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Hi Jaytee,
I wet at night also. It stopped for a few years as a child into teen but came back after around 18. Been to more than a few doctors and couple urologists and the said I have neurogenic bladder/oab. Take oxybutinin for the spasms and it helps some. Still have to wear a diaper or other product to stay dry though.
Lots of things can cause night and day wetting so just keep being persistent in finding someone who you are comfortable with that will understand your unique situation and help to find a plan that works. In the mean time grab some bedpads and a couple towels and something absorbent to wear to keep the bed dry. Walmart sells Natures Miracle in the pet isle. It works amazing for taking care of most bodily fluids, getting rid of the stain and any odor.
Hope you find success. Glad you found the site. Many good and knowledgeable and helpful folks here.
Have a Blessed evening and weekend!
Hello all, glad I found this group. I'm a middle aged male that has been experiencing crazy, disruptive nocturia over the past 2 years. It is ruining my life! Some nights I'm up 3-4 times, other nights the urge to pee is nearly constant. I get up to pee, get back in bed and 5-10 minutes later the urge comes back. Not much in my bladder when I return to the bathroom. Needless to say I'm getting very little sleep and my life is very limited. I have urgency occasionally during the day, but it's much easier to control. I pass on social gatherings and don't like to stay over at anyone's house because I'm up/down all night peeing and I'm too exhausted for social/work interactions. My evaluations have included: Sleep study, prostate exam, PSA, 4K (new test for cancer), ultrasound, CT of pelvic area, bloodwork and urinalysis, and most fun of all the cystoscope. All results negative for any visible disorder. I'm on combination Myrbetriq, Vesicare, and I take amitriptyline and ambien to at least knock me out for a couple hours. But even all that isn't help much and it's expensive! In addition I've had two courses of antibiotics, physical therapy, TENS, dietary changes. Doc says maybe implanted stimulator or Botox would likely be our next options. I'm desperate to get my life back. I can't even effectively work or socialize because I'm exhausted, and look like a zombie. Still hoping for some sort of solution.
Hello, your medical is quite extensive.
All i can say is your exhaustion is understandable
If you wore a diaper at night you could maybe sleep better. Or not. My nocturia wakes me up
Maymay941 said:
Hello, your medical is quite extensive.
All i can say is your exhaustion is understandable
If you wore a diaper at night you could maybe sleep better. Or not. My nocturia wakes me up

Thank you for the reply. Waking up is the main problem. I am awakened by the initial urge and then the repeating urges that follow. So, even if I could void in bed I'd still be in approximately the same situation. My doc resisted catheter or anything that would potentially train my system to start urination in bed. His opinion is that we would be opening up another issue potentially starting a bed wetting issue or infections/problems with the catheter. Right now it's looking like Botox or implanted stimulator. I'm considering a visit to Mayo Clinic to seek a second opinion. All of these problems seem very mysterious and treatments have been minimally effective if at all. Feel like I'm wasting precious years of my life just staying close to home so I can nap and pee all day.
Welcome to the board Ron, that is truly a major life change and finding a cure or even reason sounds like it’s an equal challenge!! If you take a stronger sleeping aid maybe you can sleep through the night, I would wear something for protection of coarse or use a catheter for the mean time until they can figure out a better way to manage/cure this. Hope the Mayo has some answers for you!!
Ron, I empathize with you. I have a similar problem. Many times I urinate 8 or more times per night. I wear a diaper, that oftentimes leaks before morning. I have an enlarged prostate and diabetes. I don’t always wake before urinating, so the diaper is a must. But, even if I woke, I would still use a diaper; I get a better sleep not having to get up and use the toilet. I hope you find a solution that improves your life. You are not alone.
rtmcook said:
Ron, I empathize with you. I have a similar problem. Many times I urinate 8 or more times per night. I wear a diaper, that oftentimes leaks before morning. I have an enlarged prostate and diabetes. I don’t always wake before urinating, so the diaper is a must. But, even if I woke, I would still use a diaper; I get a better sleep not having to get up and use the toilet. I hope you find a solution that improves your life. You are not alone.

Thank you. I hope things improve for you and everyone here. On the one hand I'm grateful that docs haven't found cancer or even an enlarged prostate. Very grateful. When I have a bad night I'm up a dozen or more times, sometimes 10-15 apart. Drugs help knock me out, but the urge is so strong I can't sleep through it even with sedatives in my system. My concern is that my body and mind is going to start breaking down due to lack of sleep. Got to find a solution even if I go broke finding it. I've heard that prisoners of war are tortured with sleep deprivation. I now understand how powerful and hopeless that can be.
@ronlecroy hi Ron, I have also been getting up at night several times a night for years. I certainly recognise your description of exhaustion. I have had Botox injections twice now. The effect isn't perfect, but I now only get up once or twice. I have also had periods with a catheter fitted, but got really bad infection. I don't have any answers for you, but you are not on your own, cheers Phil
physlink said:
@ronlecroy hi Ron, I have also been getting up at night several times a night for years. I certainly recognise your description of exhaustion. I have had Botox injections twice now. The effect isn't perfect, but I now only get up once or twice. I have also had periods with a catheter fitted, but got really bad infection. I don't have any answers for you, but you are not on your own, cheers Phil

