Had another bedwet out of nowhere


Staff member
I had a bed-wetting incident about a month ago and thought it was just a one time thing but I had another incident last night. Nothing different in diet and no medications so I can't figure it out and none of the so called professionals that I have seen have a clue. When a doctor tells you that abnormal is the new normal that's when you know your doctor is lazy and incompetent.
Certainly seems like urology is mystery mecicine, very hard to get a diagnosis after many tests for many people.
The good news is that you are healthy apparel apart from this quirky bladder. Which is common!!?
Be sure to clean your matress wwith a deep soaking of urine remover or natures miracle and put a towel on that to absorb the cleaner. (You can sleep on this under the sheet to press put the used enzyme cleaner and remove towel to wash the next day).Put a waterproof matress cover down and a bed pad (washable cloth?) On your bottom sheet. That way if this issue strikes you will be prepared.
@HueyHuckabee Sorry to here this Huey. I don't have any suggestions only just wanted you to know that we are here to talk as you need it.

@Maymay941 gave good advice for cleaning the mattress if it got wet. And if you have not already, put some protection on your bed so if it does happen again in the future your mattress is safe.

hang in there.
My advice is not to worry too much but protect your bed and get on with life. My bedwetting used to be sparodi during my 20's and 30's and to be honest I never thought much about it.I was in my late 40's when it came back with a vengence.
Maybe you are stressed or anxious about something. This happens to me as well but for me its more frequent.
Hello I’m a female I had night and day time bladder problems as a child. Now in my 30s it came back I have wet the bed 3 times this year . I’m so embarrassed. It doesn’t help that I have a rare genetic disorder that affects my stomach and intestines. Plus I am overweight
@Warriorqueen7 Your weight is not a factor. I have lost 40 lbs and now weigh 110 and I have had a few sporadic occurrences and did not have any when I weighed 40lbs heavier. It's more likely a hormonal imbalance. Adrenal glands or kidneys.
I had another episode last night for some unknown reason. No medications no change in diet. Nothing and yet it happened out of nowhere.
Hi Huey i contacted my cousin who takes good care of his health in Fort Worth to get a name of a reliable doctor
Hi Huey i thought i messaged you maybe it didnt go through. My cousins brother is a doctor and he takes medical seriously himself but as he pointed out ft worth is a big town.
His gp is Angelene Stewart 7150 McCart ave ft worth
Mccartmedical.com (i think a gp)
Texas health Harris methodist hospital has a dedicated diabetes practice slso
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