Introductions - New Members - Start Here!


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Hi All! Our last New Member thread became full so we're starting a new one here! If you'd like to go back and look at the introductions from others on this site before this point, just search "Introductions" in the search bar to the left!

Hello! Welcome to the NAFC Message Boards. We are so glad you're here.

If you're new here (or even if you're not) take some time to introduce yourself to the group! Tell us what brings you here, what you're going through, and your experience - chances are that someone here has experienced something similar and may be able to provide some advice, or at the very least, a kind ear.

Thank you for joining us! We look forward to chatting with you!

(PS - we also now have a men's or women's only group that you can join. To sign up for one of those groups, click the link here. Please note that adding to groups is currently a manual process so it will be done on a weekly basis.
Hello All,
I've been watching and reading prostate posts for a few weeks now but just now introducing myself. I had robotic prostate removal on Nov. 2, 2021. I visit my urologist for the first time on my 3 month anniversary Wednesday. My readings of men in similar situations leads to me to believe that my incontinence symptoms are somewhat normal. And it gives me hope and some confidence that this will resolve eventually. But I'm still not back to normal, and fear I may never actually be completely 'normal' again. I have experienced what I feel are incremental improvements, but at a snail's pace. My pathology shows that I am cancer free, which is a blessing, and I'll see my latest PSA test results shortly before my upcoming appointment. I am also completely leak free at night, and stay dry while sitting. Any activity starts it up however. Gravity is a real pain! But it's a minute by minute, day by day situation that I'm continually dealing with. Usually I am managing okay, but sometimes, especially evenings, I almost feel like I'm regressing. And I won't even go into ED. That seems like a distant memory at the moment. Anyway, my symptoms seem to be normal for my recovery timing and overall situation. I'm told I'm still early in the process of recovery, and patience and proper exercising seems to be the order of the day. Thanks to all of you that have experienced or are experiencing a similar surgery and healing scenario. Appreciate knowing I'm not alone.
Hello. I have been searching about I'm 17 years old. and I have a problem with bedwetting. I saw your website on google and I thought maybe it could help me. can I have some tips on how can I prevent bedwetting?
@Nkateko Welcome! Nice to meet you! You are not alone - there are young people here also and many who were bedwetters in their teens and their adulthood. Incontinence is very challenging to accept and to seek out help for, but you have totally come to the right place! People here are kind, accepting, and supportive. We can help you with all of your questions. Like you, most of us were in total shock and depression when we became incontinent. There is extra trauma for those who bedwet in their teens, but we can help you work through it.

To help prevent bedwetting, don't drink anything after 6:00 p.m. - that includes yogurt, soup, and ice cream - anything that can become liquid. Avoid acidic and/or spicy foods. 100% avoid alcohol. If you require coffee in the morning, drink it before 12:00 p.m. and then no further caffeine for the rest of the day. Some have success by decreasing their sugar intake and avoiding all soda.

But it's unlikely you'll be able to recover from bedwetting. So your biggest next step is accepting that you have the problem, and then wearing diaper and pad protection as necessary. Put bedpads underneath your bottom/fitted sheet in bed so that if you do bedwet, you can pull the bedpads out and throw them away if disposable, or, if reusable, then launder them.

The thing you have to wrap your mind around is that diapers are a tool just like eyeglasses. They free us to live a normal life and to not have to constantly worry about bedwetting or rushing to bathrooms. This is often the most difficult part of the journey to accepting incontinence. Everyone here has survived it, so you can, too!

Have you seen a urologist about your problem? It is crucial that you do so. Is your bedwetting new, or has it always been a part of your life? If it's new, it could be an infection or, rarely, cancer. It can happen after an injury - did you recently hurt your back, or fall off a bike, etc.? Spinal damage can severe some, or all, of your bladder nerves.

We look forward to hearing more from you!
@Nkateko What country do you live in? Sometimes we can recommend different products based on where you live.
Hello again. I'm from South Africa in Gauteng province. I haven't seen a urologist. but ill talk to my mom about it. my bedwetting is not new. since I was young, or since I was a child, it has been occurring. it's been part of my life.

