Which Do you Prefer -- Cloth Backed or Plastic Backed Diapers?


Staff member
Hi Again,

I recently joined this site and did my first post last week. I'm a lifelong wetter (male now in my 40's) who has virtually never been out of diapers. I've also pretty much always worn plastic backed disposables, beginning with some of the first Pampers back in the early 1970's. Although I still sometimes wear cloth backed (which I'm in right now as I type this), I vastly prefer plastic I guess cause it reminds me of what I wore as a kid. I just wanted to see if anyone has a preference and how long you've had bladder issues.
I've had bladder problems since 2015 after an accident (fell down an escalator and broke my ankle in 4 places and paralyzed my bladder). Cloth backed diapers give me a rash and never seem to stay up. I only wear plastic backed
Cloth backed tend to leak and sag. I don't know why manufacturers are getting away from plastic. Cloth back still uses plastic film.
I use plastic backed diapers also. I feel more confident wearing them than the cloth backed ones. I actually have tried some good cloth back ones in the past. One of the reasons that companies are going cloth backed is the cost and they deteriorate supposably faster in the landfills. For me here, they end up in the city incinerator to produce energy.
I prefer plastic backed diapers as well. They don't sag and come loose nearly as much as cloth backed diapers do. Then there's the sag caused by them coming loose. I really could go on lol.
I prefer plastic backed, Dry 24/7 to be exact. Being active I find that cloth tend to sag badly when they get wet.
I also prefer the plastic backed ones, but my health care provider will only supply cloth backed versions. I suspect that they have negotiated a cheaper price. I sometimes buy my own plastic backed products, but can't afford to do so all the time, Phil
I'm in the minority that prefers cloth. They're quieter and more comfortable. However I have minor issues compared to many here and if I was worse, that might change my mind.
I also wear cloth backed diapers. My issues are more with severe urinary frequency due to the interstitial cystitis/OAB. I only leak after I make the toilet, strangely enough. So I like to be able to use the toilet, cloth backed is better for me because the tapes are able to be refastened easier.
@PBJ32 While I don't have that diagnosis, or any diagnosis for that matter, I experience the same thing. After going, randomly, I leak sometimes without even feeling it. In order to prevent wet spots I now wear pull ups. I tried the pads, but I found sometimes I missed the pad and got a wet spot anyway.
Yes, I found the pads to be useless. Pull ups are better, but if I have a full bladder loss they leak around the legs, hence the reason I go for the tape up diapers most of the time, Phil
I don’t wear pads anymore. I used to but the male anatomy is so unpredictable that it’s better to wear something more robust than the male pads. I can get away with pull-ups but never wear them at home, they’re much more expensive for protection that is usually less than what a tape on style diaper provides for much less money.
Plastic backed all the way. Cloth backed is horrible at hiding/containing odor, the Velcro tapes need constant adjustments because they come loose, the Velcro tapes sometimes get stuck to sheets or clothing, and they leak.
I also prefer plastic backed. I use cloth with plastic pants overnight but plastic backed disposables during the day.
Never finished. I am a lifelong bedwetter that always struggled with damp issues during the day and all too often huge accidents. A eurodynamic study shows I have a neurogenic bladder very easily since birth which explains why I am just living with wetness issues. Surgery was offered but no assurance that the condition would be corrected or solved. My history with surgery has not been good so I just manage.
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