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Hi Dave
Welcome to the forums.

People have incontinence for various reasons. Mine are different than yours.
Yours may be interesting, troublesome and yet understandable.

Keep that diabetic situation under control.

I knew a couple who’s son and mine were friends.
They wouldn’t allow their son of maybe 8-10 years of age out of his room at bedtime regardless of the reason. So bedwetting and diapers were part of his growing up. Don’t know how that evolved as they eventually moved out of state. Though they were loving parents, it seemed weird to me.

I understand your anxiety of not wearing protection at times, as I too worry of not having a diaper on at night in the event of an accident. Sometimes I wake up dry, most times not. I’m more comfortable knowing my bed, me are protected.

Whatever the reasons for your need to wear protection, both psychological and medical necessity. I think it’s good that you are aware of the causes and continue to seek appropriate professional support and care.
Stay healthy.
Hello All,
I have urine and fecal incontinence.
I have good control over urine incontinence, no leakage, but weak stream and have to go frequently. I take Myrbetriq, Tamsulosin and nerve stimulation.

I have periodic fecal incontinence, specifically caused by movements such as walks, gardening, or gym. PT did help.
Any comments about Depends diapers for man or Poise plus pads for man?
Hi all!

I have been experiencing mixed incontinence from Type 1 Diabetes. It’s well controlled but past nerve damage as caught up to me. I have been a bed wetter on and off, last wetting was in my early teens. I’m 33 now and it’s back unfortunately. I’m very embarrassed about wearing protection during the day and at night. It is all very noticeable to me. I struggle with finding good nighttime protection. I currently wear Presto overnight pull ups but they often leak and cause me anxiety. Any suggestions are welcome!
Hi Mky,

I struggle with overflow incontinence, I tried pull ups but found that they sag pretty quickly after use and that lead to leaks. I'd recommend at least for overnight, a plastic backed heavy duty diaper as the plastic with tabs seems to get and remain more secure even after rolling around at night, and thus I'm am pretty much accident free with them.

I currently wear Total Dry secure X Plus diapers, Bambino diapers has them in stock or you can go to and buy them direct.

Good luck!

