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Hello all,

I'm feeling a mix of immense relief and embarrassment as well. I write this. It's such a load off of my shoulders to know that I'm not the only person in the world who struggles with this issue, but at the same time, it's humiliating as I'm only 22 and this is my 17th year dealing with nighttime bedwetting/incontinence/OAB/whatever. I guess I should start with a bit of history. I actuallly haven't struggled with wetting the bed for my entire life. I was fine until I was about 5 years old, when several cousins did some not so nice things to me (I was the one who got into trouble, though). That's when I started wetting the bed, and, unfortunately, I was always yelled at when it happened, which seemed to make it worse. Since then, there have been periods of my life when I've wet the bed less (3-4 times per month instead of 5 days a week), but it's never completely gone away.

I visited a urologist and she did several tests (I can't remember their names at the moment) and tried prescribing medication, which worked about 20% of the time, so I stopped taking it and flushed the pills down the toilet. At a follow up visit, she and I talked a bit more in depth, and I told her my suspicions that it was trauma/stress related, and she agreed with me. Lately, it seems as though nothing is working. I manage my stress as best as I can (eat a whole foods plant based diet, exercise to de-stress, drink water, talk things out, etc.), stop eating food & drinking water 2-3 hours before bed, and use a mattress protector, but this entire summer I've been waking up completely soaked nearly every single morning. It doesn't help that I'm also a very heavy sleeper (especially if I'm stressed or exhausted), so setting alarms doesn't help all of the time, either. It's extremely frustrating and annoying. I despise having to shower so often (I have naturally dry/sensitive skin, so if my bladder was okay, I would only shower about 3x a week and take wash ups in between), and I'm getting sick and tired of rewashing my laundry every day. I just want to be able to wake up dry and hop out of bed without going through an hour long clean up process before getting my day started.

During the daytime, I'm usually okay, although I feel like either my brain or my kidneys isn't sending/receiving the right signal. Sometimes I'll get extremely sudden urges to go 3-5 times in the space of half an hour. Other times, I won't have any urges for 2-3 hours and only end up making a trip to the bathroom because I realize how much time has passed. I've only had a couple of accidents during the day, and that was usually due to me drinking a lot of water before driving to work (I have a 60+ minute commute) or thinking I could hold it when I really couldn't.
Looking forward to learning from everyone here!

I had robotic prostactomy two weeks ago. Urine collects in my blatter if I am sitting or lying down. When I stand up the blatter empties immediately in one full force stream. I have no ability to slow or stop it.

When I am standing, every drop of urine drips out non stop until I sit or lie down. I can not stop the drips.

Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do?


I try to do the Kegal exercises, but I have no feeling to sphinster in the front.
Hi Group,

I am a 30 year old guy that experiences incontinence. I went through the bedwetting phase as a kid, but dried up around 7 years old. For the most part, I was continent for the next 18 years. And then Bam!...started having some wet nights.

I was pretty concerned and went to my doctor's. I had blood work done and went through a sleep study to rule out apnea. Nothing turned up abnormal and was referred to an Urologist who basically said since there was no underlying medical condition, my only option was medication for an overactive bladder. He also confirmed that nighttime incontinence was not super uncommon. I tried the medication and it really did not help much. It was then that I started wearing nighttime diapers. I went through a ton of different brands and styles, but finally found something that worked well all night.

A few years after that, I started having some daytime wetting accidents. I am pretty sure I always had an overactive bladder. I remember as a kid that I would sometimes go pee every 10 minutes. My mom even had to put me on a timer so I would wait at least 30 minutes between bathroom breaks. The running joke in my family was that I always knew where every public bathroom was wherever we went. I even peed in a motor home bathroom that was on showcase at a local mall…my mom was mortified. It worried me that my overactive bladder and urgency had gotten so bad that I was wetting my pants. I have real estate sales job that puts me on the road a lot and in properties that don’t always have working bathrooms. After some embarrassing moments and close calls, I decided to wear diapers during the day too.

Although there have been some issues, I am managing my incontinence as best as I can. I don’t let it get in the way of living life. I can still have a rewarding career, I can still go camping with my scout troop and I can still be social and have a ton of friends. I even have a girlfriend that is more than understanding of my issue. She doesn’t judge me and she just thinks it’s incredible that I am able to put up with it. She is the second girl I have been with since my problems developed and I will try to post some of my experiences with relationships and incontinence.

