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I am a newlywed. Ive been with my husband since 2019 and we recently got married. My husband is 33 and has apparently been experiencing nocturnal nuresis his entire life. He was just really good at hiding or workinh with it. We didn't live together prior to marriage, so although there were a couple of accidents when we were dating, they were few and far in between. Now that we are married and live together of course i notice the frequency. Its not every night or even every week that it happens. He wet the bed once when we were visiting has parents for the holidays and his mom was not surprised. She said he and his sister had a small kidney. I assume she meant bladder. Even when he is awake he pees frequently especially if he is drinking alcohol. I have asked him about reducing alcohol intake,but he says it happens even if he doesnt drink alcohol, which is true. He's even wet the couch a few times while taking a nap, so i was terrified when he fell asleep on my parents couch this evening. As i type this tight now at almost 5am, im up because he wet the bed again at i assume 3am. I felt it on me and woke him up. He put towels over it like usual and went back to sleep. This time i couldnt go back to sleep. Im tired of this happening and i want him to get help. He is young, in good shape and hes a soldier (no it's not ptsd related). I know there has to be an explanation and a solution for this. Im going to have a serious heart to heart with him today and plead with him to go get checked out. Any ideas, testimonials or just general encouragement would be appreciated. I know we are not alone in this. I just want him to get better. I don't want to make him feel bad. I just want him to get better