Trying to get wife to accept me wearing protection


Staff member
So my mom gave me an idea to get my wife to accept me wearing..she said to just never wear and to let myself wet on the bed and my clothes and it should get her to realize I need protection/want me to wear it..has anyone had this issue or think this is a solution to get her on board with me wearing
I would just say You have to do that or risk a wet bed.
Seems to explain the situation without well enough for most people. I if she had her period she would need to protect the bed. Same thing. You are simply being proactive.
It's an education issue. After my surgery, the Urology department put on a briefing session for patients and significant others; quite a crowd it was. They were probably seeking more customers for additional surgery. If you find such an event, bring your wife and show her what the new normal is...and that it ain't so bad...and quite common. There are also various support groups that meet regularly that you might find helpful, as well, in your education mode. Best wishes. Fynlee
I don't think I would go without protection, seeing as how an accident could ruin an otherwise perfectly good mattress and bedding. You are taking care of yourself and your property by wearing protection. That's a must! If I were you, I like the idea of finding a good support group and bringing your wife along, for sure! Going to such a session would do your wife a world of good and she would realize that it isn't just you, and that you are not alone with this issue. So that was very good advice from Fynlee up above.
It isn't a good idea not to wear some sort of protection. It will give both of you a good night's sleep, and be more comfortable by not waking up in a wet bed.
As soon as my bedwetting came back my wife suggested nappies.I can't understand why your wife would have a problem with you wearing protection.
Sounds like you need to see a therapist together. Your wife probably has an unconscious repulsion to your diapers, like they remind her that she herself is aging and may also need them in the future. If I had a husband who was willing to wear protection to keep our lives dry and clean and himself healthy, I’d admire and respect him for it. What does your wife say is wrong with you wearing protection? What about it offends her? I think peeing everywhere is confrontational, but hey, she started it, and maybe she needs to learn a lesson. But I’d try to work things out with calm words first.
For all of us here on this forum, the future is now! Some people just have an aversion to diapers and may see it as a sign of weakness. Here, we all need protection and the world hasn't come to an end! In fact everyone here is a strong person who has plenty of good things to offer the world. Being willing to wear protection is a sign you're taking care of an undesirable situation in the best way you know how. It also shows you really care for yourself and others!
@billliveshere Thank you so much. That really brought tears to my eyes. My incontinence was the main reason why I haven't dated anyone and yes shocker why I'm a virgin. I realize now that I want to wait for the right person to accept all of me! Cue the corny music 😅
@Steven1980 ,
Sorry to hear that. Some people don’t understand until it’s them that has to deal with things. 😥
Good Sunday morning, 23andpee:D I would think you would be date-worthy in your own right, incontinence notwithstanding. So please don't let that get in your way! As everyone here has said, if someone is so tiny that something like incontinence keeps them from knowing and loving a wonderful person then you can give them the ol' heave-ho with no regrets! They don't deserve you! That special person will come along and I know you have the ability and perception to recognize that.
Though I am not married, my dad has never accepted that I have to wear protection. I is not that he doesn't understand but rather that he himself would not be able to deal with it as well as I have over the past twenty years of bed wetting and now this stuff going on. He used to be the one to take me to the doctor but he gets very upsetting for me when doctors act like I just have to get through this. He will be going with me to appointments again if things don't get working out.
FLGuy, I'm sorry to hear that your dad can't accept your wearing protection. It's what people are doing now to help a situation that is otherwise not easy to control. Like my dad, he grew up in a different era in which incontinence and similar issues are just not talked about :( ! Like there's some sort of taboo associated with it. Of course we all know better now since this is a real problem that is finally beginning to see the light of day. And who's to say that he won't protection some day as well? This is not only a chance to get educated for yourself (as you are doing) but for your dad as well.
My wife knows I have to wear diapers for my full urinary incontinence. She accepts it but does not participate in changing my diapers or anything. It is medically necessary for me to wear them at this time, so we both accept it and move on. No big deal!
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