Thanks for the advice. ill implement it today and so on. then I'll see how it works out. the problem is, at night I sometimes feel thirsty for water. let's say most of the time I feel thirsty for water at night. I'm willing to buy these diapers, it's just that I don't know where they sell them in my country. okay, they are several shops for bedding and all that. but ill try to search.

But currently, I'm using a mattress protector in case of an incident.
@Nkateko These bedpads are sometimes called “puppy pads” in the US. They’re available at any big store, like your pharmacy or a large grocery, if you have one in your region. Might be best to order online.

The folks in the UK prefer a brand called Tena, which is actually two companies. 1. For the US, they make a few very inadequate diapers here, and 2. They make reportedly wonderful - the best products - for the UK and countries in the EU. You might look into them.

I’m very pleased to hear you can talk to your mum about your bedwetting. My mom was the first person I told and though she’s not particularly effusive with sympathy, she really helped me figure out the products.
Thank you so much, miss Snow. I will ask further questions when I need them and when I need help again. Thanks for the information.
Hello. I am a bed wetter have been for 2 years and wear diapers to bed now. Had this happen about 4 years ago and it lasted for 6 months and went away but this time is longer. Never know when I’ll pee in my sleep so I have to wear every night.
Hello and thanks for such a great forum with lots of helpful people and good information. My husband is on the verge of being totally incontinent and we are struggling to figure things out. He is 77 with congestive heart failure and must take a diuretic. He also is losing his ability to walk and get in and out of bed and to the toilet. Doctors, nurses, caregivers have no suggestions or solutions. He needs to wear 'diapers' almost all day and night (when the urine output is abundant), which has caused UTIs and the need to stand up and shower a couple of times a day which is getting risky (he is also 6'5" which is a long way down if he fell).

Are there diaper products where the wetness is 'wicked' away from the skin so that he isn't laying in a wet diaper? We are concerned that he will always have a UTI and then skin problems. I've read about condom catheters, but am afraid that it might be too complicated. Any advice or information will be greatly appreciated! This has been going on for months and the sleep deprivation is as debilitating as the incontinence. Thank you!!!
Hello everyone!

I'm a 42yo male and I have recently been having urge incontinence. Don't know yet what it is from. My GP doctor told me my urine looks good visually but I probably have a UTI and to take an antibiotic while waiting for the lab result. The lab result came back negative and he commented in the portal to continue taking the antibiotics. I wasn't impressed with him so I'm going to see a urologist next week.

Anyway, this is not easy to deal with. When it hits (every 30 min to 2 hrs) it feels like the worst I have had to pee, ever, and I really have to concentrate hard to prevent an accident. Plus it's painful to hold it in, like a tingling pain that I feel in my perineum and even in my fingertips. It's really really hard to continue a conversation with someone while this is happening because all my attention goes to holding back the flood with my sphincter, and relaxing my core muscles so they don't join in with my bladder. I'm sure they can see the distress on my face :eek: as I try to balance tensing up my sphincter, relaxing my core, and trying my best to continue sitting/standing upright. Then I have to try to have some semblance of dignity and pretend I'm not about to or actually dribbling/spurting into my depend brief while I figure out the quickest way to end the conversation so I can dash to the nearest restroom. Luckily Covid is still a thing at my company so there's less people in the office and I have only had this coworker situation happen twice at work so far. I say "only" but I have only had this issue now for 3 weeks. Twice in 3 weeks is more than enough for me.

I have been wearing Depend pull-ups from Costco and for the most part they are working during the daytime, though the one full void I had leaked just slightly onto my pants. Thankfully I was headed down the hall to the restroom and I don't think anyone noticed. I think I have that issue solved though because I noticed the absorbent material is slightly too wide and overlaps the elastic leg band if I don't work it over and out of the way when putting it on.

