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Newtothis said:
I am a 43 year old male. I have never had any bed wetting or incontenence issues ever in my life. About 2 years ago I slowly started setting my bed. I was and am mortified. I of course went to my doctor who ran every test imaginable to include blood work, MRI and a finger in the but a few times. Everything came back normal. She treated me like I was full of shit and told me there was nothing wrong and suggested I see a physciatrist. It started as 1 or 2 times a week and has evolved into anout 5 to 6 nights a week. Only at night. Never during the day. I have had to resort to wearing diapers at night like an infant. I limit my fluids and get up ever few hrs to pee at night and still usually end up in a flooded diaper. I am a 43 year old health man. Why is this happening to me? Any help would be great.

@Newtothis Its a struggle no doubt. And frustrating when you have never had any issues in the past, even as a kid, with bedwetting for it to all of a sudden start. Hope you can find some information and support on these boards.
I think there is a solution that you should seriously consider, which is to reduce or eliminate the leakage using an external device. Stopping the leakage is much better than dealing with the leakage, I have found. I'm using a soft silicone sleeve device designed to put some pressure on the urethra, which shuts down most of my leakage. Daytime, I would normally be a moderate level leaker, but at night slightly less so, since I do sleep on my back mostly...and don't hydrate much after late afternoon. Best wishes to you. I have details, if you are interested.
Its been 1 year sence my injury L1 burst and i have neurogenic bowel and bladder , had a terrible fall at work , ive been told different things as to weather i will ever retain my functions again , will or can nerves recover and bring back functions ? i had a 3rd surgery because I have left side nerve pain with bottom of left foot numb although it did bring some relief the nerve pain still happens just not as frequent , my wife is my caregiver bless her heart I have lots of fears and I hope to learn from here
Hi. SouthAK here. Bowel Incontinence with Urinary. There is a product that helped me on the bowel incontinence, but i have a light case. "Butterfly" pad. Only place i found them on web at affordable price is They are not available locally. They deal with light problems, and for some strange reason, seem to decrease the problem & the discomfort. Worth a try. Mens & womens are the same, just different color box; men's can be often hard to find or out-of-stock.
Very new here I am an exhausted mother! My daughter is 16 and for 16 years we have struggled with nocturnal enuresis! We have seen several urologist, she has received chiropractic treatments and multiple occasions, an array of alarms, we have gotten up in the middle of the night, she has set personal alarms. She is currently on birth control trying to regulate her cycle hoping that will help. She has went for a month or two at a time but it always returns. Unfortunately we can tell that it is killing her self-confidence. She is not overweight, she does not live a high stress life (she has 2 loving parents, modest home, not spoiled, but she doesn't do without much). I ordered sleep pants from overseas and those were nice for a couple of years because she they looked like sweats but had a built in "diaper" and were washable. But they are too tight and honestly take days to dry after washing. she refuses to wear a diaper cause that just sets her into a downward spiral of emotions. Every Doctor has told her with a smile. You will grow out of it. She leaves for college in less than 2 years. She will hardly travel or stay out alone for fear of an issue. This mom is broken hearted that I can't help her find answers and resolve this or find a way to live with it.
My husband is 69 years old and 3 months ago he developed a back pain and passed a smooth kidney stone. He then started to lose urine at night. He says it happens when he relaxes. Well he has passed two more smooth stones and he continues with the urine problem at night. I finally convinced him to wear the male guard depends and he says he can catch it during the day. He went to the doctor and they checked his prostrate and they said it was slightly enlarged and his last PSA test was a 3.2. He also is a diabetic. The doctor put him on Flomax and we see our regular doctor on the 18th. I told him we should call an urologist and he is dead set against it. What can I do.
Dear Wifecares,
Hopefully, the PSA is stable and prostate cancer won't complicate your lives. Being married to the average guy in denial is quite common, no doubt. If your husband gets frustrated enough to deal with his incontinence issue and wants to actively manage it, there are some non-invasive devices that he can consider. (see my note above) I personally wasn't happy with any for a number of reasons, other than what I now use. Info is available when he's ready.
Jjpeco, it didn’t look like anyone responded. Thanks for sharing your concerns about your daughter. You sound like an amazing mom. It’s hard to say what will happen. I’ve seen several youth her age that grow out of it, and I’ve seen some that don’t. The fact that she goes several months is very hopeful. I think the best thing for her to do is accept herself. Diapers are a solution for many and in reality sleep pants are a diaper. But they may not be the answer for everyone. She has to figure out how to manage it herself. As a parent, make sure to build her up for everything she is good at. She is much more then her enuresis. Help her to see it. If she seems overly troubled by it, don’t rule out counseling. At the least it can help her adapt to this problem. I’ve seen some kids, where once the anxiety and stress of wetting goes away they stop wetting. She is also free to join this support group. There are also support groups for teens out there as well. I wish I could give you more answers, but the best I can say is to keep being the great mom that you seem to be.