Hope the intro wasn’t too long. I look forward to being part of this community. I think I can learn a lot, get some good support and advice and maybe even share a pearl of wisdom or two from my personal experiences.
Hi my name is seila i am at my wits end first some background info I took my mom an dad out of a bad nursing home about 2 1/5 years ago my mom has Alzheimers an dad slight dementia bt my mom is the one i am so concerned about she is having chronic UTIS 2 months ago the urologist called to tell me the meds i was giving would not work on this bug she needed to go into the hospital to be on IV antibiotics so i took her in she was on them for 4 days then sent out to a rehab to continue 10 more days of shots an was doing great for about while but before i took her out the informed me she has another bad uti that had to her urine needed to be contained with a catheter bag for the cycle of the meds well about 3 days latter she fell an got hurt an sent out to the hospital wile there they found out she had a even worse uti than before an put her on IV antibiotics again then sent her home after 4 days with home health so its ben 2 weeks now an they took a in an out cath
sample an its back can someone please help me ive tried everything posable to prevent this from happening its going to kill my mom i sware its not constipation anymore she poos every day its not dehydration she drinks nothing but water all day an drinks about 5 16 oz bottled water an a cup of prune juice a day ive changed laundry soap to sensitive skin an clean her undercarriage every time she gose potty i even took her off of Namenda its not recommended for people with bladder issues please someone help me i just dont get it its not the save infection please heplp tank you
I am so sorry you are going through this with your Mom. My Mom just passed away in May and had the same problem. I don't know what to suggest. We had just got the home to agree to put Mom on regular antibiotics, all the time, when she went downhill really quickly and passed away. It was the first I knew about UTI's causing dementia type symptoms!!! Just know that you are not the only one in this situation and learn from others as much as you can!
Hi, here an introduction from the Netherlands (yes, far away in Europe). I'm an guy in his late twenties college graduate and now young professional dealing with continence problems for quite some time now.

It all started when I was 15 with bedwetting episodes, probably caused by stress and some other underlying issues. At that time the problem was quite on and off, with dry episodes which could last several months. I tried medications, but nothing really worked or caused tremendous headaches.

This changed around my 22nd when I caught a pretty severe bladder/UTI infection. which I discovered pretty late. The infection got under control by taking antibiotics, but it left me with control issues. Later I was diagnosed with OAB/urge incontinence. I worked hard to regain control during daytime (at least to a dry OAB), resulting in some success. Frustrating in way, that I now have dry and wet episodes that alternate. The wet episodes vary in length, it can be a few days but it can also be weeks.
At one low point, I was totally done with it and decided to wear protection 24/7/365. At that time it gave me peace and comfort, but as the dry episodes got longer I got out of protection as soon as I could....

Although I'm comfortable with wearing diapers, it sometimes makes me feel a less 'normal' individual which somehow is less than his successful counterparts. I know there have to be tons of other young individuals out there who deal with incontinence/bedwetting looking at statistics and messages on the various board, but this stigma attached to it is still huge. Many people hide themselves and as someone dealing with incontinence at a young age and free from disabilities it helps me certainly a lot when it gets a 'face'. I admire therefore the Depend campaign, which helped at least a little bit in reducing the stigma in my opinion.
Because of the stigma, I'm quite distant when it comes to dating. Sooner or later I have to speak up and I'm anxious to lose an individual which I care deeply about in that way.

