Thanks for sharing what turned out to be quite a positive story, and the message that accompanies it. I’m sorry you had to go through what you did that created this topic, so again sorry & thanks! With all of the advertisements etc. constantly on TV I think the “Stigma” is finally starting to crumble a bit.
In the past far more people suffered silently than actually sought treatment for incontinence and a few years back the average time from onset to first speaking to a Doctor was over 8 years, simply too embarrassing..
It still amazes me that the “WRONG” teaching of parents, family members, teachers etc. to scold, embarrass, humiliate in order to force compliance through complete continence is INSANE simply at its core! These were the words of wisdom passed down from the 50’s through the 70’s, yet they still permeate society 40-50 years later, it’s simply NUTS!
I give some credit to the Big Pharma companies, as they advertise incessantly to sell their meds that only work for a small minority of incontinent people, but again it gets the message out! I usually have CNBC running on a screen to keep an eye on the overall market while trading every day and must admit I was initially shocked to see the number of ads for everything from catheters to adult diapers in the last few years. I can tell you I’ve been watching CNBC during my trading days for over 20 years and would never have predicted this a few years ago, but our society is aging & where better to market to those like me that have used it as a tool for a long time.
Another important thing you shared, is that a complete stranger showed the compassion to come forward to attempt to assist you and your wife at a time of potentially tremendous embarrassment, instead she shared caring and calm during your crisis.
I know I’m again a bit long winded, but I feel this shows that despite continued attempts by mass media and the fear-mongering utilized like a sharp blade by certain elected individuals of every stripe, our society is, at its core full of wonderful people….
Thanks again Randall