are, too.

Pause a moment -- take note that you are among many others joining here who have felt the same way. This group can help you find a 'sense of place' where you can share and learn, all the while giving you the assurance that you are NOT alone.

Many of us have not decided to give up or give in. Instead, we manage our situation and accept new ways to carry on with work, family, friends and LIFE itself. I think joining and engaging this forum can help you find your way to a better outlook.

Do not feel out of place if you want to vent. In other posts, you'll note we also do that; often taking away a feeling of member support along with helpful suggestions in the process.

Please do avail yourself of the 'good company' present. We have ideas, information, compassion and we live it, too. Yes, we 'get it'.

I just joined this forum to learn more about bladder issues and health. I have had issues of frequent urination, urge and exercise leakage, and nocturia (nighttime urination) for at least 10 years. I have been on the medication Trospium CL 60 MG ER for the past 5 years, and before that I was on Sanctura. (Trospium is the generic for Sanctura.) This med helps quite a bit to manage the issues. However, it recently went on "back order" at all the pharmacies in town and also the CVS mail order pharmacy. It is supposed to be back in stock in May, but I just wonder what's going on. I contacted the manufacturer and they would only tell me that its on back order and they will keep me informed.

It is quite disturbing to all of a sudden not be able to get my med that works. I am looking into alternatives, and the one that seems the best is Detrol - now generic Tolterodine ER. The ER - extended release - works for me with the Trospium so I want to stay with an ER form. ER is reported to have fewer side effects. My only side effect on the Trospium has been a dry throat.

If anyone has experience with using Tolterodine or any knowledge about what's going on with Trospium shortage, I would much appreciate your feedback.

I am also signed up for physical therapy to do Kegel and other pelvic floor exercises to help with my condition. Would love to hear from others about whether this has helped.
Hello all,

I am glad I found this forum. A bit about me...

I am 36 and a fairly active person. We travel a ton and I enjoy hiking. I have had 4 kiddos in 6 years - all vaginal deliveries - my last child came in August of 2016. I am overweight by about 40 pounds, though I am on a downward trajectory weight-wise. I am trying intermittent fasting and it works both with my schedule and personality.

Anyway, I had a significant hemorrhoid removed May of 2017. The procedure went smoothly and I have had no reoccurrence. Though, I do sometimes feel like I can't empty myself when I poop.

But, over the past few months, I have noticed with some bowel movements, a feeling of bulging pressure in my vagina. It felt like something was coming out of it - though I could see nothing. Today I stuck my hand down there while pooping (gosh, I cannot believe I typed that), stuck my finger in my vagina, and felt a golf-balled sized bulge on the back wall of my vagina pushing into the birth canal. That was quite a shock!

So of course I Googled this all. I believe I have a rectocele. There is no pain and no leaking (thank goodness). Here's my concern...if I eat more fiber, lose weight, don't strain while pooping, is it best to manage it this way or should one automatically do the surgery route to correct it.

As a side note, I am generally opposed to surgery as a first course of action, but I worry that being an active person, this will only get worse and had I just opted for surgery to begin with, I would have been better off.

I know this is long. TIA for thoughtful responses. I am sitting here crying...why me?!?
Hi Newbie to thread. I'm 81 yoa.

I've had Urge Incontinence for approx. 5 months. YUK!

My Uro put me on 2 difference meds to treat OAB. Neither has helped
Currently undergoing 12 weeks of PTNS treatments. Had 3 treatments
so far.

The PTNS treatments are supposed help reduce or stop the bladder
from voiding itself. I use Depend Guard men's Pad inside an adult

If the 12 weeks of PTNS treatments do not give me some relief,
I will consider surgery. Has anyone had the
Sacral nerve stimulation? If yes, did it fix your OAB problem.

Thanks for any replies.
I am a 79 year old women. I have been suffering with chronic bladder infection for about 10 months. My urologist has prescribed many different anti-biodicts. So far, nothing has helped. I'd like to try an Herbal supplement. Does any have any experience with herbals. thanks
I am a 51 year old man that had severe urge incontinence. I failed every drug on the market, probably because my urgency is neurologically mediated. We finally moved on to sacral nerve stimulation and it has been a God Send. It took some programming manipulation to achieve results but once we hit the right programming I have been comfortably in "dry dock" ever since. I have had the device for 18 months and haven't had a soaking in over a year. I would seriously consider it!
Howdy dougsbc, your post regarding SNS is music to me ears.

