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Hi everyone, I am 64 yrs old, male. For me, incontinence started when I was around 50 and diagnosed with BPH. I had trouble peeing and would dribble afterwards or when exercising. However, when I was 60 the diagnosis was changed to prostate cancer and I had an open unilateral nerve sparing radical prostatectomy. They got the cancer and I've been cancer free for almost 4 years. On the other hand, I was left moderately incontinent and kegels didn't help. I use Depend Fit Flex during the day and Prevail Extended Use Briefs at night. This works quite well. I am not interested in surgical solutions, btw. I am a scientist and interested in photography and have a family.
Hi, I'm Jan. My 88 year old mom is incontinent and wets the bed multiple times a night. Need some product recommendations to keep her dry at night (need to wash her top sheet, and her pjs daily and sometimes change pjs several times at night). She wears an adult diaper, but its obviously leaking. Thinking about getting a plastic pant to go over the diaper....would love some recommendations...both on diapers for overnight as well as additional products to prevent leakage. Also would like to know where I can get the best deals on products. Thanks for your help.
Hi Jan, sorry for your troubles. There are lots of products out there, I e tried most of them and have found confidry 24/7’s are by far the best out there!! Northshore also makes good products too. I would try the confidry first to make sure she and you get a good night sleep!! I buy these from xp medical, free shipping!!!! You’ve come to the right place for advice though, lots of good people here who e been through it all!! Best of luck to you and your Mom!!
Hi, I'm Rita, I have been dealing with incontinence for about 2 years. I am retired now it has really affected my life. I can't go anywhere if I'm not sure there is a bathroom near. I had planned to get a part-time job and volunteer but this is just one more impediment. I have tried Myrbetriq and another medicine which only helped a little, but which I can't afford anyway. A few months ago I had an Interstim implanted which has not worked so far either. I am getting very discouraged. I hope to talk to others who have had the Interstim. Thanks. It's nice to know you aren't alone in this.
Hi Rita, it’s no fun being in your shoes but remember it isn’t a death sentence it’s just a change!! There are soooooo many of us dealing with IC now a days that it almost seems to be the norm at some point in our lives, not to say quit trying to fix it just saying there are lots and lots of options to help us deal with it. I’ve been Incontinent since 2011, I’m 45 years old now and yes I HOPE and pray for a cure for this issue but I’m done trying new drugs or even entertaining the thought of surgery until something is a 100% guaranteed fix!! So I use adult diapers to help get me through and keep me dry. Like many of us with any issue yes it gets depressing at times but then I reach out to these wonderful people on this board or at home and they all help me work through it!! Just remember, this doesn’t define you it’s simply a change in life!! Best of luck and keep in touch!!
Hi Rita, it happens to more women than we talk about amongst ourselves but back when i had cable tv ads for depends were rampant.
You may need to adjust your thinking just like when you were younger and getting menstruation was a huge hassle.
I suggest you look at your wardrobe and find dark easy to pull down pants if you dont have them buy two at a time. you might want to get a slimming spanx type underwear (sold at places like Walmart ) in a size or two larger than you would wear and put over either depends or a thick maxi pad(regular women's panties move around too much, the stretchy girdle will hold your disposable briefs or pads in place) . easy to pull down in a public toilet. you might want a flexible funnel like Go Girl (try Amazon) to be able to void urine quickly standing up at the toilet.
Carry wet wipes to clean yourself in the toilet stall.
carry extra maxi pads, the go girl and spare pants in your large handbag. (i buy 2 pairs of identical light weight dark colored pants so i can change in a public toilet if the one im wearing is damp). Bring ziplock or plastic bag for damp trousers to take home to wash.
Wear loose fitting tunics or shirts and/or tie a sweater around your waist to hide a leak if need be.
My point is plan ahead, pack a kit in a good size handbag, and you will be reasonably prepared for your activities.
As women we have had to deal with messy inconvienient bodies since we were 12. YOU GOT THIS!
another thought for the ladies, wear a statement necklace (draws the eye to your face and decollete away from a blandly dressed crotch area) and patterned skirts and flowy dresses to hide any possible "evidence" if you are a lady who likes to dress!
Be proud to be beautiful as you get older, that will be your signature, your dignity,not the watery changes.
I’m Lee (f) and I’m 62. I’ve apparently had some level of urinary issues most of my life, because in elementary school, a teacher wondered if I had a small bladder because I had to go to the bathroom so often. I was not a bed wetter, however.

Thirty years ago I had a very bad accident and a broken pelvis. I had stress incontinence after that and was mortified. Oh, if only I knew then how bad it would get! I saw several urologists for testing and they were unimpressed.

Almost twenty years ago, I had an illness that caused a lot of coughing for several months. At that time, I started having nighttime incontinence at times and had to wear a pad during the day. More urologists. No answers. Continued worsening.

