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Welcome to the forum. My problems came about as a result of nerve damage through surgery. Someone else might know if the problems you describe can be caused by an OD. Talking about it is certainly a good step to take, so well done on opening up, cheers Phil
Thank you for responding to me..yea, talking about it is just murder for me..i feel like im about to have an anxiety attack RIGHT NOW. Ive spent so long and so much effort into trying to keep it hidden, it just seems..wrong to just come out and say it like this..Its easy now bc its online and theres a delay in the communication. But its good practice..Prepare me for telling ppl while in their presense. Or just getting to where i can admit its reality..ive not really been able to do that much bc of drugs and my stubborn determination..i have had girlfriends that ive been able to be open with it but i always felt weird about it in front of them..And some of them ended up using it against me in the end jus like i knew they would!
..Now, since ive been clean, ive had reality checks that i cant run from. Ive been forced to face it publicly..Ppl have asked me or confronted me or questioned me and stared at me rudely lol And all i could do was to embrace it. Own it. Keep moving forward with it! Its hard at times but very doable!
Sorry to hear how this happened to you..Were you fairly young at the time?
Yes, I agree that online is a good way to get started with telling people. Feel free to message me. I had prostate surgery at 53 and bladder surgery at 54, the combination of the two mean that I have little control, Phil
Thanks, i apreciate it. I really do. Its comforting to see so many other men who have the same problem as me but they are all open and casual with it here. Its not stiff and awkward...Thanks man..
Hi. I am new. I am 67 yo. My problem started with a UTI a couple of months ago. I had not had a UTI for over 35 yrs. It was treated. I have been experiencing incontinence since the onset though. I told my MD during a recheck visit. She ordered a stronger antibiotic although new culture came back negative. The incontinence now seems worse especially when I walk my dogs. I have walked them almost daily for a decade without a problem until the UTI issues arose. I have been reading the posts and the articles. I am thankful to have found this board.
Welcome Milly, incontinence is frustrating but not the end of life as we know it!! While trying to find the cause just remember you are the only one that needs to be satisfied with the diagnosis and ways to manage this. You may end up going to 2-3 different Dr’s as well for another opinion but try not to get discouraged by it, as it will most likely take some time to find a solution your comfortable with. My UI was caused by an accident and nerve damage and is irreversible so I’ve found that absorbent products are the best way for me to manage. There are lots of really good products out today to help us manage leaks that aren’t noticeable and honestly I forget I’m wearing one most days!! So my advice is keep asking questions on products and ways to manage!! You are the only one who knows how you want to manage your incontinence and don’t let anyone brush you off!! Best of luck and Welcome!!
Welcome Milly. Yes, this is a very welcoming and respectful group of people, all suffering from the same problem. I don't know anything about UIs causing incontinence (other than knowing it happens) so I probably wouldn't have any knowledge to offer you. I have been this way for 9 years and have a lot of life experience, living with this problem. So, if i can help in any way, i would be happy to.. Hopefully your incontinence doesn't get any worse and hopefully you can find help from a doctor/urologist and get some type of relief..
Hello, everyone! I'm new here. I'm a 30y/o female in the US. I've been recently diagnosed with overactive bladder. I had laparoscopic GYN surgery in January, and it was after that that my trouble started. I thought I had a UTI due to how often I was using the restroom, but after multiple tests and rounds of antibiotics, my doctor finally said he thought I had something else going on. My symptoms included: using the restroom up to 15 times a day and up to 5-8 at night; feeling like my bladder was full when it wasn't; bladder leakage. We trialled a couple of weeks of Detrol LA, which pretty much solved all my problems with zero side effects (magical!) and called it a day. Doc said my bladder might have been inflamed from my GYN surgery and we would just stay on the Detrol for a while and then try to come off of it. That was in mid-February. Fast forward to March 20th... my hysterectomy. We all thought this would cure my OAB as it can be secondary to adenomyosis of the uterus. I wasn't eager to find out, so I stayed on the Detrol after surgery. Things have been going fine and I was even thinking of trying to go off the Detrol when, a few days ago (about 5 weeks post-op), all my symptoms suddenly recurred! Well, I'm certainly not going off the meds now and have just had my doctor call in the higher dosage of the Detrol LA to try. I do suspect I may have interstitial cystitis (IC), as I seem to have pain on my worst bladder days, but we'll have to see how things are after I've completely healed from the hysterectomy.

