Looking to Chat with Others with Lifelong Wetting Issues


Staff member
Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to say how happy I am to have found this message board, which appears to be quite active with new posts just about every day, although I've known about NAFC for years and have had bladder issues basically my whole life. I'm a single guy now in my 40's who has basically never been reliably dry enough to be out of diapers and I've worn all kinds beginning with Pampers, which I wore until my early teens, and now switch between Abena, Northshore and Attends, which I'm luckily able to get from a medical supply house that's right across the street from where I live. Although I'm not and AB, I can certainly relate to the feelings that go along with needing diapers 247, which I do. I'd love to commiserate and compare with others, especially those who have never been out of diapers.
Hello There,

I would be happy to commiserate, compare and share. Similar to yourself it seems, I have dealt with chronic bladder challenges for decades and have been in and out of diapers my entire life, mostly in recently and full time in since 2006. I'm a few years older than you, I think, so I was definitely part of the pre-Pampers generation, and for that matter pre-disposable diapers. Life would have been a lot easier if I had access to products like we have now when I was younger. It certainly gives me some appreciation for the amazing diversity of incontinence products that help us live normal lives.

Feel free to write as often as you wish and to ask any questions. I'm happily married with a couple of daughters, one who is grown and married herself, and the other who is still in high school. I've been blessed with an interesting and fulfilling professional life, and am hoping to continue to work and remain active for many years. Hopefully I will be able to provide encouragement to you, as well as some perspective on the challenges that you face.

Have a great evening.
Welcome aboard Tripp, this is probably the best board I’ve ever been part of!! The advice is real and caring and the support is absolutely the best out there!! I’ve been UI for about 15 years now and am 45, I don’t know what it’s like to have to wear a diaper all my life but I understand the need to reach out and find a way to cope and feel “normal”!! There are so many stories out there and yours is just as important to share as any other, we can all gain knowledge from knowing you and I look forward to our future conversations!!
MY issues are under control right now. I am a brain tumor survivor. I had incontinence for so long I didn't know what was wrong with me. I was misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was married to a functioning alcoholic who only cared about himself. Larry and I found each other. He cares about me and is in love with me. We are going to be married this November 20-on my parents anniversary. WE are getting married at our Lady of Light here in Estero. I am going out this summer to meet his kids in Reno. I know how terrible it is , I couldn't go anyway without protection. I wet my pants so many times-it isn't funny. I couldn't even travel anymore. God bless all. Barb
Hi guys, I am new to this area of NAFC site. Was nice to read from a few folks here. I have neurogenic bladder mostly from diabetes so I can relate for sure. We really are blessed to have decent disposables and allot of other options out on the market. Thank you NAFC for all of the great companies I have been able to try over the years thanks to the resource guide and the internet.
I found a few really good things I am using for now. For day and for nighttime.
Life is good. Look forward to chat with folks. Happy there is a group here on the site
Have an amazing weekend!

Jim P

Hi Tripp, just a bedwetter here but happy to chat anytime. Glad you found this great group of individuals who through our struggles still support each other. Post or message me anytime.

Looking to hear from you in the forum posts.
Hi Jaytee. Thanks for responding to my post. Just being a bedwetter and needing to wear diapers at night, which I'm guessing you do is hard enough. How old are you and how long have you had this issue?
Hi tripp
In may case, incontinence isn't life long. I am 64 and have had it for around 11 to 12 years--at first, just small leakage I handled with pads. 4 years ago I had surgery for prostate cancer. They got the cancer and I am incontinent. Wear Depends pullups during the day and much thicker diapers overnight. Thus 24/7. Therefore, I think I can empathize with you on this.
tripp said:
Hi Jaytee. Thanks for responding to my post. Just being a bedwetter and needing to wear diapers at night, which I'm guessing you do is hard enough. How old are you and how long have you had this issue?

Hi Tripp,

I am in my 40's and had issues with bedwetting since teen years. Its an occasional thing for me. Maybe 2-3 times a month is all. But it seems to come and go. Sometimes I bedwet more frequently while others I go 3-4-5 weeks with out a single wet night.
Well I was only out of diapers at night for about three years asa teenager. I hated being the only one in the house in thick pin on diapers with plastic pants at night. Once I was allowed to stop wearing them I had to deal with nightly floods, often more than once a night. I was always up in the middle of the night stripping off soaked clothes, sheets, blankets, etc. I finally got so tired of this I put myself back into my nighttime diapers and have been ever since. I always struggled with daytime leakage and having to go to the bathroom 15+ times a day. A real hassle when in his classes. Anyway I’ve been wearing disposables during the day for the last 13 years. What a relief.
@donny4 I think that with time even our embarrassment wears thin. One probably never gets over it completely, but in the end you do what you have to do and move on with your life.

Some people need glasses, some people need diapers.
How are things going today? I’m still at work but it’s actually slow for a couple minutes so checking emails.
Any good plans for weekend?
Things are good. I'm going out with some friends tonight and spending the night with one of them. I've been in pain today so I'll be rolling in my wheelchair :)
Sweet. It’s been a bit of a busy week so we may just find a movie to watch tonight. Well hope you guys have a great weekend. I will be online of course. Have to swing by the folks house and check on them and make sure they are okay.

Have a great evening!
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