It got to the point where I *could* get up at night to pee, but I would leak the whole way, so I began protecting the bed and trained myself to sleep through it. No night clothes reduced the laundry.

I’ve tried all the drugs. I tried the interstim (twice). Most recently, I have had several years of Botox to the bladder that worked like a charm until a year or two ago.

I am currently using pull ups with multiple booster pads. I have Medicaid, so I am stuck with what they will pay for. I protect the bed with washable pads.

Most recently, I have had to start taking Lasix for heart issues (removes fluid from the system via pee). Here’s a silver lining for you - usually one takes it in the morning and they run to the bathroom constantly for six hours. Hey, I wet the bed anyway! Might as well take it at night, when it will be less bothersome.

I have also learned to use a Foley catheter on myself so I can travel a bit without always worrying about soiling other people’s beds.

I feel like I am out of options. I wonder if there are any new treatments being used by docs in bigger cities? I do go to a university teaching hospital so I think that’s probably not likely.

Hi and welcome, Lee.
Since you mentioned Lasix, I can relate and take it for the same reasons as you mention.

I know a few who have gone the Botox route, only to find it eventually becomes less and less

If you see a urologist at a University Teaching hospital, you probably have access to the most
current treatments. I have the same access and it seem no treatments would be all that effective
in my situation.

Diapers, booster pads, bed mats, mattress covers, diaper covers, etc. All that is what makes up
my daily and nightly protection routine.
thank you Andy1050. it is quite disheartening that all these medical proceedures and medicines do not yield a good result from what i read on the forum. why should we torture ourselves with operations or side effects from expensive medication I wonder?
I havent heard of a long term success story yet.
Nothing against any one reporting here, just mad that medicine seems like quackery.
I couldn’t agree more maymay and Andy, I have learned to live with IC and deal with the leaks on a protection base rather than suffer side effects of drugs and operations that aren’t 100% effective!! It’s so frustrating that we have all this technology in the world but no cures for cancer, MS, MD, IC, etc etc.... There are allot worse things out there to deal with than having to wear absorbent products to stay dry, that’s just my two cents(usually not worth even that 🤪)
i will pay you double your 2 cents for your good comment petejc and extend the same to Andy1050!
We are apparently mariners cast at sea all in the same life boat, regardless of what ocean liner, tug boat or freighter we sailed in on!
The message in my note above is that my leakage is substantially controlled, when using a silicone sleeve device that is comfortable for extended use. You do have a choice in managing your leakage, I must repeat. Fynlee
Hello, Im a 44 year old fella that has dealt with urinary inc since I was 20 due to cancer treatment. Ive had surgery to correct it and it did help but not like I had hoped(I was 26 then). I have managed to start several businesses which I still have one and I have traveled to other countries. I now shop for my supplies online and this has been a big help for me as buying them in stores has always been embarrassing. The underwear designs are also helpfull as I usually do have girlfriends. The one I have now doesnt ever comment about it or seem to even notice. Not sure If I did this introduction correctly. Happy New Year all
Ruhappy, thank you for the introduction. While long term incontinence has been a challenge for you to face, I like hearing from those who've dealt with this for a long time. What perspective can you offer? Also, do you handle this solely through absorbent products? Your favorites? Happy New Year!
I use different clamping devices from time to time but I mostly use absorbant products. I used to try different medications but I dine like to take any meds that I absolutely dont have to take, Im afraid of long term effects that they may have. I have been using Depend products for several years now. Not because they perform the best but seem to be the best for the price and I do like that they look more like mens underwear. They sure didnt when I got into this condition and as a young man I was very self conscience about it. Threw the years I have tried many brands, store brands and some more expensive brands that work well but are too expensive for me for wveryday use.
i wish i knew historically what number of the human population in western countries had incontinence before say, World War 2 and the present. How did they COPE pre WW2? What number of the population increased with incontinence after say, 1950?
There is definitely a huge awareness rise in the need for things like Depends, every grocery and Walgreens has them. The popular culture of today is reflected in advertising and tv and even on line or paper magazines trumpets on about dusposable incontinence products. My grocery store has over the counter pumpkin seed extract pills for the problem(dont waste your money, i did it for you).
maybe the success of medical intervention or operations on people who had severe accidents is part of this, or military folk who were exposed to danger and or chemicals plays into this. i know for women its often related to a sagging internal support system of muscles after having had children.
My point us, what are the past and current statistics, is incontinence or the rise in western culture, if so why?

I think there are many of 'us', MayMay941. But, so few speak and identify themselves in forums such as this.

There are a few instances from my college days when I was made aware of people living with incontinence, long before it affected me, however.
Has anyone found a cost-effective source for adult diapers? Would like to keep costs below $2.00 per diaper if possible. Most of the really absorbent ones seem to run $2.00 or more...
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