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I'm new here and this will be my very first post. This is very new to me. I have always had to use the bathroom more than other people, but I just ignored it. I'm 24 and about a year ago I started to get worse. I didn't want to take vacations or go anywhere. I just wanted to stay home because it was so embarrassing to have to use the bathroom so much. I had went to the doctors numerous times to figure out what the issue was. I was told it was in my head and that it was infections every time. Well now it started this last week to get very worse. I can't even go to work because it's so hard. I have the feeling of having to pee 24/7. I can urinate every 5 minutes and I still have the horribly, uncomfortable feeling of having to use the bathroom. The doctor's are once again saying I have an infection, but they haven't actually gotten the test results back. I should state also that every time they said i had an infection it came back negative. At this point, it is getting ridiculous how many antibiotics I am taking. I just want the constant feeling of having to pee to go away. I wish I could go back to work and never have to worry about this again. I plan to speak to my doctor again and get in touch with a urologist, but with the weekend and work coming in a day, I need a fix like now. I just need relief. I don't expect anyone here to have answers- mostly just need to vent. Of course if anyone does have any suggestions that has experience with this I would love any feedback or tips/tricks.

As you suspected I don't have any answers for you. My issue is with bedwetting. But glad you found this site. Best advise I can give it know that you are not alone in bladder issues. The solution, well that is for you and your doctors to figure out, but we are here to help and support you through the process.

Thought no day issues myself, I can feel your struggle with what you have described. It must be frustrating and causing great anxiety for you. As a suggesting maybe wearing protection like an adult pull-ups (Depends Real Fits like)might help ease your anxiety some.
I may have an answer for you but, first, start using liners/pads in your briefs to help you get half your life back. You need some confidence that you can get through the day...or how's about through the hour. Manage the leakage, then we talk about a real fix. Trust me, you are not producing any more urine, whether you void once every four hours or every four minutes. You most likely do have an incontinence issue, but also may be unlucky enough to be more sensitive than many regarding urge incontinence.

That being said, my partner and I just last week, 11/9/18, filed for international patent protection for our external silicone device, which may be worn all day and/or all night. At least one of our volunteer testers has chosen to bypass artificial urinary sphincter surgery (AUS)at Mayo Clinic and instead will continue to use our product called Relax for Men. Functionally, it is a management system, because one should also wear a liner in the briefs for those stress leakage moments. That's the trade-off for the comfort and convenience factors. I have more info for you, if interested. (now, go shopping) Duane
OH JEEPS! I am so sorry that you are going thru this! I've been there with incontinence, but I have never had a nurse or doctor make me feel uncomfortable. I have severe IBS/D, and it took me away from my job as a HS Choral/Drama teacher. We live about 3 blocks from the HS, and I have gone home many time to clean myself up, get in the shower, and go back to my students. They knew about my issues, and my husband was the Band Director, so I would take meds, and go back to my classes. I quit eating hardly anything, so between the IBS/D and the extreme weight loss, I finally ended up in the hospital, which was not good==end of my teaching days. I had to go on disability. But, I have the best GI team of doctors that work together. I do think that it makes a difference when you have such a team knowing how your system works;I have been on disability for over 30 years because of my group of doctors. I stay at home more than the average due to the IBS/D, but I know I am a "For-Life IBSer". It's just the way it is! I can go on, because I know that is is not taking me yet...I will go on because I have so much more than what I "lost".
I am a newby here. Following surgery I am currently incontinent, leaking urine 24/7.

I am trying to use condom type devices on my penis to collect the urine into a leg bag. My problem is that the adhesive end of the condom part needs to be slipped over the end of my 'member'. I find this very difficult, the adhesive inside catches on my foreskin, so I can't roll it on properly.
I would very much like to hear from owners of long foreskins who manage to fit these devices successfully.

