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I will even go further to explain. She was not nurtured probably from a very very young age if in foster care. If NON abusive or neglectful parents consider sticking a child in. A pastic seat to lug them around in public eith a plastic pacifier to shut their mouth a neglectful parent could have not given her the warmth a child needs to learn how their body works.
Sit near her on the sofa when she is watching tv. Move closer and put tyour arm around when she is relaxed with your proximity. Put a blanket around her, let her learn to cuddle. Basically her emotionsl intelligence is not her actual age and she is not able to control bodily functions if she is disassociated from her body. Regression, expression of anger through tantrums etc is understandable. But i always say, it it not acceptable to hit or be mean to the mommy figure. Then the intelligence of the afe should be encouraged to find words to say what and why something distresses her.
If she can learn to feel her body and its functions she might be able to learn to control its excretions.
Do you think she might be introduced or lured into reading this forum? Find a really pertinent thread for her introduction - or just Maymay941's humor. Read it together? High School bullies are bad enough. Give them this topic and it could get toxic for her. Thanks for being a Foster Parent who cares.
Hello all my Name is Thomas and I have been dealing with night time incontinence issues for almost nineteen years. I am 34 year old and have learned to live with the fact that my system does not work the way it should. To top it all off in December of this year I ended up in the hospital for acute diverticulitis and I am have surgery to fix it new week. This week has been very stressful and I have been having small issue during the day due to the meds that that have me on. Thankfully I am a pro at handling this issue at this point.

Welcome here, Thomas and FYI: a number of us have become a 'pro' at handling our individual incontinence situations over the years,

To that extent, we also pay special attention to the 'amateurs' newly joining. We cast a broad net of support and information here.

Everyone benefits.
Hi, I'm new to posting on this board, but I have been reading some posts for the past few weeks. I've wondered what to say as well as a nickname for my posts - assuming that I can work up the nerve to write again. Since I have been following a few of your threads here, I figured that it was only polite to introduce myself and say hi. I'm a 71 year old lady and I live in a retirement home with many other old people who have the same problem. I was a bedwetter as a child up until I was 12. As a adolescent and adult I didn't have a problem but I was always conscious of the problem I had and I really never relaxed and lived in fear that I would embarrasse myself. I had a slight problem probably 15 or 20 years ago and went to a urologist. I had surgery to place a "sling" under the ureather which was supposed to help but I don't think that it did anything. It was distressing but manageable. Then in 2008 I got really sick and almost didn't make it. I was in the hospital for 3 or 4 months. I recovered but my right leg is messed up, with scars and skin grafts and one really big hole where a lot of tissue was removed. I walk with a walker but I didn't lose my leg and I'm walking again. During the time I was in the hospital, I had a Foley catheter most of the time. Since then I have been dealing with urge incontinence and it's a big problem. Even with the diapers I still soak those pretty regularly. I even wet my bed a few days ago. I've gotten ones that are supposed to be "max absorbance" or "overnight" and they do well most of the time. Maybe I should just say sometimes. Even when I start towards the bathroom thinking that maybe I should go, I'm in flood mode before I get there. Well, it's sure nice to talk to somebody else about the issue besides the cats. Any and all advice is welcome.
Glad to have you on board! Im sure the cats are glad you spoke up too!
Most of us have found it difficult to say this is what we are living with but if nothing else, its a relief you wont feel alone and just you sharing your bladder sling story or foley follies (sorry, but we have to laugh at what we cant fix sometimes) you are giving the rest of us perspective. Thank you for joining the ongoing discussion. Maybe some threads about the most sbsorbent heavy duty underwear will inspire you to live it up and try different brands. It is a good place to learn and be in good company. Welcome!

First time here. I am unsure of whether I have BPH, prostate cancer, or something else. I went to a urologist and had almost one gallon of urine drained from my swollen abdomen. I'm 66; no health issues until now really. I wore a foley cath for two weeks, then was "scoped" by the urologist who only said he saw nothing with the scope. That was Monday, today is Saturday. I've had to self cath twice since then; and probably will today too. I don't want to become dependent on that, but at this point, I can't find another option. The original retention of urine took up to a year to manifest as an extremely swelled abdomen, which was first thought to be a mass/tumor. A CT scan revealed that it was actually my bladder.
I don't know how to start urinating again thru my penis instead of the cath. I really think a good part of the problem is psychological. Anybody have any ideas/advice??


That is truly frustrating Mike and I am sure you are done with dealing with this issue!! But just be patient and I would try another Dr and see what they say, if your retaining that much urine there is an underlying issue that needs to be found and your current dr must not have enough knowledge in this area to help you.
Im so limited in my knowledge but running warm water over ones wrosts or just running a tinkling stream of facet water stimulates some people
Sorry Mike
I was in a horrendous accident 30 years ago. I was cathed for weeks, and when they took the cath out, I felt like I couldn’t remember how to urinate normally. I used meditation to relax enough to go normally. Like MayMay, this May be ridiculous in your situation, but’s it’s all I have! Find a meditation on line and try it. Worst case scenario you’ll have to cath but you’ll be calm all afternoon! Good luck!
Hey all,

Thanks for the input. Lee, what kind of meditation are you talking about? One specific for urinating? Or just general meditation? Could you give me an example?

