Wife incontinence


Staff member
My wife is 47 years old and for the past year she has been out in public and wet her pants twice and she has also wet the bed 3 times .. she refuses to talk about it and also refuses to ask her doctor
We are trained in this country to hide, conceal, and lie about incontinence. It is a source of shame and embarrassment for anyone forced to live with it. If it were me, I'd hide in denial as long as possible. Wouldn't you?? Step one is definitely a physician. Almost 70% of the time, in women under the age of 55, incontinence can be reversed. Yes. R-E-V-E-R-S-E-D
A.) Go see if it can be reversed.
2.) Get her some Abena Abri-Flex protective underwear for the time being.
Hi Tazman,

I am wondering if your wife's doctor is male or female. If the doctor is a male, maybe she would feel more comfortable speaking to a female MD.

I can understand that this is greatly embarrassing for your wife. It would be for anyone. I am a 66 year old woman. Your wife could have a bladder infection which causes a strong urge to urinate and could come on suddenly. I am not a doctor. Please talk to your wife and let her know that you are concerned about her health. Offer to make an appointment with a female MD for her, and if necessary, go with her to the appointment.

I hope that both of you can discuss this personal problem openly and sensitively.
Well we have finally come up with a solution to her incontinence . She has been suffering with sleep Apnea which will cause incontinence
Yeh but she has overactive bladder and if she is not near a bathroom when the urge hits her well then she has had a few embarrassing episodes
Well once again this past weekend my wife had a accident while we was out with some friends .. We was eating at a restaurant when she hurriedly excused herself from the table. I watched her hastely head to the ladies room and after spprox. 5 minutes of being gone she sent me a text asking me what should she do? I told her about what, she did advised me that she had soaked her pants and it was visible .. Now we haven't ate dinner yet so I told her to return out of the bathroom and I would meet her at our car. Upon her exiting the bathroom I observered her pants and to say that she had totally soaked them was an understatement.. So I had to tell our friends that she was at the car sick so we wasn't gonna be able to do dinner .. So this was how we spent Saturday night .. But regardless of anything my sweet wife's does I will always love her and stand up to support her in life
I know it is not much consolation for your wife, but the situation you describe happens countless times everyday all across the world. I would be happy to send your wife some product options that would prevent her from missing any more dinners and allow her to enjoy the confidence it takes to socialize.
Just send me a note at kne@abena.com

Take Care,
Was awake this morning at 3 having to change wet sheets after my beautiful wife had a bed wetting episode
Not to hijack the thread but I didn't know we had an Abena rep on the boards. Ken, is Abena ever going to stop trying to force it's cloth diapers on us? I really wish you'd bring back the old style X-Plus in plastic and leave a winning product alone. No offense, but all your cloth backed products are horrible.
She is I guess gotten use to it as much as a 47 year old lady can get use to such a thing .. but I'm very careful about mentioning it to her
The "plastic-backed" briefs are still offered under product #'s 4163 and 4168. Shouldn't be too hard to find online.
I did reply to your note. I requested a bit more info so I could make sure I am sending over the correct product. Just reply to it when you can
Yeah Mike, like Ken said. Abena definitely still makes the plastic back product, they just don't use the x-plus product name anymore. Look for abriform classic level 4 (m4, l4, etc.) products.

On a side note ... I didn't think you'd been having the incontinent issues all that long, or at least not severely enough to use protection. How do you even know the old x-plus designation? Am I confusing you with someone else?
She came home from work this evening crying because she had wet her pants today at work .. Yes it was very noticeable also 😳
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