Inconsistent bedwetting and partner response

This is what I posted to a similar question:

In my experience just be yourself. If a woman finds you interesting it wont be a problem. However it could be used as an excuse if she's not interested.
If you search this forum you'll see a lot of in depth discussions in regards to dating with incon.
I agree that she could just be using it as an excuse. Sounds like there are issues she needs to co front inside herself.
@PaulTx18 Just hoping you and your friend were able to figure this thing out. Meaning what was best for the both of you regarding this relationship. If her not being receptive of something that is out of your control, Maybe, just maybe you need to reconsider your choice of company. But also understand everyone is not sympathetic, sometimes, due to lack of knowledge of a medical condition. Everyone must decide what they are willing to put up with so to speak when it comes to being in an intimate relationship. One TV judge's motto was "look deep before you leap". So considering much more than physical attraction is involved for sure. If you are anxious each time you meet up with this person, is this really how you want to feel when being around someone special? You can attract someone but can't Make another love you. Don't allow it to linger on too long and let your heart get caught up in this if you really don't see her as an reasonable person when it comes to accepting all the likes/dislikes of you. Just saying pulling for you and hoping she has come around if you feel she is very special to you. This situation is stressful enough without added rejection from another that should have your back. Every relationship has a deal breaker---maybe this is hers. I hope not if you really care for her. Remember Look deep before you leap. Hope things are working out whatever the case is now:)
snow said:
I agree diapers are not sexy; that’s why I quit dating after needing one.

@PaulTx18 What if you wear boxers *over* the diaper so the visual is better? If it were me, I’d appreciate that look over a raw diaper look. I might even insist on it. Too bad there is no equivalent female panty that could ever hide the big scope of a diaper.

In terms of intimacy and sexiness, can you make sure those activities are accomplished before you put a diaper on? Or in the morning, take the diaper off and then cuddle up to her.

Your lady is sooooooo wrong that wearing a diaper makes you have more accidents. I actually had fewer accidents after I started wearing a diaper and using a bed pad because then I had less anxiety about ruining my bed and waking up all the way to a cold, wet bed!!!! Maybe you can explain that to her, also.
Snow, I just read your comments- why can't women wear boxers? I mean, I think they would be more appealing than an incontinence product. When a woman is wearing gym shorts, they get a LOT of looks from guys. Black silk boxers would probably look very nice on anyone- especially if one is already fond of them. No one is going to say anything to a woman purchasing them.
It sounds like she has found you wearing protection unattractive and she is trying to save the relationship. For whatever reason it bothers her now. I have had a few where i wait till shes asleep and put my clothes on and leave or put my protection on and wear shorts and get back in bed. Or I sleep somewhere else in the house wearing what i need to. It is likely she wont like a wet bed/mattress to deal with. I do my best not to bother who Im involved with this issue and handle it as discreetly as I can and this is all from experience, some pretty emotionally painful I might add.
I see this post is a few months old so I hope all has been worked out between your and your girlfriend. Hopefully for the better and she is okay with you taking the precautions that you feel best to manage your bedwetting. A lot of great advise and discussion.

I like Snow's thought about wearing boxersbriefs or boxers over your protection. It allows you to manage your bedwetting using the products you feel best while at the same time offering a view of just some boxers for your girlfriend.

I know for me, the times that I do wear protection (night time pullups type), I wear boxers over them. That way if my shorts or pants I am sleeping in sag a little before bed or after getting up and before getting dressed for the day my pullup is not visible to anyone. For me it gives me a sense of relief knowing that I am managing my occasional bedwetting when I need to and that no one knows.
My wife is ok with me needing to wear diapers. I have been open with her about it from the beginning. I have wet the bed starting in my teens to wearing full time by my early 20s.I don’t like to wear diapers but really don’t like wet clothing or bed. She is very understanding and sensitive when taking about diapers at times when we are together.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for their views on this. I told her I needed the diaper and just kind of went with it and she backed off her stance and accepted it. It was actually going pretty decent for a while.

Then I decided we needed to take a break for other reasons. Still sorting things out.

That's life I guess. While difficult, this may be for the best. Appreciate y'all's input and ideas. Have a merry Xmas and happy new year.
I have been wearing diapers for about the last 12 years and my wife has finally came around and understands me wearing a diaper to bed, she is to make me wear at least shorts to cover my diaper and now I can wear just my diaper to bed and she is fine with it.
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