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OverflowingJeff said:
My name is Jeff. I'm a 40 something male with complete urinary incontinence resulting from multiple sclerosis (which I've had for at least 6 years now, though I've had symptoms for over a decade). At home I can usually get by with pull-ups (Northshore Go Supreme); when I go out and overnight, it's diapers (Northshore Megamax). I use polyurethane covers with the Megamaxes. Multiple sclerosis has a tendency to slow intestinal motility, so thankfully I don't usually have bowel issues.

I've had to rely on pull-ups and diapers for the last three years, and I still struggle with enormous amounts of shame; and I do everything I can to hide my problem and keep people from finding out (I can count on one hand those I've told, and those discussions are some of the most difficult I've ever had).

Welcome to the NAFC @overflowingJeff.

I'm sorry that you suffer from MS. There are a couple of other good people on here that have that condition - and am hoping it is in remission for you.

I've ordered from Northshore myself in the past and recommend it to others who suffer from bladder and bowel issues - I've found the Supreme products to be beneficial for overnight and when isolating due to severe bladder spasms and urge issues - but have gotten several Megamax samples in with my orders.

You are among friends here -


I'm a 62 year old male. Since nearly one year I have a combined dribble- and urge bladder incontinence, and, as my doctor says, it's a combination of weak bladder muscles/nerve issues combined with side effects of several pills I have to take after a heart stroke against high blood pressure, to lower heart beat rate etc. As now blood pressure and all other values are absolutely fine since then he doesn't want to change my medication unless I really recommend that. Of course he told me all about what he could do against my incontinence, but taking more pills (with side effects), injections with botox or other invasive operation methods is nothing I would like to do - especially as I have absolutely no concerns at all wearing protection. It feels comfortable for me, I feel no shame, nobody can see anything and my wife is understanding and supports me fully that I handle my incontinence in a way which is most comfortable for me. I have no kind of pain, I can live my active life in the same way I did before, so - at the moment - I don't see any reason to change something!
During the day I rely on Attends Flex diapers, which are discreet enough to wear and give easy access to use the toilet whenever applicable and have enough absorbency if not - and it's much easier to change into a fresh one compared to pullup-style protection, usually only one change over the day. In the nights I meanwhile gave up trying to jump to the bathroom several times a night while anyways most of my output ends in my protection before I reach it and rely on a Tena Maxi, which never leaked in the last months.

