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Amazon carries a few brands:

Here's what I'm using now, and they're working well:

Can't beat $1.68 a piece. Before my insurance kicked in, I was paying almost $4 a piece at a store for what looks like a comparable brand. In fact I like the Conveen better, and I completely agree with what @Jrpoorman said about their bags.

As far as changing them everyday: typically I've been wearing mine for 2 days in a row before changing them (not saying I recommend that, just that that's what I've been doing and so far I'm not seeing any ill-effects) . Even though my insurance is covering the cost, and the distributor I'm dealing with is sending me a month's supply every month, my faith in any sort of medical bureaucracy is shakey enough that I figure it wouldn't hurt to have a few spares on hand.
@Rick59, thanks for your comment. I am buying Conveen Coloplast condom catheter at a pharmacy near me at USD1.45 per piece. It's convenient to buy them weekly.

I also checked with my nurse and she too confirmed that I could replace a new one every 2 days as what you had mentioned. That's helpful.

Thanks again for the info.

Best Regards
I'm new here, so I figured I'd start out with an introduction.

I'm a 50 year old man with interstitial cystitis and urge incontinence. I've struggled with bouts of urgency for nearly 20 years, although they've only been bad enough to cause incontinence for the past few years. When the incontinence started, I had a number of tests (cystoscopy and VCUG), and ended up diagnosed with the interstitial cystitis.

My IC goes in cycles, and so does the associated incontinence. I get Botox injections in my bladder about every four months, which typically help (although not always - it varies, and the latest round seemed not to do much), and I take hyoscyamine.

Much of my bladder pain seems tied in with other abdomimal inflammation from ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis, which are autoimmune diseases of the colon and liver, respectively. Those both flare episodically, and my bladder seems to follow suit.

Meanwhile, I manage with adult diapers and timed voiding. My accidents vary from less than once a week to multiple times a day, and I'll have good periods when I don't have accidents at all and can skip the diapers. The unpredictability is one of the more frustrating parts of my incontinence, since it can be hard to plan ahead when I don't know what my pain level or leakage are going to be like.

Besides my health issues, I'm a married father of three teenagers (plenty of unpredictability there, too!) and work as an engineer. In my spare time I'm also a hot air balloon pilot, which is a quintessentially New Mexico thing to do.
New here. I am a 47 year old male. I started wetting the bed a few years ago when I was working two jobs. I would work any ware from 16 to 20 hours straight. When I did that is started. About 5 years ago it started to happen even if I only work one shift one night a week. Now I am wet 5 night a week. I use tranquility alt diapers. I have a gf who is cool with it . She told me when I started dating her as long as you don't pee on me at night I am here for you. We been tighter 4 years now
Hello everyone, my name is Jimmy. I had radical prostectomy on 9/21/21. I had pelvic floor therapy for 6 weeks to help with in continence. I have been wearing diapers ever day since surgery. Some good days and some bad days. Dr has put me medication called Myrbetrig 50 mg. But I see very little improvement. I know this sounds awful but I weigh my diapers after changing and also log the times I have had said diaper on. This sort of tells me if I and leaking mor or less. I was at close to 2# per day and now 4 months later around 1 to 1.5# s per day. It gets very depressing at times but trying to keep the faith
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