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Northshore seems the favorite resource and they sre very responsive to queries about individual needs.
Were you in an accident of some kind? I had to google your condition to understand it better. You certainly will find prople here who have similar conditions and have become masterful at coping with all the aspects of life with a spinal injury
Yes I was in an accident at work I was hit from behind with a forklift going full speed. I can now walk around and be somewhat normal but the nerves were damaged controlling continence, and I am numb in the saddle area so I don't feel when I am going. It's a crazy condition I had never heard of before until I was diagnosed with it.
Randall I can relate to what you are dealing with. I took schrapnel in the groin in Viet Nam and it lodged in the front of my spine between L4 and L5 severing the cuada equine nerve bundle. I have delt with it and the aftermath since September 1967 when I got hit. The damage to my spine has been the worst part as I have pain 24-7 and now the doctors have me on fentinil patches. I was on morphine at 45 mg three times a day for several years but the fentinil works a lot better. Hang in there I'm sure you'll get through it because I did.
Hello jrpoorman! Also boomer2480 thank you for your service! I hate this deal but, it could be much worse I always tell myself there are people worse off than I am so I just keep pushing!
Yes thank you for you service Boomer.we are blessed for sure. Nice to hear from more new folks. There is a wealth of knowledge about products, treatments and experience here. Hope you get a chance to check some of the boards out.

Have to run I’m being treated for auto right now and the doc is going to get a script. Nice sign on the wall that says kindly refrain from cell phone
Randall, Welcome to the group. You’re definitely amongst people who know how to manage daily incontinence. My urinary incontinence is the result of nerve damage caused by a surgical mishap when I was 14 years old. I’m 76 now. So I’ve been dealing with bladder-control issues for a while. I’ve never been reliably dry at night since the surgery; and I’ve had persistent but less consistent daytime issues. I was generally able to go without a daytime diaper between the ages of 18 and 45, when my daytime problems became much worse than they had been since shortly after the surgery. As a result, I’ve been in daytime diapers 24/7 for about 30 years. Thank heaven for the development of better and better disposables. Modern disposable diapers are expensive, but they are much less of a hassle to deal with than cloth diapers and plastic pants.
Yes they make much better ones now. I have to wear a diaper 24/7 where I have zero bladder function and a few times a week may have a bowel accident. If we had to live on the store bought diapers, we'd be in a world of trouble!
@Randall welcome to the forum. I'm from the UK, but waterworks problems don't stick to country borders. I have found this site to be a great help, cheers

Hi an welcome. Been dealing with bedwetting myself and like you my kids do not know. Happy to talk anytime. Glad you found this great group of supportive people.


StephanieCan said:
Hi, I’m Stephanie, I’m 21 years old and I have struggled with bed wetting my whole life. Never got drugs for it I’ve really never thought of getting diapers because I thought that one day it would all just dissappear with time like it did my siblings but I’ve come to realize that it still here and it’s frustrating to have to bear the embarrassment. I’ve never been able to talk about this to anyone because they don’t understand. They just ask me questions which is kind of annoying cos I have no response I try sometimes not to think about it so I don’t get frustrated but what can I do the thought keeps coming down. I’ve been looked down on and beating even laughed at and it hasn’t been gravy these past years. Embracing it is also kind of hard as well.. it doesn’t happen all the time but sometimes it can happen for a week long and I don’t know what causes it maybe embarrassment for the first time it happened to me far from home.

Stephanie, I'm the exact same. I am 21 years old and I always thought it would go away. I found out my aunt and grandfather both struggled into adulthood but they also eventually quit. I am afraid it will never go away. I used to wear those adult diapers but they irritate me and I had finally stopped for several months and quit wearing them but eventually, the bedwetting came back, It has always been so embarrassing when I started having serious relationships or even worse, one night flings and I have an accident. I am with a nice guy right now and we have been together a while and he understands but it is still frustrating and embarrassing when it happens. I have never tried medication but when I was little my nana got me an alarm. My mom didn't want to deal with it though so that ended up failing. I just want it to end. Sometimes I am good for like a week but usually, it's a rare dry night. Lately, it has been so bad that I am finally reaching out for help. I went to a Dr last year and all they did was an ultrasound and then told me I was fine then billed me several hundred dollars so I don't have very much faith left in that approach.
Hi, StephanieCan and PurpleHairLady. Yeah, if vetinary medicine cost as much as human medicine, we couldn't afford pets, either. If that was a Urologist you saw, he should be reported, I think, or at the very least, get a bad on-line review from you. The full tests for this are insanely costly, i think. Hang in there, keep up-to-date on this forum. Maybe someone has advice on finding medical care cheaper, too. Some hospitals/doctors will negotiate. Pastors can generally be compassionate people, giving you someone to talk to directly. This forum is great, and you don't have to "face-to-face".
Hi all. Thank you for sharing and can relate to allot of that anxiety when I was younger. Most of the time though if people really like or love you, they look past the leaks issues and are just happy to be with you.
Have to run. Have a nice afternoon everyone.

Kind regards,
Hello Everyone, I’m Melanie 45 years old. I recently had a tumor removed from the base of my spinal cord. A few nerves were cut and others were damaged. I lost all feeling and use of bladder and rectum. This only happened just 3 weeks ago so I am still going through the mental trauma of this. I know I am lucky to be alive and that I wasn’t paralyzed with the removal of tumor which was a close reality. But loss bladder usage and have to use laxatives to manage bowels and assuming that sex is out of the picture because there is no feeling.
Hi Melanie, as bad as it seems now try not to loose hope as your body is still healing and your patience and attitude will be crucial in that process!! We are here for YOU and are willing and ready to help in anyway we can!! Also make sure to talk to your Dr about your options to help manage this while you heal!! But PLEASE PLEASE stay in touch!!
Hi Melanie,
I just wanted to say hi, my name is Jim. Glad you posted. What a blessing they were able to get the tumor removed despite the complications. It is never easy when life throws a curve ball our way but stay positive and remember that you can do this.
Hoping you find some new friendships here and useful information. This site has been a blessing for so many of us.
Hope to hear from you again soon.
Kind regards,
Jim in MD
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