So I've been struggling figuring out how to best manage my incontinence during the day. I tend to get frequent urges and usually can reach a toilet but if not either I will leak a little or less frequently have huge surges. I've found that when wearing protection I try to hold my bladder longer which results in more frequent accidents. I am not sure whether it is best to go without protection as then I make sure to find to toilet but then I worry I will be in a situation I won't reach a toilet fast enough. I could use a pull up which works great for any leakage and I can still use the toilet when I need it but makes me tend to try to hold it longer and then more likely to have large accidents because if my bladder completely lets go the pull ups aren't always able to absorb everything. Or I could use a tape on diaper and not really have to worry about leaks from my protection but then won't be able to easily use the toilet when I do make it. I was wondering if anybody has any advice or thoughts?