Medical people/Diapers


Staff member
I had an appointment with my urologist two weeks ago it went well. Accept the PA had no idea of what the difference between pull up and tape on diapers is. She thought that they were same thing,I had to explain it to her. I find it hard to believe that a person in that field doesn't have an idea of what pull up and a diaper is. I have noticed that happens alot at urgent Care. I Ben to urgent care a few times for real bad cold. They ask me for my medical history I told them every thing. Even that I wear diapers. After the PA exam me and told me that I had upper respiratory infection. I would need breathing treatment at that time I wet my diaper, ask the nurse if I could get a new diaper and she gave me a funny look and left the room. The PA check on me I told her the same thing ok I'll get the nurse and she came back with a diaper and change me. My point of this is some of them don't understand why you need diapers at all.
It is common. They dont teach anything about incontinence items to either urologists or to pharmacists.

I have actually taken the diapers the VA give me and one of the ones I normally buy to show the urologists the difference in the quality of the products. It got me better that what I was originally getting (kendle wings), but only slightly as they only moved me up to depends and then tranquility.

Still trying to get the pharmacy to approve the order to get me the abena or confidry 24/7, but they want me to try every product they have available thru normal prescription. Problem is that requires me to go backwards from actual diapers to the pads, pullups, belted undergarments, and a couple other poor quality things they have that wont work for heavy wetting.
In all reality I am surprised an urgent care would actually have diapers. I wouldn’t probably ask them to change me.

Dont you carry extras if your incontinent?
I've had medical personnel in the past when they find out I wear pull ups, they get a bit weirded out and the questions get pretty invasive even after I tell them I work closely with my urologist. Questions like "are you sure you need diapers?" "Youre so young." As if I must be exaggerating my problem (as if...ugh!) I think they're mostly weirded out cuz I'm only 26 instead of a great-grandma so they think it might be that ABDL bullshit. But I tend to get very anxious at Drs appts and after one huge accident on the floor at a new patient appt about 5 years ago I make sure to wear a diaper each time. They can just be weirded out--unless they want to risk a puddle. Clean up on aisle 6. Helps to keep up my sense of humor for sure lol. Like yesterday I got a nice lil Christmas accident in the bathroom at my friends house. Turned out I didn't have an extra diaper in my purse so when I realized my diaper was very wet from a super sudden accident earlier. Then i suddenly really had to go so I ran to the my diaper partially down before...oops... My bladder just couldn't hold on and pee was running down my legs and in my pants and all over the tile floor. Unlike my family, my sweet friend Jenn is literally the most understanding angel I've ever known so she knows all about my problem. I felt like crying I was so embarrassed and disgusted with myself so I tried a lil humor mostly to hold back the tears. So I text her. "SOS. Clean up on aisle 6." She text back, "LOL! Be right there." And she brought me clean pants and socks I could borrow and a dry diaper...I had no idea she kept some spares for me. Some people may get weirded out but thank god for friends ☺
I suggest you phease it this way: i have a urological problem wear ADULT DIAPERS. I need one now. Do you have any?
This makes it clear you are dignified and not a person who is of peculiar mind set.
I was wondering that too... I guess if there are mobile issues or SCI? Just curious I guess.
ShiRae, you are so blessed to have a caring friend like that.
I ended up flooding mine after having urodynamic testing and the cystoscope. I was getting dressed and bent over and was pulling up my underwear and flooded the insert pad and my pull-up I was wearing. As if that wasn’t bad enough. The tech came back in the room while I was trying to clean myself up. Never a dull moment. At least they were polite about it and excused themselves so I could get cleaned up and dressed.
Have a great evening. Stay dry and happy!

Kind regards,
Something fishy is going on here. I don’t think he has any sci. When something dosen’t make sense in this forum I like to look at their previous posts. Here is his first post here.

“ do have medical need for wearing diapers, i also have an anxiety disorder too. it might sound odd but i need diapers for comfort for my anxiety. i have a hard time dealing with my incontinence because I'm not sure melted or medical that why i use diapers. when I'm at work i have a hard trying to get change during my breaks witch are only 10 mins. my question is should i let my boss know that i need more time for my breaks or should i do nothing???? please help thanks mrjw48”

So no wonder why a nurse gave you some crazy look. And I can probably assume they didn’t change you.
I’m sure there are message boards for these people to go write about their fantasies on. Why do they have to come on medical sites? It makes me not want to come on these forums at all.
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