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I am a 62 yo male in the UK and looking back have dealt with IC issues pretty much my entire life though it really became an issue after a spinal injury. I wet the bed til I was about 6yo and was changed into Terry nappies and waterproof pants every night by our nanny. I was the oldest and my siblings were dry before me. I was then dry pretty much until aged 10/11 and started to wet the bed again. I was away at school and whilst it was embarrassing, there were quite a few of us who had to report to the matron before bed and were put into Terry nappy pants and waterproof pants and of course had the inevitable waterproof sheet on our beds. I continued to wet the bed until I was about 14. I was then pretty much dry until my mid 20s, bar drinking too much in my teens, when I had a spinal injury and from that moment on wet the bed every night. 40 years on and after further spinal injuries I am now in nappies 24/7. I hated being put into nappies at school but at least I wasn’t the only one and I felt very alone and embarrassed in my 20s as it definitely stopped me having relationships or staying away. Then in my 30s I met my now wife. I was open with her from the outset of our relationship and she has always been amazing. Now wearing nappies is just an everyday occurrence and they are just my normal underwear. Of course there are challenges or difficult situations - such as changing in public places - but now I don’t hate wearing nappies I just accept it is part of my life. In fact it is what enables me to lead a pretty much normal life.
@adfw61 Welcome! Thank you for sharing your story. I’m amazed you successfully found a partner while you had incontinence; the rest of us are not so lucky. I’m happy you have a wife :)
Hi guys, I’m new here. A teacher at school found this website for me and recommended. I come out here and meet others with similar problems that I have.

I’m 15 years old and have had accidents most of my life. There’s been times when maybe I only have one accident a week all the way up to 2 to 3 and one night. I see a doctor currently, but they haven’t been able to do much for me.

Just wondering what everyone else’s story is and if anyone is similar to me? Thanks.
Hello, my name is Fred, and as you can see, I am new here. I am 68 years young Retired U.S. Army. My Incontinence started back in 2020-2021 I got sick with Covid like the rest of the world and was hospitalized and put into a COMA for 31/2 weeks. I then spent another month in the hospital confined to my single room. Why me in a single room? I had volunteered as a guinea pig for some of the new drugs and procedures happening at the time. I was allowed out of my bed at 1st. Then with assistance. The problem with this was by the time I got assistance I had wet the bed. So, the night nurse started diapering me. After being sent home I thought OK I am home I can do this. (Make it to the toilet) Well, that worked sometimes I could make it out of my chair to the toilet and sometimes I would get up and be wetting myself. I tried Pull-Ups those leaked or overflowed as I was now mobile and going about life. My wetting issues have gone from sometimes to 24/7. After 3 years of dealing with it, I spoke to my GP about lots of testing with the nerves and muscles in my back, legs, etc. At each test, I was told by the techs that I was not the only one after COVID-19 to be Incontinent. I do need to say I injured my back in the Army, but the testing and Ex-Rays say that I should not be Incontinent. The Doctors cannot find any reason why I am Incontinent they offer me Pills I said No I am managing my Incontinence with Diapers and Plastic Pants. Are there any others out there like me? The Doctors have said I am OAB Incontinent. Thanks.
sarge2630 said:
Hello, my name is Fred, and as you can see, I am new here. I am 68 years young Retired U.S. Army. My Incontinence started back in 2020-2021 I got sick with Covid like the rest of the world and was hospitalized and put into a COMA for 31/2 weeks. I then spent another month in the hospital confined to my single room. Why me in a single room? I had volunteered as a guinea pig for some of the new drugs and procedures happening at the time. I was allowed out of my bed at 1st. Then with assistance. The problem with this was by the time I got assistance I had wet the bed. So, the night nurse started diapering me. After being sent home I thought OK I am home I can do this. (Make it to the toilet) Well, that worked sometimes I could make it out of my chair to the toilet and sometimes I would get up and be wetting myself. I tried Pull-Ups those leaked or overflowed as I was now mobile and going about life. My wetting issues have gone from sometimes to 24/7. After 3 years of dealing with it, I spoke to my GP about lots of testing with the nerves and muscles in my back, legs, etc. At each test, I was told by the techs that I was not the only one after COVID-19 to be Incontinent. I do need to say I injured my back in the Army, but the testing and Ex-Rays say that I should not be Incontinent. The Doctors cannot find any reason why I am Incontinent they offer me Pills I said No I am managing my Incontinence with Diapers and Plastic Pants. Are there any others out there like me? The Doctors have said I am OAB Incontinent. Thanks.
Hey, I’m new here too. I’m quite a bit younger, but I was wondering what medication they may have given you that have helped you so far?
Clayton this is one of many sites and never tried any of the Meds that my doctor offered me. I had read on other sites where almost everyone who tried any of the drugs did not like the SIDE EFFECTS and went back to Briefs/Diapers. So, I have declined all the Meds the doctor has offered me.
I use strictly Briefs/Diapers and Plastic Pants and still work 3 days a week plus I belong to 3 organizations that keep me busy at meetings and volunteering.
OK that makes sense. I know some of the meds I’ve been on in the past have made me really tired.

