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i agree Andy1050, i think its a real issue for many, modern incontinence. But I dont know if we've changed something in the equation of how we live, our diets? People surviving medical operations or having life saving ones with incontinence as a side effect surgeons dont mention? I had kids in cloth diapers in the early eighties, disposable was an expensive NEW product. I never saw or heard of people my grandparents age wearing a cloth OR disposable underpant. Tjat was a nirsing home discovery for me in 1975 as an aide. As a woman in my 40s i began to hear women my age feel the need to find a public restroom every hour or so on an outing but I was not so stricken so i wrote it off as that friend, then that friend and that one too just liked to pee and check their make up obsessively. I stood and waited for them.
so here we are, and i dont know if its a flat line stastic always been so or if something changed on our modern lifestyle.
On a similar note, we hear "celebrities" rushing to inform us of every bit if their bodily functions, 30 somethings who are mothers gaping their private parts in our faces on tv or social media, even chortling about "vaginal steaming" at the NY new years ball drop so thanks to the Kardashians etc im sure their incontinence stories are a click of the tv remote away.
Both my Mother and Grandmother suffered with incontinence in middle to old age so it wasn't unheard of in the 50's and 60's. What they used I don't know. My grandmothers bedroom reeked of stale urine so I guess she wet the bed a lot.
yes Steve i imagine since cloth diaper like products or plain old towellung was probably all that was available and doing laundry every day was not possible for many. those poor souls.
Me, I think it's manly to call them "Man" Pads and
"Adult" diapers. : )

Basically I see adult diapers as Ugly underwear that collects urine.But then I am 82 Yoa.
Hello guys,
New member here. Great to express our feelings and views about Incontinence
Have your heard anything about Acupuncture can ease symptoms OAB?•

Acupuncture. WebMD source: Acupuncture practitioners treat you using extremely thin, disposable needles. Research has suggested that acupuncture might help ease the symptoms of overactive bladder.
I do love acupuncture it’s helpful in many many ways but I e honestly never even thought of it helping my UI. It’s definitely worth a try
I couldn't find the post so I took the liberty of telling everyone to look at this idea. We get so many threads that get buried but I think those with children who bed wet or young people who are struck with incontinence that isn't attributed to a known cause by their doctor might find help and hope from your idea.
Please report back if you try it! Welcome aboard!
Acupunture worked wonders for me. I do start to suffer when I do not keep semi regular appointments. When I first started he treated me in the front and back, and it took about 6 weeks to get it under control. I highly recommend it.
Thank you for introducing yourself with a positive and possible lead.
From what i know the practioners ability might vary and it takes more than one treatment to be effective but its known to help many.
Glad to have your input here!
Hi, everyone. Rob here. Have suffered from IBS-D for the past few years with usual methods to circumvent but with not much help. Having the need to wear adult diapers in my 30's isn't much fun at all but with luck I'll be able to get out of them again, ha! Try to stay positive about it... On here to see other folks with maybe the same issues and to learn and hopefully meet others locally here in Alabama. Thanks for letting me join.
Hi everyone. I'm don't suffer from incontinence but my 13 year-old foster daughter does. Looking for any tips/suggestions to help her out.

Background - Much of this I only know from reading the file that was given to me when she moved into my home. Her issues began as nighttime bedwetting and has now evolved into both night wetting and daytime urge incontinence. Several urologists have seen her and some just called her lazy, others said it was psychological, and some said it was overactive bladder. They gave her a few different meds - none seemed to change anything. They suggested she wear an alarm - she removes it halfway through the night (every night) so even if were a possible effective item, I'm not sure she would keep it on. She uses adult diapers to sleep.

It was suggested we see a neurologist, so we have that appointment at the end of the month. At some point she was treated for constipation, but there's nothing else listed about that. She claims she has regular bowel movements. I will add that truthful information is hard to get from her - she's gotten used to saying what she thinks a foster family wants to hear, hiding urine soaked diapers etc to avoid getting in trouble (apparently that happened in some previous homes), etc...

So I'm doing my best to piece together what facts I can glean between her answers and hoping to just find as many potential helpful suggestions as I can to try to help her navigate this (especially since she'll be heading to high school next year and I'm not sure how she's going to deal with the day-time part of this there).

Thanks to all for any tips, suggestions, hints, etc...
This must be upsetting for he. One thing, has she been checked for diabetes. This an cause continence problems.
That poor girl!! I would say give her all of the love and attention she needs and is obviously craving if it is psychological I’m sure she’s looking for attention but in the meantime ask her how she wants to deal with it just let her know she’s in a safe place and you’ll help her in anyway you can. I’m guessing it won’t be a quick or easy solution but hopefully time and patience will help her understand she can manage this. If your looking for product advice, look up Northshore incotinence, they have a wide variety of products that can help. Best of luck to you both!!
Thamk you for being compassionate and not buying into "lazy" that is often a symptom of depression a child being lazy or a daydreamer.might want to adress anti depressants and counseli g for her over all life. I dont know if foster care covers that!
It can be a long long road even for a child to recover from abuse and self esteem issues. I have dealt with this in my grand child, building her back up.
We make lots of fun activities crafts dancing silly in the living room, preparing food, letting her choose what she will and doesn't want to eat from healthy choices.
As my grand daughter shouted after a visit with an overbearing male friend of her mother, "this is MY HOUSE not yours!"
She is right. Her body is HER HOUSE and what functions it serves or produces or ingests are a vehicle she alone should control.
We take every opportunity to admire her creations praise her pretty biracial. Hair, her lovely smile, her jokes her new skills in reading writing and drawing her acts of kindness or good manners in small exchanges we do it over over and over. It must be sincere or the child will know. But repetition is the key.
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