Hi. New member here, with questions about bladders damaged by pelvic radiation.
I’m female, 62, living with cervical cancer. For some years I’ve had a ureteral stent, running from kidney to bladder. The stent aids the flow of urine in an area where a tumor, pressing against the ureter, causes some obstruction. Once a year, the stent is replaced.
Six weeks ago I started experiencing incontinence. For 2-3 days it amounted to a dribble when I coughed or stood up quickly from a seated position. It soon escalated to nighttime incontinence: I’d wake up, need to go, get out of bed and instantly lose urine – not a dribble but a small stream. This would happen 2-6 times a night.
It so happened that the incontinence started just before time for my annual stent exchange, so I mentioned it to my urologist in our pre-procedure meeting. She said she didn’t think the it was related to the stent but that she’d look around in the bladder when she did the exchange.
I had the stent swap (my fifth, by the way) and much to my surprise, afterward, in recovery, I couldn’t urinate at all! Bladder measurement indicated the bladder was quite full, yet I couldn’t void. So I went from peeing all the time to not being able to pee at all. The doc put a catheter in and said I should meet with her colleague who specializes in neurogenic bladders.
So I did. We did a urodynamics study and a cystoscopy. She thinks the bladder is suffering late effects of the pelvic radiation I had as a cancer treatment in 2011. She says the bladder has shrunk and is not squeezing properly. So it appears I’ll be wearing a catheter permanently.
She told me about drugs that could “stretch” the bladder and about surgically implanted catheters. She also said I could try self-cathing but because of a vaginal tumor I have, it might be painful. So for the moment I’m sticking with a catheter that I cap (as opposed to a leg bag). Unfortunately, if I can’t self-cath, and continue to wear a catheter, then I can’t benefit from physical therapy or timed exercises either.
My questions: Any theories on why I went from incontinent to totally unable to void after the stent surgery? Does anyone know if/how the function of a radiation-damaged bladder can be improved? Does anyone know if acupuncture might help?
Sorry for the long post – thanks for reading!