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You're welcome @Feliciaus,

Incontinence is something that is not easy to live with by any means - and sometimes I am too hard on myself for my bladder problems. I feel like diapers are a cop out so that I don't have to live in bladder pain - but at the same time I have to remind myself I'd rather not be in pain due to my condition than be in pain.

You are not alone and are among friends here.

Hi. Just saw the mail part of this site and the Welcome message said I should come here and introduce myself. My user name, WYR13 stands for Wasted Youth Racing and 13 is the number on my dirt Street Stock (I also use 17, the number on my dirt modified). I only mention that as I was questioned about it so I thought I would put that out there. I am nearly 67 and just had a prostatectomy and removed the seminal vesticles also (not sure if that is normal or not). I had a catheter in from Oct 27 to Dec 27, as they kept seeing leakage around the uretha reconnection point during the cystogram fluoroscopy. Finally have all that behind me but now dealing with the urinary incontinence issue so I started looking online and found this site to see what others have been or are dealing with. I must say, I have only been here for two days and learned so much, thank you.
I will be 26 in a few weeks as of writing this. I'm a male, and I have Autism which impacts my ability to make it to the bathroom. I just started the process of getting a new prescription for pull-ups through Aeroflow Urology. I can make it to the toilet when I need to, but often the urge to let it out gets very strong. It's a relief when I can use pull-ups when I need to, I've had bowel issues most of my life, and the urge to pee is strong if I'm trying to stay hydrated.
Welcome! You’ll find everyone here has similar bladder problems as you do, and several, if not more, individuals who also have autism. This is a great community where you’ll make good friends and receive excellent suggestions.
Hi, I'm 58, quite fit and had my RP 4 weeks ago - went ok, catheter in a week, then uretha infection, having a few small stress leaks on daily basis, when moving suddenly/passing wind, dry at night, and doing kegels 3 times a day (could crack a walnut down there!) Any recommendations for extra exercises to improve continence, want to get back on the football pitch without peeing myself
@RichieJ Welcome! Best wishes for finding answers to all your questions here. Most of the posts are about prostatectomies so I know you’ll receive help and support here.
Catheter out about 3 weeks now. I drove myself to the dentist yesterday and was able to control the leakage somewhat for about 4 hours. Then I started walking through parking lots to stores and around and then the leakage started quite a bit, but a lot less than it has been. Today I was walking around a lot and getting firewood and leakage was quite a lot more but still better control than the last two weeks. I have very little experience with this as yet as I am a new member as well. All I can do is share what I am going through.
That link was posted before and it has been helping me immensely, though it appears you already have that handled. I am finding what is helping me is by staying active and trying to control the leakage. I also have a urinal bottle from the hospital that I keep handy out in the shop. I was at that every 10 minutes, now I am at about every 20 to 30 minutes. I feel your frustration, keep at it.
wyr13 said:
Found these on Amazon - I am giving the pads a try today since I have to go back to work in a little more than a week. Thought I would share since it seemed to be a good price.

My update to yesterdays trial. - I do believe those pads worked out much better than the regular depends. Kept me dryer and could go longer on a pad. Going to use the other for nights where leakage is minimal.
I am 76 years old and had a Robotic Prostatectomy on 12/06/22
Catheter came out 13 days after surgery.
Tomorrow (01/16/23) will be six weeks since my surgery.

Have some incontinence. Able to get out of bed and hold until I reach the bathroom.
I know it is a long road to get full continence back and I am encouraged by posts on this forum.
@wyr13 Make sure when you use Depends that you use their thickest, plastic backed pull-up, the “Night Defense” line.
snow said:
@wyr13 Make sure when you use Depends that you use their thickest, plastic backed pull-up, the “Night Defense” line.

Thank you for that snow but the others do quite well. I have little to no leakage overnight, though I am up about 3 times a night. I do make it though, except for that one step up, which sometimes causes a bit of discharge. I appreciate the advice though.
forrichard said:
Hello and thanks for such a great forum with lots of helpful people and good information. My husband is on the verge of being totally incontinent and we are struggling to figure things out. He is 77 with congestive heart failure and must take a diuretic. He also is losing his ability to walk and get in and out of bed and to the toilet. Doctors, nurses, caregivers have no suggestions or solutions. He needs to wear 'diapers' almost all day and night (when the urine output is abundant), which has caused UTIs and the need to stand up and shower a couple of times a day which is getting risky (he is also 6'5" which is a long way down if he fell).

Are there diaper products where the wetness is 'wicked' away from the skin so that he isn't laying in a wet diaper? We are concerned that he will always have a UTI and then skin problems. I've read about condom catheters, but am afraid that it might be too complicated. Any advice or information will be greatly appreciated! This has been going on for months and the sleep deprivation is as debilitating as the incontinence. Thank you!!!

@forrichard - I bought the condom catheter and tried it. The bag staying in one place, for me, was a problem, but I was up and walking around. It is not complicated to use, just make sure the area around the penis is shaved, as they are quite sticky on the inside. Other than that, it worked okay.
Hello everyone

As a newbie, wanted to introduce myself. I'm 54, had RP a year and a half ago, never really had issues with erections, and incontinence got better over time. I quit using pads/diapers all together about 10 months ago, I would get a drip here and there when I strained, but nothing to be concerned about.

THEN, about a week ago and started to leak more and constantly have the urge to pee. When I have a pad on, I don't feel the urge as much, but when I take the pad off, it feels like I'm going to leak. Now, here's the weird part, the "urge" or the leaking comes right after I go to the bathroom and if I can tough it out for 15 or so minutes (without going BACK to the toilet), the situation gets better and I don't even need a pad. It's right after I go to the toilet, that urge and the leaking is too much to hold back and I will drip/leak until I can get control of it. This recent situation is what lead me to this forum.

I'm just concerned because my situation is the opposite of normal, get better, then it gets worse. To be clear, I am only dribbling, so it's not severe, but it's bad enough where I don't feel comfortable going out in public without a pad on.

Thanks for listening/reading.
Is it possible you may have developed bladder stones from not evacuating completely? That is something always on my mind now that I have had the RP. Might be worth checking. The doctors told my dad he got them from that. Hope you find a solution to this and keep us posted. I am sure someone on this site with more experience may be able to help. Welcome.
Thanks wyr13 for the response. Bladder stones have never crossed my mind. I'm not in pain at all, it's just an inconvenient feeling in which I feel like I may wet myself (when I don't have a pad on). Sometimes I wonder if it's just in my head, but I think it's more to it than that. I will definitely bring it up when I have my next urologist appointment.
@wrightk2 My dad wasn't in pain either. He was just having trouble. On the other hand, his drag racing buddy was out just about to go for a run on race day and he was doubled over in pain due to those stones. Luck of the draw I guess as to when you catch it. Needless to say, he did not finish racing that Sunday.
@wyr13 I may have found another potential cause, excessive bike riding. I literally ride my exercise bike every day, to where the inside of my groin feels raw. I just read where that can irritate or weaken those muscles that are critical to being able to hold your urine. I'm going to take a break for a while and do some walking instead, see if it improves.
@wrightk2 Welcome; thank you for introducing yourself to us. You may find much information by using the search (magnifying glass) function to search for terms like RP, prostate, and prostatectomy. You’re in good hands here because the forum is primarily comprised of men with prostate problems. Don’t be afraid to post any question, ever. This is a typically a highly supportive environment.

As for your exercise bike, maybe you can even just change the seat type to one with more comfort. Females have to.

There’s definitely a link to prostate cancer and bike overuse in men.
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