So, all in all meanwhile I have accepted my incontinence and I'm happy that I can still live my life without big limitations!
Hi,I am a 53 year old male, I had a radical prostectomy on 10/18/2022. Let me start by saying that the most commonly touted procedure to test for prostate issues ( at least here in New Zealand) is the digital test ( the ol finger up the butt ). May I say that this test is totally inadequate, I was trying to give up smoking by vaping 🙄. I felt sick with sore chest, dizziness, headache and fatigue which I only realised later was due to the vape but at the time my doctor sent me in for a full blood test, my PSA levels came back at 23. After a course of antibiotics and a 6 week wait my levels came down to 17.7.Even at the time of my biopsy the urologist digitally checked me and said that it all felt fine. Of the 12 samples taken 5 came back as level 5 high risk cancer.After 4 different scans the determined that the cancer was confined to my prostate which was then removed nerves, lymph nodes and all. 2 days later I was discharged with a catheter. 3 days later I began to experience severe pain in my penis blood in my bag and leakage around the tube. Was told to keep taking painkillers. After 9 days of this pain the catheter was removed and I was told I will rapidly start to feel better given pads for the 'slight' stress incontinence I would experience and see you in 3 months for a follow up blood test. Had trouble with constipation and only got informed when I asked about it that the painkillers cause constipation. After another 2 weeks of pain and blood etc I was given antibiotics just incase I had a UTI. They helped immensely but never completely got rid of the pain which I still have. However upon removal of the catheter I found that I had virtually zero control. The pads were quickly shown to be inadequate and I progressed to maximum absorption nappies, which if I limit my walking, sitting, moving while I'm sitting or any activity other lying down I leak. At 1st when I got out of bed I could not make it to the toilet, tried manually holding it back for the 7 seconds it took from my bed to the toilet and ended up in excruciating pain for 3 days.So I ended up with a bucket next to the bed, I would get up, urinate in the bucket then empty the bucket in the toilet which was gross and embarrassing. With Kegal exercises I can now make it to the toilet and most times can hold my urine back when I cough as long as I'm lying down when I cough. I fill 4 to 5 of these nappies per day and that is with me wearing them longer than I should. I've had more down days than I can count I was unprepared mentality for how emasculating this issue would be, and wished I had left the cancer to run it's course. That was a tough stage to get through, and I have my good days and my bad but I do not let myself go that far down. I get angry at my inability to stop myself from leaking, doctors, urologists are saying it's early days yet mate, keep doing the exercises and in q2 to 18 months it will be sorted, really? Great! Lol. No physio,no pills,no support nothing. I return to work next week, driving forklifts and trucks for a transport company which is going to be a challenge to say the least, can see me getting to 7 or 8 nappies a day at work. This is not to mention the ED issue that comes with the operation, which will have to wait until I can sort the incontinence issue. To add icing to the cake, the Urologist rang me 2 days ago to tell me the lab tests they performed on my prostate " seems " to show signs of the cancer having gotten outside my prostate, so all of what I'm currently going through may be a waste of time. Have to wait at least another month before my 1st follow up blood test.
Sorry for the novel folks but I appreciate the opportunity to vent lol. I wish everyone well, with positive outcomes for all that ails them.
@Badbadprostate Lovely to meet you! Yield find much acceptance and helpful advice here, plus a general sense of a solid community. I hope you enjoy the forum :) Wrlcome!
@Nkateko when I was younger I was a bed wetter, up until your age with the very occasional slip up at an even older age. What I worked out was the cause for me ( and I understand this may have no relevance to you ) was when I was dreaming while I was slowly waking up,and the 2 worlds would mix. In my dream I would feel the need to urinate that my physical body was feeling so in my dream I would go to the toilet,which then became total confusion for my dream self as I'm standing at say a urinal trying to pee unable to comprehend or understand why I could feel my urine flooding my pants etc. I had to make myself so aware of this fact, that I could recognise, in my dream, what was about to happen and wake up. The 1st couple of times I would release a small amount of urine before I realised and woke up, but I did learn to wake myself up when I dreamt of the desire to urinate.
I'm severely depressed and needing advice so late in life. I'm 40 and have been dealing with urological conditions since birth. I was born Epispadias and through corrective surgery a few years later when I was 4 had vesicostomy procedure. Which made me have to wear a diaper, until 13 I had another operation Indiana pouch where now I have to cath through a stoma off to the side of my naval.
@badbadprostate and @AndrewRiker;

Welcome to the NAFC - you will find peace and friendship among others who can relate to your feelings and emotions in regards to continence issues.

Regardless of onset date; the emotional toll can have a huge impact on daily life and functioning. If you feel secluded or are an introvert because of it; you are not alone.

Don't be afraid to chime into conversations you relate to; and keep the forum full of Holiday cheer. We don't bite (most of the time haha).

I recently was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was persuaded to have Laparascopic Radical Prostatectomy. I'm 69 and fit and no symptoms but my PSA had been rising and a biopsy confirmed that I had Gleason 7. It was believed to be still contained within the prostate. Our local hospital's Urologist is vastly experienced and any of the other options would have meant travelling off island for treatment.
He said it would need to be non-nerve sparing because of the extent of the spread.
I had sessions with the Continence Physio and the Cancer nurse re ED expectations and options.
The op went well with some catheter difficulties and discomfort. I had the expected incontinence immediately the catheter came out 2 weeks ago.
I did experience improvement over the first week and then I caught a bad cold with coughing and sneezing. This has nearly passed now but I'm finding the mental toll overwhelming. Leaking when coughing and walking. I know I should wait till the cold symptoms have passed to expect any results but I'm feeling that if this is my future now I'd rather not be around. I have yet to read any positive outcomes regarding continence and I am desperate for a light at the end of the tunnel.
As a result of a prostate cancer diagnosis (PSA of 11.3 and 2 positive biopsies) in 2020 I finally agreed on having a Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in October in 2021. My urologist/surgeon said he strongly recommend a non nerve sparing (NNS) procedure. He would recommend me to someone else if I was not comfortable with that. Well, having done some research I agreed to the NNS procedure. The procedure took a very long time - 10 hrs - and my surgeon said it was because he wanted to make sure that he "got it all" and he is slow by nature. My catheter was removed 2 weeks later and I experienced the common incontinence issues. I also experience ED issues. My doctor said that the incontinence was common and it should resolve in a "timely manner". He also said that during our preoperative visits he mentioned that it may take up to a year and a half for it to resolve. Well, here I am at 1.2 years later and I am going through at least 3 pads per day (better at night with very little leakage) and absolutely no resolve with the ED issue. At our 1 yr pos op visit he indicated that there are a few other procedures to assist with the incontinence if it didn't improve but it was a little too early to recommend those. He mentioned a bladder sling or a valve implant. Has anyone out there had any experience with either? I'm considering the bladder sling initially because it is less invasive than the valve procedure and the literature reports some excellent results. My quality of life has been dramatically impacted as I imagine most of the readers out there can attest to that. Anyway, thanks for listening and will look forward to any advise. Thank you.....
@tcbeaulieu1 Welcome! Sorry to learn about your struggles. You will find a warm community of friends here.