I am in my 3rd week of a 12 week PTNS treatment plan. If this
treatment does not at least slow down my Urge Incontinence, I was
seriously considering having SNS. However, recently I read a very
detailed description of what takes place during this surgery. After reading about the surgery I began to have second thoughts.

But now I read a post from someone who has had the surgery done,
and that it has helped you "dry out". I'm am starting to feel a bit less apprehensive about having this surgery if needed. BTW, have you experienced any negative or serious Post-Op side effects?

Thanks for sharing.
It worked for me. the only reason I did not continue the treatment was cost. It was insanely expensive on my insurance, and my acupuncturist was doing something similar. He could place the needles in spots that seemed to have the same effect. I know others on here have said it did not work for them, but it worked for me. The acupuncture was also effective and less expensive.
I felt a difference after two treatments, but in all fairness I had been having the acupuncture before the treatment, so it may have helped me have results sooner.
Good luck.
Hello @Mommy24 I recently had my first baby and I still have not healed from my third degree tear. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Mom life is rough. I noticed you posted this a couple of months ago, but I hope everything has worked out.
Hi, I am Madge.
I am in my 60's. I am inrelatively good health accept for continence. I have 3 kids. I had my first child at age of 24. I started with lite bladder incontinence after the birth of my second daughter at age of 34. My incontinence got drasticly worse after my 3rd daughter at age of 42. 3 years after birth of my 3rd daughter, I fell off a ladder and ijured my spine at my lumbar 2 and 3 vertabrae. This injury caused my bladder incontinence to be come stress/urge type bladder incontinence and to have severe bowel incontinence. I basicly have very little to no control at all of my bladder and/or bowels.
Hello 2530Sam
I suffered a 4th degree tear at delivery 34 years ago and still suffer badly from the tear with bowel incontinence. I have had 3 surgeries and now have an interstem device implanted to stimulate the anal nerves to help control my incontinence...sometimes still have accidents!
Take good care of yourself now while your healing is new. I sincerely hope things go much better for you than they did for me!
hi all ;) i'm andrea from italy ;) i live close to venice on the nord est. i suffer too of incontince from when i was born the doctor say is some about the spinal cord that not deliver the impulse... happy to be part of this community
Has anyone tried men’s liberty ? Saw advertisements on tv and it is covered 80% on Medicare. Wondering if it’s worth a try.
I am a 43 year old male. I have never had any bed wetting or incontenence issues ever in my life. About 2 years ago I slowly started setting my bed. I was and am mortified. I of course went to my doctor who ran every test imaginable to include blood work, MRI and a finger in the but a few times. Everything came back normal. She treated me like I was full of shit and told me there was nothing wrong and suggested I see a physciatrist. It started as 1 or 2 times a week and has evolved into anout 5 to 6 nights a week. Only at night. Never during the day. I have had to resort to wearing diapers at night like an infant. I limit my fluids and get up ever few hrs to pee at night and still usually end up in a flooded diaper. I am a 43 year old health man. Why is this happening to me? Any help would be great.
Hello people!!! I'm late doing this but better late than never! My name is Steven. I'm 37 and 3/4 years old. I've been married since 1998. (17 yrs old). My wife is my first kiss and first EVERYTHING ELSE. He he. I have 4 boys. 13, 17, 17 and 20. I'm a special education teacher. I was in the ARMY from 1998 to 2006. medic for 2 years and military police for 4-1/2 years. Rest of time was hospital, rehab and medical out processing unit. I left following a gunshot wound in my abdomen and vehicle crash at same time. Broke my back in 4 places. Ruptured spleen, gal bladder removed, stomach ripped off my esophagus, a foot or so of large intestine removed, and bladder damaged. I've been urinary and bowel incontinent since. On April 20th 2018, I had lumbar surgery. 2 weeks later my Dural sack tore and my spinal fluid drained out. I got an infection involving strep b and flesh eating in cord. Got choppered to hospital in Seattle with a 106° fever, and went temporarily paralyzed. 3 surgeries in 8 days with 5 weeks in hospital. (Pics of it posted). So this is some of me. Thanks for reading!!! 😎
Am Bryte from Ghana, 32. I have been battling enuresis since birth. All efforts to eradicate this embarrassing condition have proved futile.
Please, kindly help me.

Welcome and feel welcomed. I have been dealing with bedwetting (enuresis) since my teens. It is a burden but one that we need to accept as beyond our control. Work towards a solution for sure, but know it is a journey. I wish you well in your journey and offer my friendship to you.
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