It's easier if it starts as a small problem and escalates (if it does) slowly. Other than that, this website, hoping you learn to swim after life has pushed you off into the deep end, (sorry for the pun), and hoping to find a doctor that cares, or can/will go over the products from absorbent pads to diapers to drugs to operations. Maybe the nurse is the one to ask - they seem to care more and are more practical. Some hospitals (big ones in big cities) have support groups that are good (Maybe not as good as this site, but good). Woman live with pads ("sanitary pads") from puberty to menopause, so they have better advice, i think.
Darn it, if hospitals have nurses who specialize on helping patients deal with Chemotherapy, wish they had ones that specialize in dealing with incontinence. (More than the Urologist's nurse.)
Hang in there.