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I am a 63 year old female that has for the past 7 years has had an OAB. I have had 2 cystoscopies by 2 different urologist and both have told me that my bladder appears normal but maybe a little on the small size. I never had a problem until I went through menopause. Two years ago, I lost 55 pounds thinking that my weight might be a contributing factory. I'm 5'8" and weigh 145 now. Weight loss has had many benefits but unfortunately not with my over active bladder. I usually get up about 5-7 times each night. Fortunately, I can go right back to sleep. I still work full time and use the bathroom at least once an hour. Sometimes more often. We have 4 different bathrooms in different areas of the building so I rotate so as not to be obvious. When my husband and I go places that take awhile in the car, he is extremely understanding and will pull off the freeway and find a bathroom for me never getting upset. First let me say that I tried Oxibutin but all it did was dry out my mouth so that I needed to drink more liquid. It never cut down on my bathroom visits so I quit taking it after 6 months.

The urologist suggested: electrode therapy, botox in the bladder and a pacemaker type electrode which none of interested me. He told me not to worry about drinking eight 8oz glasses of water a day. Only drink when you are thirsty, which is what I do. I also do not drink caffeine or alcohol which do seem to increase my frequency.

My latest issue is that I have pain at the end of my stream when I urinate. It doesn't hurt when I start to pee only at the end. (No, I do not have a urinary tract infection) I almost feel like I'm probably raw inside from urinating so much.

To date, I don't have an incontinence problem, just the constant urge to urinate. I have read and researched this problem for years and about the only thing that seems to keep coming up is Kegel exercises but I've never heard anyway say it solved their frequency issues.
I tried oxybutynin too and had the same horrible dry mouth issue and lack of success. I'm now taking Trospium and it does seem to be helping. Still have to cope with dry mouth (though not quite as bad), and still having urge and inconinence issues, but less frequent and less intense. Might be worth a try if you haven't.

As for the pain at end of urination... Could it be that your bladder is spasming and causing your feelings of having to go all the time and also spasming while peeing and causing that pain as it is squeezing at the end when here isn't much left in the bladder to push out?

Neurogenic bowel and bladder after car accident 5 years ago. No control over voiding; adult briefs and plastic pants 24/7; self manage in public and at home.
20 years old have started struggling with a OAB I use pads in the day since I still have most control but at night I wear adult diapers because I wet heavily would love to talk to some people my age
Hi everyone! My names Doug! I have problems with adult bedwetting. Suffered through my entire childhood. In adulthood I've had dry spells but I still have alot of problems. I mainly manage it just wearing diapers. Would like to get to know people here!
Hi Doug, my name is Doug too. Never had a bed-wetting problem but starting at about age 45 had a real problem staying dry during the day. Huge urge accidents. Sometimes three times a day. There were days my pants were the only bathroom i had. Got used to wearing bulky diapers and boosters after a while. I did have the Interstim implanted and now maybe an accident once a month. Got lucky i guess. Welcome to the site.
Hello everyone. I'm not a new member here, but it has been MANY months since I was active, so I figured I'd just do a new intro.

I'm a 30yr old guy, regular bedwetter. I had issues when I was younger up into my late teens then stopped...for awhile. Around 25/26 I started again. At first it was sporadic and over time it grew more frequent. Then came a time of legal stress for me and that was when it became nightly again.

I've chosen to just manage my issues on my own without medical help so I just wear diapers nightly. My bed stays dry, I stay dry and I don't see a need to complicate things: it is what it is.
What is it????

Anyone have any ideas? I am new to this. I'm over 50 and have a constant unconscious small leak, day and night (when I am sleeping) which requires use of protective sanitary napkins 24/7. I do kegals as have a slight prolapse. I don't have any problems with toileting but caffeine and cold weather make visit the restroom more often than I should. Maybe I thought it could be from an overactive bladder,but I usually visit the restroom no more than about 9 times a day. Your ideas would be much appreciated. GP hasn't been helpful.
Hello, 42 male here. (why do these things always read like some kind of weird personal Fully active, fully mobile, full time job, house, kids..... the perfect life.. except my little secret. I suffer from fecal incontinence probably due to a motorcycle accident 20 years ago. Doctors aren't sure what caused the nerve damage, they just know its there and sometimes I feel like they just don't care. But that's a story for another day.