Any help gratefully received.
Welcome. I was a CNA among other things. I had a client with similar issues. He wrapped a piece of wax paper around his penis like a tube. Then rolled the condom catheter up it. Then he pulled the wax tube out towards himself leaving the Cath around his penis. Then took off the wax paper. Hope it helps.
Hi everyone I am new here. My name is Steve I am profoundly incontinent due to diabetic related problems and wear nappies or large incontinene pads 24/7. I wet the bed every night and have very little bladder control during the day. I have learned to live with this and just get on with life. I am very lucky to have the support of my wife who doesn't see it as a big problem.
jjpeco said:
Very new here I am an exhausted mother! My daughter is 16 and for 16 years we have struggled with nocturnal enuresis! We have seen several urologist, she has received chiropractic treatments and multiple occasions, an array of alarms, we have gotten up in the middle of the night, she has set personal alarms. She is currently on birth control trying to regulate her cycle hoping that will help. She has went for a month or two at a time but it always returns. Unfortunately we can tell that it is killing her self-confidence. She is not overweight, she does not live a high stress life (she has 2 loving parents, modest home, not spoiled, but she doesn't do without much). I ordered sleep pants from overseas and those were nice for a couple of years because she they looked like sweats but had a built in "diaper" and were washable. But they are too tight and honestly take days to dry after washing. she refuses to wear a diaper cause that just sets her into a downward spiral of emotions. Every Doctor has told her with a smile. You will grow out of it. She leaves for college in less than 2 years. She will hardly travel or stay out alone for fear of an issue. This mom is broken hearted that I can't help her find answers and resolve this or find a way to live with it.
Seriously do Doctors still say that "You will grow out of it" I was a chronic nightly wetter growing up and that's what they always told my mother but that was nearly 45 years ago.I did eventually grow out of it but was almost 22 before I was reliably dry at night.
hi Jjpeco, can you take a pair of the sweat pant to tailor and have new ones made, provide the appropriate diaper parts to the tailor, if that is all your daughter will tolerate right now?
Since you have tried many professional people (i personally am disappointed in the casual attitude of medical people, their attitude of indifference is belittling), perhaps prepare your own mind that like dyslexia or aolopecia for example, your daughter has a condition she will have to cope with for the foreseeable future.
i couldn't see for beans as a child but refused to wear glasses for instance even though it affected my apparent intelligence since i couldn't see the blackboard.
Armed with this idea, acceptso, your daughter cant go to a sleepover. she cant go to a sleep away collegein a multi bed dorm room at least at this time as you are living it, as you know it. Like many people she is affected by a condition that does not allow for certain lifestyle choices right now. But, armed with the caring family she can live a good life and grow to her full potential. As time goes by we learn every single person we meet has an achilles heel, often one they are ashamed of. Teen girls are particularly so as their body does everything from sprout hair to shape shifting body parts and monthlies.
A good friend of mine is turning 70 and bemoans she did not apreciate how beautiful she was when she was young. I say, then do it TODAY! You apreciate the YOUNESS of YOU, there is no time like the present to get on with the business of living fully.
i am glad to know you are a good caring Mom. i would have gladly traded my urinary continence for a proactive parent when i had terrible issues (rape at 16). Do, go YOU, Wonderful Mom!
NAFC said:
Hello! Welcome to the NAFC Message Boards. We are so glad you're here.

If you're new here (or even if you're not) take some time to introduce yourself to the group! Tell us what brings you here, what you're going through, and your experience - chances are that someone here has experienced something similar and may be able to provide some advice, or at the very least, a kind ear.

Thank you for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you!
Hello. My name is Randy. I had turp surgery 2 weeks ago and now I have ui. It is not bad at night or when sitting. When I move around I leak pretty good. Having a hard time dealing with this. It is very depressing. Not sure in 2 weeks when I go back to work how it will go. I just order disposal underwear but afraid at work I will leak so much it will come thru. Any help is really appreciated
I've posted before, but will point out that an external device will help you significantly. Most out there have caveats; the one I use is of soft silicone and can be worn all day (or night) without removal. If such a device suits you, I can provide info. duane
Hi Randy, i suggest put a womans thinnish incontinence or menstrual type pad attached to your disposable underwear on the inner thigh, absorbant side facing skin. like wing extensions from the underwear.(available in any grocery store CVS etc, no one will question your purchase).
then put a pair of snug fitting mens boxer briefs over that to hold wings in place and smooth it all down.
Wear the darkest heavy strength blue jeans you can or dark colored trousers because dark color is the last defense against any leaks if they make it through the other pieces. Bring an extra set of jeans but a couple or 3 womens wing pieces and disposable underwear in a shoulder or duffle bag if you need to refresh clothing during shift. Also a packet of wet wipes to clean up for freshness.
Limit your liquid in the morning and at work.
Give this all a test run in the days before going back to work.
Im not a man, im just a woman who thought of this taking a nap wishes, it gets easier, it does, with a little life prep.
it also helps to remember that every single person you meet has phyiscal difficulties we dont know about, just like this.
Randy of necessary get a doctirs note that simply tells you employer you might need to take unscheduled breaks for a medical xindition.
ok, Im over and out!
Chemo/ChemoTherapy anyone?
Had Chemo in 2003 (Prostate). That cancer started my incontinence
I am facing the idea of Chemo again for a different cancer. Any hospital time is bad. For me, a catheter just makes things worse, later. No idea if there are some "chemicals" to avoid, or at least know about? Is there any choice? Is there a source where you can look it up?
Anyone have any experience or advice?
I can't find a search engine on here that works, so if there is a thread, i'm not going through 10 or 100 pages to find it individually.
I think i have time to research this, maybe until next May (2019).
Take every supplement you can to build up your immune system. Go in as healthy as possible and stay as healthy as possible. Like a hose pouring into a bucket with holes. Just keep the water level up. Don't let it go dry.
AlasSouth, I'm eight years past surgery and moderately incontinent. Last month filed for patent protection for a device, of soft silicone, that is worn externally all day (all night). Does not require removal or adjustment to urinate, though a back-up pad is needed for stress moments. If interested,I'm at
Hello, Just dropping a quick introduction, 32yr old male and have been dealing with overactive bladder and bedwetting for 4yrs. Tried various medication solutions and nothing helped so currently managing with diapers and working through this all.
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