I've also been waking up 1 to 3 times a night either starting to pee or about to pee and needing to dash to the bathroom. This morning I leaked a little onto my bedding.

Fortunately my wife has a sense of humor about it all and we have laughed together about some of the struggles.

I had no idea the struggle with incontinence until now. And I'm sorry each one of you struggles with incontinence too.

Well that's been the focus of my life recently. Sorry if this is too much of a "brain dump" for a new member post.
For about two years I’ve been leaking small drops (with no urge) throughout the day. I get little to no warning when I have to go. After I go I never feel that my bladder is empty. On a normal day at work I go when between 7:10 and 7:20 and then I don’t have another chance to use the bathroom until 12 (my lunch break). I think I’m retaining urine. After seeing a urologist he thinks I have OAB/Urge Incontinence.
Wolfmg29 what kind of exam did your urologist conduct to give you the diagnosis? I haven't been to a urologist yet but am nervous about something invasive.
Hi all, glad I found this forum. I had my prostate removed just about 5 weeks ago and am experiencing incontinence for the first time. The doctors were very clear that this would be an issue, yet it still is disheartening and discouraging. Reading these posts are a big help and I appreciate everyone sharing their experience. Always nice to know you’re not alone.
Hi I am doubly incontinent from a t.b.i and anoxic brain injury I have a neurogenic bladder and bowel incontinence.i am new here and just wanted to introduce myself my dr.prescribes 150 breifs a month or five a day. I wear tranquility atn briefs and they are ok thank you for listening
Hello all. If this story sounds familiar it's because I made some mistakes and jumped right in without having introduced myself. Please forgive. I am a 60 year old retired female that has a long history of urinary incontinence. It began many years ago as stress incontinence but now is "mixed"- the urge incontinence has become a constant, daily issue. I have a long standing relationship with my Urologist. In the 1980's I was employed at a state psychiatric hospital and did an incredible amount of lifting. We used to joke about our uterus needing a string to pull it up off the floor. Not so funny now. Now my body gives me a 2 to 3 second warning before my bladder completely lets loose. The worst is in the morning when my feet hit the floor. I don't wake up during the night so by morning - look out!! The other day I counted how many steps it is from my bed to the bathroom: 36. When the urge incontinence first started I would try; unsuccessfully of course; to hold it by tightening every muscle in my body. The only result would be that my insides were in agony for the next hour. I have come to terms with the realization that no matter how hard I tighten up it's of no use. At first it was extremely upsetting emotionally and there were times when I would start my day in tears. Now I just try to accept that it is what it is. I wear a pull-up every day- all day. My doctor said the medications are not a great option for me due to my age. My greatest concern was to make sure nothing was growing in my bladder. I have been a smoker for many years and I do know the connection between bladder cancer and women who smoke. I only smoke outside so I really cut back due to the cold NY winters. I do of course realize just how utterly stupid it is to smoke. Of course as a result of puffing away I have severe COPD. No one to blame but myself. So that's part of my story. I'll end by expressing how thankful I am to have found this forum as all seem like good people. Thank you.
I'm.53 years old and fornthenlast couple of years I'm getting up six or seven times a night to pee. I'm exhausted and the last couple of months I'm waking up bursting and don't always make it to the loo. I hardly pee in the day at all. I'm on bp medication and have just started hrt.
I'd like to hear if anyone else has this problem at night or even when just laying down and how they have dealt with it or stopped it.
Hello I’m a 60 year old man that had a prostatectomy on January 17,2022. Just like the information I received about this surgery it all is happening to me. The incontinence has me frustrated with my life as it is now. I stay dry lying down and mostly sitting as well. Any activity causes me to leak. I stay home mostly because my underwear only last about an hour when I’m out walking or shopping. I go to Church and come home right after to keep the possible embarrassment of leaking. I pray and do my therapy but yet there is still a sense of hopelessness. I know I am impatient but my manhood seems to be threatened by this temporary situation. I have a great support system with friends and family but sometimes it just only covers the topic because they are not going through this process.
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