Hello everybody! I’m new to the group. I’m so glad I came across NAFC while doing some google research about my bladder and sex.
So a little/a lot about my concerns; In 2020 I had a car accident. I was hit by two 17 year olds. I had to have five brain surgeries. Fourth Brain Surgery: I’m in recovery and have a catheter in. After some time passes bmy bladder begins to hurt really bad. It feels like I have to go pee and I’ve been holding it for a long time. I call the nurse in there and tell her what’s going on and her response was, “You have a catheter in, just go.”
Sorry, but that’s not how catheters work. I didn’t say that out loud, cuz mind you I just got out of brain surgery. She left. Thirty minutes later, I’m hurting even worse. Another nurse comes in and I tell her. She takes a look around and says, “Your output bag is full. That’s the problem.” So she empties it, and very soon afterwards I felt relief.
After I was discharged, about a month later my bladder would hurt during sex. I had a bladder infection. A month after that was treated I had another one. Bladder still hurts during sex.
I eventually go see a urologist who does an ultrasound of my bladder after peeing. They say that they see more urine being left in my bladder than they say should be left. They tell me I have neurogenic bladder. I knew that was not the case! FYI it was a student urologist who I dealt with the whole time. And also, if I had neurogenic bladder why is it so conveniently starting to bother me 8 months after my accident and after my 4th surgery and the catheter incident.
I wanted a second opinion. So I went to a different urologist at a different location. They told me that I did NOT have neurogenic bladder. But they also said that I was okay, and I don’t think that’s true either.
But I left happily.
Fast forward about a year: I get up throughout the night to use the bathroom often. It used to be about 6 times a night, but now, 3 years later, I only get up two to three times in the night.
But, then and now, when I do have to pew in the middle of the night my bladder will hurt and that’s how I know I need to go pee.
Current time: For the past two days my bladder has been hurting. Not real bad. But it lets me know it’s there. Tonight I’m having sex with my husband. I’m on top. Sorry for the TMI, but it’s relevant. So, I’m on top and his penis hit my bladder and oh my goodness did it hurt.
I’m praying to God for healing, for He has healed many other things I have encountered, but all in all……WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BLADDER?! WHAT DID THE CATHETER DO TO ME BECAUSE OF MY OUTPUT BAG NOT BEING EMPTIED IN A TIMELY MANNER.
@Msrenee0122 It takes about nine months for nerves to die. I fell off a cliff and shredded all of my lumbar and cervical discs, yet it took nine months before I started experiencing severe OAB and nocturia. and was diagnosed with neurogenic bladder after a cystoscopy, urodynamics, nerve testing, and several spine MRIs. It’s very likely in fact that it took your nerves eight months to die off and to give you neurogenic bladder. Car accidents are a common cause of neurogenic bladder. Sex is also now excruciating for me. I will hurt my entire pelvic region for days afterward. Not worth it!!!!!
Hello, I am technically not a new member here as I joined at the beginning of this year.
I haven’t posted here since then because my urinary habits were very intermittent seemed to improve
and no where near as severe as many of you members here.
Over the last 3 years, at certain times , there was a frequent pattern of sudden needing the bathroom and then leaking drops afterward in my pants and leaking into trousers . I noticed damp patches. Often while washing pots and running the water in the bowl I feel a sudden urge and then while trying to hold realise that I was slightly urinating sometimes , using the electric toothbrush from the vibrations does it also, while having a shower also .
It was enough for me to need to wear protection. But during the warmer months this year I seemed to be ok so tried wearing normal underwear again. There was no noticeable dampness but periodically I would get a red itchy rash on my penis and the general area which was worse at night despite regular washing. Pajama bottoms and underpants still smelled slightly of urine at the end of the day. A year or so ago I needed a steroid cream from the chemist to clear it up. I don’t mind wearing the protective underwear and it seems to prevent that rash but I don’t know why it works.
Now the cold weather is back , the urination leaks have returned and I’m back in absorbent protection underwear.
Since I was a kid I’ve had this condition on and off and wore nappies till I was about 6.
So from my description , would you say I have incontinence or not ? I always assumed I was normal and everybody else must leak a bit..and that genuinely incontinent people can’t hold any and it all runs out at once?
Hi. My name is Michael. Found this sight last night. Been having problems I never had before and had to endure a few embarrassing situations. As scared as I am about talking to anybody about it. I made a Dr appointment this morning ( 1 month from now) Thanks in part to the support and encouragement people here gave me last night and this morning.
Hi-new here. I have fecal incontience. I'm seeing a doctor. He gives me Colestipol Micronized which is a Cholesterol medicine. Anyone ever heard of that? I take two a day. It comes and goes. I just went two weeks with no problem and now it has started back up again.
@BRENDA There are approximately five people on here that experience fecal incontinence. There are other websites that talk about just fecal incontinence. Hopefully some of those people will reply to you and give you links to those other websites.

But regardless of whether you’re talking about urinary or fecal incontinence, the discussion on here about diapers, barrier creams, pads, etc. is very thorough and applies to both fecal and urine incontinence.

@ThatFLGuy Can you help her, please?
Hello everyone,

My name is Bryce, I just turned 30, and have been dealing with incontinence issues for the last 6ish years. I finally had testing done at the urologist(Urodynamics & Cystoscopy), and was diagnosed with Urinary Frequency, Urge Incontinece, Bedwetting and Nocturia. I usually can manage with pads or light pull ups during the day but have been using thicker diapers at night or for like car trips etc.

I'm still a young active guy, and yeah, it's embarrassing even after getting somewhat used to it. I still scrutinize the pants I wear and question if my butt shows too much padding.

Just here to help out others with what I've learned in my journey and to maybe pick up some like minded friends along the way.

Feel free to message me if you have a similar situation or just want to say hi.

