Hi Peter,
I’m Jim and welcome to our home away from home

. I used various condom catheters for years and found a couple tricks that may help. 1. Most catheters will stay adhered much better if you trim or shave the hair from the shaft and base of the penis.
2. Try using a skin prep wipe and let the skin dry before you roll the condom catheter down. Be sure to wrap your your fingers around the unrolled condom cath and let the warmth from your hand and fingers help the adhesive stick and get rid of any small air bubbles.
3. Conveen makes some amazing leg bags. They have an 800ml bag that has a thin corrugated tubing that doesn’t kink. Also has vertical chambers to prevent sloshing, and they were nice enough to put a fiber back so your skin is more comfortable. Good news, the straps button and are wider and more comfortable.
4. Conveen, Hollister, Rochester all have sizing devices to help and they should all still have sample packs. Hollister used to ship out a free new patient kit that was excellent.
Finally, there is another product out that works really well from Bioderm. It is great for short or retracted men and only connects to the tip (glans). They market it differently than before but if you use a vented leg bag instead of the pouch they do now it will work amazingly well for just about any guy. Use a vented leg bag with condom catheters. Hollister (maybe others too) used to make one the could connect online in the tubing itself.
Hope this helps. I have used allot of different ones and participated in some different studies. Takes a while to find the right combination but once you do I think you will very pleased. Hang in there. NAFC product guide is how I found all the companies to get the sample packs. (Bioderm uses hydrocoloid adhesive that is more expensive and better for skin then some adhesives). Not sure if they give free samples but definitely worth trying their product.
Hope this helps,