I have learned to deal with it through mostly eating right and timing. If I'm sick or feel I am going to be having problems I wear tape up briefs and tight fitting rubber pants which hold odors in.

If you saw me on the street... you would never know.

Your not alone.
Double ic for 5 years; wear full protection 24/7. Learned to forget im wearing a brief or messy brief. Work part time and self manage my adult briefs. Not a ab at all! Have to sit in messy briefs for a while often.
Thank you all for sharing. I am 62 and live in Florida. 2 years ago in a terribly hot summer I started drinking gallons of lemonade and suddenly I wake now with urine gushing out like a fountain. I have been unable to find a diaper that holds it. Days are normal with no excessive urge.
I tested negative for diabetes and my primary care doctor appears disinterested and I can't afford a urologist even if I wanted botox or such operations.
Any adult diapers you suggest to at least contain?
I have found several that are very good. My current top choice is Confidry 24/7. They can take several full floods if necessary and are comfortable and dry feeling even when wet. They do crinkle more than some others but they have worked amazingly well for me both day and night.
Another thing that might be worth trying is the Abena M4 makes sure the get the plastic backed though the cloth backed are much more prone to leaks
Hello everyone I have had wetting problems for years but not major. My major problems are COPD, Kidney, Congestive heart. I am 78 and old enough to have all his but young enough to still fight it. But my medications 240 ml Furosemide a day has now started causing wetting problems. I refuse to let this slow me down and go out EVERYDAY. I also go camping at least 4 days or so Apr. to Nov. with motorhome. My walking is limited to short distances. I control my incontinance with cloth diapers and diaper covers. And have laundry day twice a week. Being retired I have lots of time.
I have faced death about 5 times since I was 65, still here and still pushing along. Not easy being widowed but I have no intention on slowing down.
Your words inspire me! Obviously you are determined to live your life without looking back with regrets. I commend you sir and ask you keep speaking up to encourage those who are down and everyone else around you.

Thank you.
I enjoy helping people. A lot of people have come up to me for help and I help as much as possable. I have been on oxygen 13 years and now incontinance. My favorite stores are Walmart Publix and Lowes Home Depot I have been having wetting problems several years but occasional, Bur it has progressed to most of the time. The diuretics that I take were upped to 2 to 3 times a day,thats 240 ml furosemide and my body has poor control. I am at the point now I have to watch my fluid intake and swelling. Swelling go's up then increase diuretics and thick diaper. I am thinking this winter going to Florida with my motorhome for month or so. So I am thinking a case of good disposable diapers to try for a trip
Hey everyone. New member here. Based on my browsing of this forum, I guess my story isn't too different from other people, but I certainly feel on my own, since I'm the only I know in real life who deals with urinary incontinence. I'm a 33yo active and athletic guy living in NYC. Although I always had a tricky time with my bladder growing up, it didn't start causing consistent issues for me until a few years back. I've tried various strategies, but "protection" is where I've ended up. Sometimes I'm very frustrated by it all, other times I feel accepting of myself and the situation. I guess it's always a journey! Just on here to meet other people dealing with similar issues (any new yorkers out there?). Also trying to figure out strategies for physically strenuous activities and how I can wear protection without irritating my skin. Anyways, I'm sure there are plenty of tips in this forum so I'll surf around.
Hello Will.

Also trying to figure out strategies for physically strenuous activities and how I can wear protection without irritating my skin

Connecticut here and I understand the skin irritation problem while sweating. My issues are different than yours in they are bowel related so I can usual use timing to control my issue during heavy activity, but on occasion I still must wear a brief if I'm going to be away from a bathroom for long periods.... like if I'm out cutting firewood or similar. All I can say is use a lighter than normal product and use plenty of barrier cream. Have you tried belted briefs? They aren't for long periods of heavy use, but they are a lot cooler than pull-ups or tab brief styles.


I occasionally use them in the summer. They come in cloth of plastic backed and are good for short times when you want to be relatively cool.
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