Thanks everyone. :)
I joined the message board some time ago. But have not yet posted. I'm a 57 year old mother of three. 28 years ago while pregnant with My third daughter. I was diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis. I was having some crazy symptoms. Including bladder incontinence. All aggravated by My pregnancy. At that point I was on bed rest. I was just trying to get through the last couple months of My pregnancy. When I had a massive stroke. I was left quadriplegic. I almost lost My baby and the rest of the pregnancy was a blur. After My daughter was born. I was still in the hospital for quite awhile. I had started rehabilitation. And had finally went home. Making some small progress. But still needed 24/7 care. Within a year I had had a second stroke. Which took away all the progress I had made. MS flair ups also caused so many problems. In and out of the hospital & rehabilitation facilities. As a quadriplegic I had no bladder or bowel control. Back then My choices were indwelling catheters for My bladder. Or use adult diaper briefs. I had bowel accidents. But more frequently. I had constant problems with constipation. I had to be helped to maintain a typical quadriplegic bowel program for years. I stabilized finally after about 4 years. I finally got to the point I could use My right hand enough to operate My power chair. A tv remote etc. Still it seemed I was always having issues with UTIs caused by problems with the catheter. For years I had a couple really good experenced caregivers during the day. And My husband , Mother & sister and eventually My daughters all helped with My care. A couple years before covid. I had started having issues with swallowing. Due to quadriplegic dysphagia. I had to have a feeding tube installed. Which led to a terrible MS flair up. I wound up on a ventilator for months. I still occasionally need to use the vent to breath. I was in a long term care facility for over 6 months. The care I received there was a nightmare at times. I wound up with several pressure sores. Which took forever to heal. Finally I was well enough to be home. But still mostly bedridden. I was hoping to finally get a supra pubic urinary catheter. As well as a colostomy. To curb the constant and dangerous UTI issues as well as getting out of the adult briefs. When covid hit. Its been a rough few years since. At this point I don't get out much. The feeding tube causes bowel incontinence. And We gave up on the catheters all together. I just use the overnight adult briefs when I'm in My chair. And lay on disposable bed pads through the day in bed. I'm doing better with swallowing and chewing. But I still also need the feeding tube. I also have issues with quadriplegic spasms and MS tremors. I have had several minor seizures as well. Its been a roller coaster for years now. But I'm still alive. I can move My right hand a little. My shoulders and neck a little most days. I can use the computer/internet. And phone. I can no longer operate My wheelchair some days. Not sure where and what's next. I've learned to maintain My limited level of function. The best thing to do. Is often leave well enough alone. Avoiding infections , severe dietary changes and medications My body is not used to. Profound disability is a nightmare. Complete double incontinence is only one awful humiliating aspect.
My name is Bob. I'm 65 and had a prostatectemy about 4 weeks ago. I just started reading other posts and felt as if they were telling my story. I knew inconstinece was a side affect of this surgery, but I didn't realize the extent. From the point my catheter was pulled, I felt I might have made the wrong decision (my wife believes even with the incontenent, I still made the correct call). Initially I was constantly dripping. I beleve the dripping now only occures when I'm walking around. One of my biggest problems is when I stand up. Anything in my bladder (or most of it) is released. I go through many pads each day. My bladder still empties at night. I usually wake up immediatly prior to it happening, or just after. I suspect I may also be dribbling some at night, especially if I move. I've been told by others improvement will take time, but when your in the middle of the situation it's difficult to imagine the future of not being wet. Thank you for your support, and helping me realize I'm not only.
Hi Bob
Welcome to the forum.
Regardless of your procedure and the amount of wetting you are experiencing still and your changing pads regularly throughout the day; you might consider a heavier capacity pad.
Even a diaper or pull-up if you’re comfortable with that.
I experience the voiding after standing up as well.
I went from pads to wearing a diaper many years ago. My wife is fine with that.
Far less changes needed. At worst I go through a brief or two during the day and one at night.
You’ll figure out what’s best for you.
Thank you for the information. I very much appreciate the help. I think my main reason for going through so many pads is a lot of them are only 1/2 to 1/3 full. I'm having a hard time getting use to the feeling of a full pad, or diaper. I also wear a pullup, in case the pad becomes too full. There is a large learning curve for those new to incontinence. Thank goodness for this site.
Plenty of supporters and ideas here for sure.
IC is just another path traveled through life.
Incredibly common and diapers just make it easier and more comfortable to do what you do.
IC shouldn’t prevent any of us from our work, family and friends, travel or play.
Wishing you the best for 2024
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