Most of my accidents happen at night. And I usually just wear pull-ups to bed. I am getting somewhat too big for the brand. My mom‘s been buying me for the last couple years. What brands do you recommend? I weigh about 115 pounds.

I do have some accidents during the day as well. So I need some type of underwear that is very discreet to wear.
Gosh Clayton there are a Gazillion Brands out there as well as Incontinent Companies selling assorted Incontinence aids stuff.

I order mine through Carewell Incontinence.

I order a case of 96 for one month's supply.
Booster Pads 4 bags 120 for one Month.

McKesson Ultra Briefs Heavy Absorbency (These are Cloth Backed)

Secure Personal Care Products Maximum Boost Ups Pads, Heavy Absorbency

I wear Plastic Pants with my Diapers this is not too obvious to wear under clothes to get out and about if you need to wear them 24/7 like myself. No one has ever called me out.
If these are ordered on automatic ship on a certain date every month which I have. You get a 5% discount.
This is what I get charged each month for the products that I talked about earlier.
You can Google Carewell that is who I my products from. The plastic Pants I get from a company called Rearz out of Canada it only takes a couple of days to get from them. I bought the Silent Plastic Pants for approximately cost U.S. $27.00 which is not figured in this cost.

Autoship savings:
Hello all- I say this forum and thought it may help. I had my prostate removed last August and am so frustrated that I still have a lot of leakage along with zero sexual drive and it frustrates my wife.if i am 63 years old and if I knew it was going to be like this, i probably would of made a different choice. My doctor said he wants to give it a year and it may be that I need another surgery, not sure about that!!!!! Well thanks for letting me join and rant. I totally understand there is slot worse things to happen thank you Dan
Hi Dan, sorry to hear whats going on. I was diagnosed with localized gleason 9 last october and had rp in november, Im 54. I still leak although its better Ill admit, but not great, I also have zero sexual function. This has been hard to say the least but I think its better than leaving a aggressive ball of cancer inside my body. Being honest with all the info I have now I sometimes regret the surgery , but radiation and 2-3 yrs of hormone therapy is no picniv either. I am undetectable so far which is great but my surgery had a positive margin so I worry a lot about disease progression if this comes back, and by all accounts its more of a matter of when not if. You are right there are many worse things and Im wrapping my head around the time I have in front of me. The surgery you mention for leakage is prob artificial sling which if this does not improve I will likely do. As far as sexual function if I dont get it back by end of yr Im going to consider a implant and pump. Onlt God knows the time I have left but spending it impotent is not a pleasant thought. Youre not alone man. Cheers
Hi, I am a 54 yo black male (mention due to the aggressiveness in this demographic) and I had robotic assisted laproscopic radical prostatectomy on 02.22.2024. Active surveillance was not an option. So, after 3 months of researching both radiation therapy and RALP, I decided and contacted the surgeon. This was in September 2023. From there it was hurry up and wait. Original January date was canceled and I only found this out when I called the office for presurgery instructions.

Since, the surgery I'm experiencing UI and ED. Prior to the operation, I did strength training 6 days a week and drank ~gallon of water a day. I returned to work a couple of weeks ago after 4 weeks. I've had to eliminate (no pun intended) 75% of my fluid intake because I'm soaking up to 5 pads a days. I have not returned to strength training due to the stress induced UI. I'm disappointed I haven't made more progress as initially after the catheter was removed I saw improvement everyday down to 2 pads before it reverted. The surgeon sent me to have a CT w/contrast and a lower extremity doppler to take a look at the pelvic region and because I started accumulating fluid in my lower legs. Both checked out good - I praise God for this. Also there appears to be edema and what I thought may have been an inguinal hernia in the pelvic region the surgeon says that just requires me to heal.

In the moment, a couple days of ago at work, I lifted something heavy to move aside without thinking and it made my UI worse. Kicking myself for this. I do a lot of walking to interact with colleagues in their departments to provide training and development so I could have avoided doing what I did.

My next appointment with the surgeon is May, 3 months out from the surgery, and prior to then I will have my 1st post surgery PSA. I'm praying 0.00 for the rest of my life.