I noticed I'm one of the youngest people to post (reading through some of the forums) - I'm a 22 year old college student who lives with persistent nocturnal enuresis - as in, I've had NE since I was a child.

In my time as a child, I went through every intervention I know of - alarms, restrictions, meds, testing, and more. My parents tried restricting my liquids, bought into the idea that disposable protection was harmful, and because of this, I missed out on trips and travel until I was 13.
I have a much more positive view of my life with NE now then I did as a child. The alarms and the pressure to constantly work at "getting better" traumatized me and I later found out that with my age at the time they were used, the alarms and meds were very unlikely to ever be successful. My doctor simply didn't research and took them as miracle workers, I still hold a grudge.

NE negatively affected my childhood until I told my parents to stop trying to fix me. They love me and wanted the best for me, but they did so in a way that hurt me unintentionally. I started wearing night time protection and my NE lessened. I've been in uni for 4 years and it's gotten better, without going away (once in a while, unpredictably, and sometimes if I drink).

I don't really need suggestions on how to handle it, but forums like this one helped me through my roughest patches as a teen dealing with NE being lifelong for me, so I thought I'd come see this one.
Hi folks,

I'm a 73 yr old widow lady who is at her wits end with incontinence. Even with a lift chair, I have trouble getting up to go the bathroom when an urge hits to do so. Immediately, as soon as I try to stand up it just gushes out which is why I have to have pads and towels on the chair and floor. Even when I'm just sitting, the urine just flows out and I can't stop it. Add in how a cough/sneeze also triggers loss of control and my life has become embarrassingly stressful.

Has anyone needed to resort to having a medical procedure with a bag and had a positive result in their lives from taking that big a step?

Wish I had found this board years ago.
Hello and welcome! I am glad you found us! I do not have experience with medical procedures using bags. But I am fully incontinent and I've been a CNA for the elderly and ARMY medic. I can tell you that when sitting, your bladder does not empty well. When you stand, the pressure of your full bladder and gravity takes it's toll and you gush. I have that frequently. I try to stand more often and move around as much as I can. A good quality diaper like a dry 24/7 works well for sudden floods. Towels on floors can easily become trip hazards. Broken hip or bad skin tear would complicate your life and current issues further. It's a big step and lots of tests but talk to a urologist about the possibility of an indwelling suprapubic catheter. It's a leap but less infection risk than a Foley catheter. I'm new here, but I already view the people here as good friends and some as a kind of family. We can't fix you but all of our experiences are shared and hopefully they can be of some help. But even if not, these are some really caring and loving people. No judgement here. Message Barb, if I can be so bold. She is a rock on shaky ground. God bless you Beth and I hope you find your answers.

I'm new here, and thought this would be a good place to start. I'm a 28 yr old husband, and father, and I never thought I'd be here, especially at my age. I've always had bedwetting problems off and on, but have been having daytime accidents lately. No diagnosis yet, I'll know more next week, but it sounds like I'm not alone here, which is a relief. I'm not going to lie, though, I'm scared what we'll find, and anxious that others around me will find out about my incontinence somehow, which would be mortifying for me. I'm not sure if this is permenant or not but I'm glad to meet you all.

So, yeah ,hi 😊
Hi Yewn,Yes it's a good board to start with. Lots of folks here
have been down this road. They have a lot of advice
for people going through the OAB Urinary incontinence.

I have been coping with this bad stuff for 10 months now. At any
rate just hang in there and visit a good Urologist who has seen
many patients with the same problem.If you have a need to "Vent"
this is also a good place to come.

Good Luck to you! : )

Welcome here, Lydia. We are here to share and care. If you have information, pass it on. If you have questions, just ask !
Always good to meet new people or talk with those of us who e been on here for a while to get new ideas or just vent. Welcome all!!
Hi, Lydia. This is a more general comment. Look for threads or posts on foods/drinks that seem to cause more problems. For me, any sucrolose is really bad, promoting not just frequency but also urgency, even to the point of pain. Some members, quite few, report Caffiene as an issue, although that makes a difference for night time if consumed at the "wrong" time of day. Any diuretic. Any thing that us laypersons call diuretic that a nurse will get scornful about because it isn't listed by them/the AMA/the chemists as a diruretic. Like cranberry juice. (Some times, as noticeable on this website, the medical profession has truly lousy "bedside manners" and need to admit they are ignorant than try to bluff or insult their patients. Change medical providers! And Please: report anything that works for you or your loved ones, later, to help us all. Not everything works for everyone, another thing some of the medical profession hates to admit. If it works for you, go with it. If it ain't broke, don't "fix" it.
This site is full of information, ideas to try, etc, and please check out the regular, permanent info here. Ain't no advertisers here. Proof-read any post you make. The spell check can turn your post into utter nonsense, as do many sites' spellcheck systems. Maybe that's what causes inconvenience? (Hey, might as well laugh as cry.)
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