Anyway, that's my story, as I sit here with (what feels like) a full bladder AGAIN, and a lovely Poise pad... isn't life just glamorous! Hope everyone is having a good day. :)
Welcome, Heather. I have interstitial cystitis. I’m a 37 year old guy. I began this journey at 32. You can PM me if you want to talk more about IC.
Welcome! Venting helps and we do it right here but also buts of new information such as that which you shared can help others too.
Here hoping things settle down.
Welcome, Heather. Don't know beans from Petrol LA; that's isn't the single drug I'm on for my issue, which isn't IC. Watch the threads here about your drug, your condition, and try the one on what food and drinks seem to worsen the symptoms. I've never had a full explanation why bladder pain suddenly rises sharply when i go from sitting or laying down, to standing. You don't make it clear if you are seeing a GP or a Urologist, but you certainly seem to be seeing quite a number. There may be other threads you should watch, so browse. You'll find some people to watch in particular, and there are some professionals, here. You can trade private messages, too. I and others have noticed a correspondence between having surgery and having a catheter, particularly if that cath is in longer. I've sworn off surgery for a while. Good luck!
This is the second time I have posted this because it looks like the first one didn't get through.
I am 72 years old and I lost bladder control from a wound in Viet Nam. The shrapnel hit me in either what you would call the lower stomach or upper groin area.It lodged in my spine between L4 and L5 and severed some nerves also. The infection from the torn intestines just about killed me and they were pouring antibiotics in me with fire hoses. The doctor that was treating me came and saw me before I was to be moved to a hospital in the states and he said he had just about written me off because the fever was so high for so long that most guys either die from it or suffer brain damage and I told him they wouldn't be able to tell I had brain damage because I always been half nuts anyway. He laughed and wished my good luck.One of the nerve bundles hit was the quada equine and those are the nerves that control the bladder.
When I found out I had no bladder control and was and was never going to get it back being young and male with the pride and ego typical of a young man I swore I would never use diapers. For the first year and a half I used a closed cath system But recatching every night I developed so much scare tissue in my urethra I got to where I couldn't take the pain and bleeding anymore because when the urine would hit that raw tissue after I took the Cath out it hurt so bad it would put me to my knees and when I got in the shower I would piss blood for five minutes straight so I had to go to the only choice left to me which was diapers. Because of the injury to my spine I can't sleep on my back or stomach I have to sleep on my side.
Well the first thing I found out was that sleeping on your side causes leaks when using disposable diapers. All of them I tried have the same flaw, they put all of the absorbent material right down the middle and none out in the wings. All you have on your sides is two thin plastic sheets and the urine just pours out in to your bed.I was getting so frustrated with it I was about to go crazy and my wife could see it. One night when I was getting ready to go to bed my wife came in to the bedroom and took two adult prefold cloth diapers and a pair of plastic pants out of the dresser. I asked her where she got them and she said she ordered them from a company in Canada. I told her it was embarrassing enough using disposables so I wanted nothing to do with them. She said whose going to see you and what do you have to lose by trying them. She was right and I knew she was never let up until I did try them. The next morning my bed was dry for the first time I could remember so I reluctantly admitting she was right and told her to order some more and ever since then I have been using disposables during the day and cloth diapers and plastic pants at night. So I guess what I'm saying is don't be afraid to try something new and don't marry a girl that is half Cherokee Indian and half German because they will win every time.
This is a valuable story! Thank you for coming on board because we learn a lot of good ideas from fresh insight!

Thank you for sharing your veteran status. To quote the Grateful Dead, what a long strange trip its been...
Yes she was and did every thing to support me with the incontinence. She hated the VA almost as much as I did for the lousy way they deal with you. I'm a 100% disabled from the wounds I suffered in Viet Nem and they did as little as they could for me. I reached a point where I wouldn't let a VA doctor take a sliver out of my finger. I use private insurance for all my medical needs. When you want an example of why a government agency doesn't work look at the va. I have several friends that are diabled vets also and they all feel the same way
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