So grateful for NAFC messages board and you all.

God bless,

Hey just saw your post, wanted to comment.?I just turned 55 two days ago so we r on dame boat. Has localized high grade cancer so went for ralp also. People criticize me for it but I wanted the tumors out. I had suegery 11/23 and my incontinence was brutal until about month 4, and now in 5th month it is 75-80 percent better. Erectile function still zero even wirh 100 mg viagra, lets see what the next few months. I test psa monthly at my cost and so far <0.1 undetectable, praise God. Im going to do Aprils mid month. Im not doing a lot of kegels but I dont drink alcohol or caffeine. Im not keaking around as I was before thank God? but stress incontinence is still there, I am very active but I was soaking 5-10 pads a day and now its maybe 10% of the pad, you will get better just give it time, and watch fluids that aggravate rhe bladder, I find water is best option. the kegels seem to work im just not a fan but i do them as i remember, and feel they should be a part if recovery. My biggest fear now is recurrence which is a tough thought to get out or my head. Goe bless you and youre not alone brother.
Hello all. New to this forum; thankful to have found it.

I'm a 66 year old male in PA. I'm entering my 3rd week after prostatectomy, healing well -- but the peeing issues are rough. Everyone is encouraging me to be patient, it'll get better. Doing kegels, but probably not often enough.

My biggest issue is during the night. Maybe you have strategies to suggest.

I am in a pullup all night, and spend all night feeling drenched. I produce so much pee that I get up on the hour -- or even more frequently -- because I can't imagine trying to stay in the bed all night and just "letting it go." Each time I go to the pot after my hourly timer goes off, I produce a strong stream of urine. There's so much -- that's why I say I can't imagine what would happen if I DIDN'T get up regularly.

An acquaintance who's just a month or so ahead of me (i.e., got his prostatectomy about 6 weeks ago) says, to my amazement, that he has no issues at night; he just gets up once to pee, pretty much as in the days before his surgery.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!
Hi Robbot

Wow! Getting up every hour at night. That alone will kill you.
You better get some sleep for your body and minds sake.

You’ll figure it out in time.
While you’re healing, I would, suggest some very absorbent diapers at bedtime. Something you’ll need to purchase online, like North shore mega max, or Betterdry, maybe even a booster pad added while you’re experiencing the high volumes of peeing at night as mentioned.

You need the correct products to be protected and comfortable and get some sleep.

Don’t worry about just letting it go as you say. That’s probably what you need to do. You won’t find any product at a retail store to help you through the night, and probably not a pull-up if you want to avoid leaking and wicking outside the diaper into your pjs or bedding.
You could also use a protective pants cover for added protection, like plastic pants in the meantime.

I prefer the better quality high absorbent diaper with tabs to assure the best fit, comfort, protection and a no worries good nights sleep.
And a lighter daytime diaper by day.

Other Folks here will have plenty of great product suggestions.

Just know that everyone is a bit different with their IC experience.
That said, you’re not going to have the same outcome as your buddy did with his procedure. Take care of yours in the way necessary.

Good luck with your healing and search for a better product.
Robbot said:
Hello all. New to this forum; thankful to have found it.

I'm a 66 year old male in PA. I'm entering my 3rd week after prostatectomy, healing well -- but the peeing issues are rough. Everyone is encouraging me to be patient, it'll get better. Doing kegels, but probably not often enough.

My biggest issue is during the night. Maybe you have strategies to suggest.

I am in a pullup all night, and spend all night feeling drenched. I produce so much pee that I get up on the hour -- or even more frequently -- because I can't imagine trying to stay in the bed all night and just "letting it go." Each time I go to the pot after my hourly timer goes off, I produce a strong stream of urine. There's so much -- that's why I say I can't imagine what would happen if I DIDN'T get up regularly.

An acquaintance who's just a month or so ahead of me (i.e., got his prostatectomy about 6 weeks ago) says, to my amazement, that he has no issues at night; he just gets up once to pee, pretty much as in the days before his surgery.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!


I second Joe, there's no way you can live a healthy life getting up for sleep every hour. I'd say catheters for what sounds like your level of volume, but I also know people that have tried those and they lose total control when they try to revert back to not using them. My grandpa was one and he made me promise before he passed that "I would never use a catheter".

I'm not a trained medical professional so take this for what it's worth, but I would try the most absorbent tab style adult diapers as they will have the most capacity and the least likely to leak if you move around or are a side sleeper.

The best products I have found for overnight use are Northshore Megamax, Total Dry X-plus. You might want to try a booster pad too with your level of output.

Best of luck,

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