Hi,I am a 53 year old male, I had a radical prostectomy on 10/18/2022. Let me start by saying that the most commonly touted procedure to test for prostate issues ( at least here in New Zealand) is the digital test ( the ol finger up the butt ). May I say that this test is totally inadequate, I was trying to give up smoking by vaping

. I felt sick with sore chest, dizziness, headache and fatigue which I only realised later was due to the vape but at the time my doctor sent me in for a full blood test, my PSA levels came back at 23. After a course of antibiotics and a 6 week wait my levels came down to 17.7.Even at the time of my biopsy the urologist digitally checked me and said that it all felt fine. Of the 12 samples taken 5 came back as level 5 high risk cancer.After 4 different scans the determined that the cancer was confined to my prostate which was then removed nerves, lymph nodes and all. 2 days later I was discharged with a catheter. 3 days later I began to experience severe pain in my penis blood in my bag and leakage around the tube. Was told to keep taking painkillers. After 9 days of this pain the catheter was removed and I was told I will rapidly start to feel better given pads for the 'slight' stress incontinence I would experience and see you in 3 months for a follow up blood test. Had trouble with constipation and only got informed when I asked about it that the painkillers cause constipation. After another 2 weeks of pain and blood etc I was given antibiotics just incase I had a UTI. They helped immensely but never completely got rid of the pain which I still have. However upon removal of the catheter I found that I had virtually zero control. The pads were quickly shown to be inadequate and I progressed to maximum absorption nappies, which if I limit my walking, sitting, moving while I'm sitting or any activity other lying down I leak. At 1st when I got out of bed I could not make it to the toilet, tried manually holding it back for the 7 seconds it took from my bed to the toilet and ended up in excruciating pain for 3 days.So I ended up with a bucket next to the bed, I would get up, urinate in the bucket then empty the bucket in the toilet which was gross and embarrassing. With Kegal exercises I can now make it to the toilet and most times can hold my urine back when I cough as long as I'm lying down when I cough. I fill 4 to 5 of these nappies per day and that is with me wearing them longer than I should. I've had more down days than I can count I was unprepared mentality for how emasculating this issue would be, and wished I had left the cancer to run it's course. That was a tough stage to get through, and I have my good days and my bad but I do not let myself go that far down. I get angry at my inability to stop myself from leaking, doctors, urologists are saying it's early days yet mate, keep doing the exercises and in q2 to 18 months it will be sorted, really? Great! Lol. No physio,no pills,no support nothing. I return to work next week, driving forklifts and trucks for a transport company which is going to be a challenge to say the least, can see me getting to 7 or 8 nappies a day at work. This is not to mention the ED issue that comes with the operation, which will have to wait until I can sort the incontinence issue. To add icing to the cake, the Urologist rang me 2 days ago to tell me the lab tests they performed on my prostate " seems " to show signs of the cancer having gotten outside my prostate, so all of what I'm currently going through may be a waste of time. Have to wait at least another month before my 1st follow up blood test.
Sorry for the novel folks but I appreciate the opportunity to vent lol. I wish everyone well, with positive outcomes for all that ails them.