Private Groups


Staff member
Hello Message Board Users!
We have received some inquiries about creating private groups for men and women so that they can more freely discuss topics that are relevant to them. We wanted to put out a note to see if this is of interest to folks. If there is enough interest, we can try setting up a couple of groups for people to join.

Love it!

I would like a group for just women members although I value general forum greatly.
Sometimes there are things pertaining to a woman's body that I don't want to share with a mixed crowd.
Meh - I think I like the mixed crowd better!

It's nice having a woman's perspective! (sometimes... LOL!)

I guess I could join both, but not sure I see the value and would just be something else to keep up with.

I'm fine w/ the idea, as there are those, like the ones above, that want it, so create away!!!


I would appreciate a private womens group as well. However, being married to a man, I have found useful information from the gentleman on the mixed forum.
@IUWOGEO. I think the idea is to make the Group ""Private"". In which case you may need to get rid of your beard if you want to join the ""Womens"" Group (Maybe photo editing software would do the trick) -:)
You know, in the UK I could see there being uproar in creating separate M and F Groups. I for one though think it is a good idea. It gives a higher level of privacy for those who would feel more comfortable.
I think two separate groups are an excellent idea. Each group has some unique problems. Should also leave the current group arrangement as it is.
The idea of "private space" is good if some folks are reluctant to have members of the opposite sex know about their sex-specific issues, but I fear the loss of supportive input from both sexes that the all-inclusive group provides.
One one level, I see this as an excellent idea. Making a slightly more private place to discuss particularly sensitive issues sounds appealing.

That said, this group is already fairly low traffic, and I worry that splitting it into (essentially) separate subforums may starve the main group of content. Groups that have too little activity can't generate the critical mass of discussion required to attract and retain new members, and eventually tend to wither away to nothing.

So, I suppose my vote would be to keep the group as it is unless we can grow to the point that there's a strong need to split the group into subforums to keep from overwhelming people with all the content.
@NAFC Yes, i would like to see a women’s group. The forum is 95+%male. If the men haven’t noticed, very few of that 5-% of women aren’t on the forum talking about things that pertain to our privates. We mostly listen to you talk about your prostates.

I’d like to have the private womens’ and mens’ groups AND the forum for all of, so, three total.
Just to clarify - no one would have to join a private group. It would be completely optional and this group would continue to stay as is. Additionally, you could be members of both this group, and an all-men or all-women group.
Three groups are definitely needed. It may take a few months to adapt to the new arrangement. But, I believe it will settle out to its real level of preference and be an improvement.
@Bobby103 Maybe we can try all three groups for a set amount of time like two months, then re-evaluate and vote again if we’d like to keep the separate groups in addition to the main group.
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