Hi Phil. Thank you for the reply. Can you describe the experience of having the botox injection? My cystoscopy was very uncomfortable and as a result I'm reluctant to have any more "insertions" in my man parts.
@ronlecroy hi Ron, I have now had so many cystoscopies and other urethral procedures I hardly notice it. I also self catheterise up to 6 times a day. The injections hurt a bit, but the pain wears off in a few minutes. The first few days afterwards can be difficult as the bladder adjusts to the Botox. I will probably try a third time as my next option is the interstim and I am worried about this as I have disc problems in the lower back. I get up once or twice a night to use a catheter as I rarely leak while lying down. During the day the symptoms are better but I still leak several times a day and wear protection. Phil
Ron i can really relate to being woken by the urge. Obviously im not able to diagnose why this has happened to some of us but i looked up diet for overactive bladder thinking maybe some food could be triggering. Since i eat and drink everything on the list in "normal" quantity and havent changed my diet im no guinea pig but you might google this.
Now im going to take a nap, last night felt lije my urine was a flow of lava running backwards UP instead of down but i couldn't
Stop or get up because it wouldn't stop.i can nap for a couple hours with no change in bladder control and manage my days so i dont know why i cant anymore at night. Drug regimes did not help me either. The worst thing for me is the self hatred that my body suddenly developed this betrayal and i struggle with acceptance of iver active bladder nocturia.
physlink said:
@ronlecroy hi Ron, I have now had so many cystoscopies and other urethral procedures I hardly notice it. I also self catheterise up to 6 times a day. The injections hurt a bit, but the pain wears off in a few minutes. The first few days afterwards can be difficult as the bladder adjusts to the Botox. I will probably try a third time as my next option is the interstim and I am worried about this as I have disc problems in the lower back. I get up once or twice a night to use a catheter as I rarely leak while lying down. During the day the symptoms are better but I still leak several times a day and wear protection. Phil

Thanks Phil. I'm glad that botox is giving you some relief. Waking 2-3 times a night would be wonderful to me. On a very good night I get up about 6-8 times. A bad night I have urgency almost continuously and sleep in drug induced 15 minute increments. I am reluctant to try botox because of the procedure and that it may result in my having to use a cath. Also, it seems to me that the more times things are inserted through the sphincters the slacker they will get. Right now I don't have an incontinence issue but worry that might result from too many procedures. I'm with you on the Interstim issue. I've heard it works for some, but others it has no effect. I'd hate to go through that whole process and end up still having problem. Also, I worry that Medtronic is pushing these devices because they are highly profitable and use essentially the same technology as their pacemakers.

At some point I may have to forge ahead with botox or Interstim, but I'd sure like to see about other options before the invasive solutions.
I would aak any surgeon to provide a list of people willing to give references over a 5 year periodd.
From what i glean from the forum successful resulted people tend to maybe tell us the initial results and then drop away but not a few come back to say the success was short lived and or had complications within a year or two.hardly an exact science or statistical way to track long term success.
I’m not sure this is the right place to post this but:

I had stim unit put in back in February this yr, for fecal incontinence, and it’s helped me & made a huge difference in # of accidents. I’m so glad I had it done. Just before I had it implanted, I talked with the Rep about why there was so many neg reviews online & few positive reviews. Unless I’m just very lucky, I believe people are more apt to post when things go wrong or at their worst & don’t bother posting when things go well. For me, it took time to get used to it plus needing to find best setting. It’s not a cure all, but much much better than what I had to deal with before getting it.

The only big disappointment for me so far is that I am still trying to fine tune it to match the same settings as were used in the temporary unit during the 2 wk trial period. They used a different unit for the trial period, it looks nothing like the small one that was implanted, but I was told they operate about the same, just not exact.
Maymay941 said:
I would aak any surgeon to provide a list of people willing to give references over a 5 year periodd.
From what i glean from the forum successful resulted people tend to maybe tell us the initial results and then drop away but not a few come back to say the success was short lived and or had complications within a year or two.hardly an exact science or statistical way to track long term success.

I completely agree!
I too wish people would revisit & let us know how things are going. I had dealt with my issues for over 10 yrs before deciding to get my stim unit. I would of had it done sooner if I had seen more positive reviews. My incontinence started after surgery to remove a hemorrhoid and a fisher. I regret ever having it done, but just live & learn.
Thank you Lee!
Imperfect results but better than you were is a VERY cheering thing to hear. Sounds like you might tweak it fo an even better level with time, hope it works!
I would like, sometime, to chat with others that have had a stim unit implanted. You’d think Medtronic would have some type of consumer chat / blog /etc, but they don’t. They will hook you up with someone to chat with before the procedure, they are supposed to be real patients having experience with a stim unit, but I will have to admit I kinda question it, but only b/c after my implant I called Medtronic and asked to talk with another person, and was told it was only for people who had questions and were thinking about maybe getting a stim unit. What would you think?
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