Anyway I'm glad to be a part of this community.
Well, I'm Ted, 61 years old, I guess I have been lucky for the most part as far as medical concerns. I had a slipped disc, a bleeding ulcer and a gall bladder eruption through the years. So anyhow I'm just saying I never had anything I just couldn't get rid of, that requires any number of test, expense and hassle. Until about 3 months ago I started wetting the bed, it kept getting worse, it gets me exhausted, one day I fell asleep in my chair and woke up peeing myself. The doctor prescribed oxybutynin 5mg twice a day but my idiotic medicare provider would only pay for one per day so I went with one per day. No help. I think I am a wimp and I know people have been through much worse but I do not feel up to this challenge.
Hello, I'm 48 years old and have had issues with minor leaking during the day and episodes of bed wetting for the last few years. I initially went to the Dr and to the Urologist. My problems boil down to BPH and OAB. I tried several meds for both and got some relief but not enough to keep taking pills every day. I've nearly eliminated coffee and alcohol. I go through periods where things nearly return to normal then get worse again. I've been wearing diapers to bed for a while now, I can usually make it through the night without wearing but I don't get much sleep. So I've decided its better to wear protection than be a zombie all day. I have to wear a pad during the day or I will randomly have a stain on the front of my pants I usually only need one or two pads to get through the day.
I am 50 years old and have struggled with OAB/wetting accidents for 6 years now. I finally gave up and went to a urologist and tried various medications without any success. I tried the diaper thing but the only way I could keep my clothes dry is to put pounds of padding in a thick diaper. (When I wet my pants I usually let 800cc's or mo go. I don't feel the need to pee except when my bladder gets over distended and by then I have no chance of getting ti a mens room). If I
am just wearing briefs, I leave a lake wherever I am sitting or standing. We finally tried Interstim which I have had in for a month now and I have only wet my pants 2 times since! But now I still have large volume outputs (he has me tracking it for now) anywhere from 750-1200cc's at a time but I can hold it! I would encourage younger men (or even older ones) to consider this therapy with your urologists. There is a "trial" period of up to one week so if you get no relief your not stuck with an implant that is not going to work. Give it some thought guys!
I am in my mid 50s now and have had to deal with this since I had a head injury at 28. I've used protection since then but the symptoms were not very severe until about 2 years ago - I started having daytime accidents 2 or 3 times a day, every day and night time problems got worse. I am blessed that I don't have to wear as much protection when I am at home or at work, but I don't go without a brief or absorbent underwear any other time. I don't have serious problems every day, but some days are much worse than others. It doesn't bother me to have to wear protection - probably because I have for so long, but I am surprised by it. I had to change in a fast food place yesterday for the first time in a while and had lost the confidence level I had before. So I wonder if I really will ever be at ease.
Alright, it's my turn:
I go by Mel, am 50, live a fulfilling life, work too much, play sports, have a wonderful wife, friends, two kids...
With regards to my incontinence, I have always had a short fuse, was the one that had to run a little faster to the bathroom than the other kids. I wasn't dry at night until age 10, but only for a few years. Over the years the day time urgency has gotten more severe until I had to wear pads in my 20's and later diapers. In the past 5 years the spams in my bladder have increased and are sometimes quite painful. I had a tumor removed from my bladder in 2013, and urodynamics diagnosed DSD. There's trabeculation in my bladder, and the doc is worried about vesicoureteral reflux. When the cramping gets particularly bad I use an indwelling catheter, as the cramping is smallest when my bladder is empty. Otherwise I use diapers. I have never learned to trust external catheters and hate the feeling of leg bags.
Feel free to reach out and ask away.
Thank you all!
Hi I'm so happy I stumbled upon this site! I'm 46 n mother of 3 (youngest is 19). I have been having issues at night with wetting the bed for several years. I'm march I was diagnosed with diabetes and once started on medication and getting my numbers down the wetting seemed to stop...until now! The last 3 nights I have had episodes of wetting. Now trying to get back into watching my diet to see if that helps. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue?
My name is Mike, I'm 27 and I've struggled with inc on and off for years. It seems to be getting worse over the years. I wet the bed as a kid, probably up until age 9 or 10. Then I had wetting issues (night and day) off and on through high school and college. OAB does run in the family and my grandfather recently died from bladder cancer. I've been to multiple urologists and had the gamut of urodynamics testing but so far nothing definitive has been diagnosed. Whenever I go to the restroom, it never feels like I'm completely empty and I always inevitably leak a good amount. Also sometimes I'll just leak unexpectedly while changing positions at my desk or standing up. Leakage can be anywhere from moderate to severe. I also deal with nighttime issues. I currently wear briefs during the day and at night. I'm a college professor and it's very nerve wracking having to wear protection during the day,it really messes with my confidence and my stomach is constantly in knots or upset due to stress. Luckily I have a very understanding wife at home so I don't have to be embarrassed or nervous around her. I haven't given up hope that someone can give me some answers. I may try another urologist soon. Good to have a place like this to vent frustrations and maybe commiserate with some like-minded folks.
Happy to find this site.I am considering a pelvic reconstructive robotic surgery called sacrocolpopexy involving sling.Can somebody share experience or give advise.Anything will be appreciated.
Hey everybody, My name is Madison, I'm 21, have both occasional bladder and bowel incontinence due to spina bifida occulta since birth so I'm used to it by now. It's not that bad. My diaper is kind of like my underwear. I'm a freshwoman in college (please don't call me a freshman because I'm not). If any of you have questions though or want to chat about coping strategies, feel free to message me.:)
I'm a 63year-old man that has ms I have bladder and bowel issues along with vision and mobility problems seems that a lot of things can cause continence problems looking forward to hearing how other people deal with theses issues
Hi I'm Bianca
I have a problem that has happened since I was 15, about 2-3 times a month I wet my bed. I always go to the toilet before bed but occasionally I wake up 2.5 hours after falling asleep and I've weed myself. It's really hard cause I sharehouse with 2 girls and a guy. When I have to wash my sheets I have to try and hide the plastic sheet. I'm embarressed to be doing this and reaalllly don't want anyone to know. It's getting hard to keep my secret. I'm 25 and have read that most ppl my age don't find a cure. It's depressing I don't want to be lonely
Hi Bianca, take a deep breath. I know it'a hard but it will be ok. Bedwetting happens nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes people's bodies just do that. waking up in a wet bed and washing sheets after an accident sucks! I would recommend getting "just in case" pull-ups. The ones on the market now don't even seem like diapers. The depend silhouette and always discreet are actually kind of cute. No one will know but you. Wear them and if you need to throw them away put them in a plastic bag, no one will care.
As for being lonely, it's easy to catastrophize the reactions of others. People honestly don't care. They are wrapped up in themselves. If you are worried about a partner it most likely won't be in an issue if you are wearing protection. It's like diabetes. Your body has a condition and you are doing what you need to to manage it. If a diabetic was using insulin that wouldn't prevent them from doing most things. If someone with a bladder condition uses pull ups same thing, it's a tool to make life manageable
Hi Bianca i live in a independent living apartments they provide weekly light house cleaning they know know about my bladder issues know one has ever said anything at all it is a problem that is more common than even i thought
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