It’s too bad; we’ve talked about valves and slings a lot of times here, but the search option (via the magnifying glass tab) only searches back a few months - what a shame! I searched those topics on your behalf so I could hopefully refer you to them, to try to find those previous posts, but they’re gone.

@thudson1965 made the best posts ever on solving erectile dysfunction. Perhaps he can point you to them.
Hi All, I just signed up for this site. A little about me: I had a bladder and kidney ultrasound not long ago. Soon I will see the urologist for the results. Don't know what is causing incontinence, which I am learning about. I will read the previous posts for knowledge. :)
Hi All, just an update on my introductory post. Today I went to discuss my ultrasound results with the urologist. It came out that I have two lumps in the bladder. Small to medium. Does anyone experienced this and maybe know the outcome? Thank you.
Feliciaus said:
Hi All, just an update on my introductory post. Today I went to discuss my ultrasound results with the urologist. It came out that I have two lumps in the bladder. Small to medium. Does anyone experienced this and maybe know the outcome? Thank you.

Hey @Feliciaus; Welcome to the NAFC.

All I can think of is that they may be cysts on the lining of the bladder. Unfortunately with the limited information I can't say for sure what it could be - but if the urologist didn't give more information it sounds like something that could be normal for people with bladder conditions.

Please let us know if you get more clarification or any updates- you will find good people here at the NAFC that will help you overcome symptoms, emotions and such related to your condition.

@Hbic60 Welcome! I also share in some of your issues, and also prefer to use a product during the day that doesn't require me to remove my pants and shoes and everything else while out in a public restroom stall changing! I'm not sure how people use pull-ups in public.

Stay strong and know you aren't alone!
Guess I missed this page, I’m 21 as off December 31, I’m from the Deep South. I’m a Norse pagan. I’ve dealt with bed wetting my whole life lots off downs and very few ups to it but hoping this page might get me some answers. I do construction for a living and that’s about it. No one knows what cause my issues or how to fix it and that why I’m here so, howdy
@Njal Good job :) Lots of people here have no idea what causes their bladder problems, but maybe someone will be able to help you, like how I suggested trying Botox injections. We do have some young and lifetime bedwetters on this forum; I hope they also reach out to you. Many people here arrive during a time when they feel super helpless, even suicidal. I had been in a very deep depression that put me in bed for 2.5 years. The depression was caused by several problems, but one of the biggest is that I had to start wearing diapers. I barely left the house and felt utterly alone. Then I found this forum and realized I *wasn’t* alone, and my depression soon dissipated and I gained enough confidence to leave home. So in part, I owe my life to this forum. May you find similar refuge.
Thank you for your kind reply and encouragement! I am not sure if I am using the correct way to reply to you. From the ultrasound lab it is recommended a TURBT and biopsy. Now I am waiting for the urologist's recommendation about a hospital/doctor who performs those medical procedures. And also what entails. Thank you again and I appreciate your reaching out to me.

Hey @Feliciaus; Welcome to the NAFC.

All I can think of is that they may be cysts on the lining of the bladder. Unfortunately with the limited information I can't say for sure what it could be - but if the urologist didn't give more information it sounds like something that could be normal for people with bladder conditions.

Please let us know if you get more clarification or any updates- you will find good people here at the NAFC that will help you overcome symptoms, emotions and such related to your condition.

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