wife of a nightly bedwetter


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Hello, im new to this site but thought i may be able to get some support and guidance on how to approach my husband or answers to help him. For the last year my.husband has suffered from bedwetting. He doesnt have any other symptoms other than wetting the bed during sleep but it is happening nightly at this point. He cant go see a doctor because he has a job that requires him to have no physical issues so he wont go see a doctor. Im having a hard time being able to talk to him because hes clearly embarassed about it and gets angry if i bring it up and try to offer solutions to make it easier on us or easier to cleanup etc. I love him dearly and support him and want to be there for him but im not okay with thw problem just being ignored and not dealt with in any way. If anyone has advice from experience on how to get through to him or anything i would greatly appreciate it.
It is embarrassing to wake up in a wet bed and especially next to someone that might have gotten wet from laying next to me. I've found that wearing protection (diapers) is less of a problem. If he won't see a doctor,at least a diaper will keep the bed dry. It's much better to wake up with a wet diaper than wet sheets.
I can completely understand that....ive brought up maybe using diapers before but he shut it down very quickly.the only help hes really allowed me to give him is waking him up at night to go pee (hes an insanely sound sleeper which is why he and i think this happens...he just sleeps through it) and that helped for a bit but then he started not waking up even when i woke him. I want him to understand that im ok with it and not judging him i just want it to not affect our lives more than it has to you know? He has a bed wetting alarm but he only uses it half the time and ive brought up the subject so many times to help that its basicly counter productive now because he just gets angry. Im at a loss on how to help him and also live as normally as we can with this issue
Maybe he can find a support group that can help him with his hang up with protection. If you are the one having to do the laundry, have him do it instead. Sleeping in separate beds may be an incentive. If he wets every night and he has to deal with the consequences, he might realize diapers provide a much better solution than wet sheets and a ruined mattress. That or go see a doctor. You shouldn't have to bear part of this burden if he won't look for solutions.
No...the problem is he sleeps so soundly so he doesnt wake up till the morning to a wet bed...even with the alarm hell unplug it sometimes when it goes off and fall back asleep
External catheters may be the answer for him, not a diaper, and not intrusive. Have a look online, Coloplast, Hollister, and Rochester all make them, nice to keep the bed dry and not be diapered or wet!
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