And Pete, yes, the underlying issue could be prostate cancer closing off the urethra; but I refused to have a biopsy. I have a high PSA, 240, which led the urologist to believe it's PC. If it is, I will refuse the radiation or chemo, so why go through a biopsy is my logic.

Thanks so much to everyone.

Mike, listening to any guided meditation would do, where they help you relax. I would think you could find them on the internet, likely for free. The one I used so long ago was called “The Healing Waterfall”, although that may no longer be available. They talk you through relaxing your muscles systematically and... your bladder is a muscle, as well as your sphincter! They don’t specifically address the bladder, but through the process, that seems to help too! I sure hope it helps you like it helped me!
I am a 37 year old, us navy veteran. I have had some light urinary leakage issues for few years. The issues have been getting worse past couple of years. I have incontience during dat and night. Also retaining urine. Got one more test and ither then that my dic is not sure what is causing my issues. I am hear hopefully to find some support.
Welcome and Thank You for your service!! Incontinence isn’t always easy to diagnose so don’t be discouraged if your Dr can’t find the reason, but also do t stop there!! There are many many specialists that deal solely with incontinence and they can help find either a cure or a way to manage. There are also many many products out there to help manage incontinence too so if your not sure ask away and we will help where we can. Only you know how to best manage this for yourself so if the Dr.’s say something you don’t agree with speak up and make sure they know how you want to manage your incontinence. Best of luck and welcome!!
I only have bed wetting episodes while I’m dreaming. As soon as I start using it in the dream I jolt up and rush to the restroom. I’m not in continent at all during the day, nor do I have urges to go multiple times throughout the day. I usually have to pee 1-3 times before I get home to get ready for bed and then I pee once right before bed. My bed wetting is intermittent, I can go days with being dry and bed wet once and go several more days being dry. This has been happening for 6 years now and I believe it has gotten more frequent in the last 2 years versus before where I could go months and practically forget I had the issue of bed wetting. Now I can count on at least one episode a week. Sometimes when it happens during the dream I bed wet,wake up pee after just bed wetting and literally go right back to sleep and dream again and pee again to wake up and use the bathroom again. I don’t usually bedwet twice like that but somehow it does happen and mostly within an hour or two after the last episode. Can anyone relate? I am 28 years old and haven’t been diagnosed with anything.
Hi. New here. Im 37 yrs old and have been bladder incontinent for 9 yrs. I became this way from a near-fatal fentynol overdose that actually left me dead (no heartbeat and no pulse) for a few seconds-im not sure how long but couldnt have been too long because the cop who was the 1st responder said that i was making a "death rattle" as i exhaled my last breath when he entered the room. He gave me chest compressions until the paramedics arrived. Long story-short, when it was all over, i was incontinent and nobody could really tell me why..

I was an I.V. opiate user for over 10 yrs before the overdose and i was pretty heavily addicted. I was a junkie. And, for a lbout a year before the o.d., i had started to have some "accidents" here and there. Mostly at night but also some in the day. Usually when doing something physical-picking up boxes at work, and things like that. Sneezing, coughing..But, nothing like how i was after the o.d. And,those "accidents" only hapoened 5 or 6..maybe 7 or 8 times within a year/year & half time period..

I saw a doctor and he pretty much told me that i did this to myself and i was lucky to be alive, and all that type of stuff. Which, was understandable. But, he talked down to me so bad, it really messed me up. He made me an appt with a Urologist that was a month after. And, by the time that appt came around, i was so messed up over my condition-angry,depressed, embarrassed, plus so far gone on drugs, i never made it to that appt.
Its been 9 yrs now and i only ever saw 1 more doctor but that was while incarcerated and they did nothing. Just approved me the diapers and sent me on my way.
Now, im 37, been clean for 3 yrs now and ive decided that i dont want to spend the rest of my life in diapers if i cant help it. Its not so easy when im not numb and comatose all the time on dope..
I dont have insurance, have applied with the state twice-denied. Trying to apply again. I cant afford a doctors visit..
Im just curious, i have not ran into anyone else with my condition caused by an o.d. but i dont talk to a lot of ppl. Ive only been being vocal about this for a couple of months. I have talked to ppl that have some leaking or accidents that either are still or former opiate users. Has anyone else ever heard of this? The 2nd doctor in the prison told me that i prob had a mix of urge n stress incontinence but maybe had some nerve damage or neurological or something else he said, i cant remember, caused by the o.d. and being unconscious like i was..Im wondering if it is some tupe of nerve damage or neurological, then it prob cant be fixed, right?
Thanks, ladies n gentlemen..This is very hard for me. I battle so badly with this and i dont think im winning. Mentally, i mean..
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