Staff member
Hello y'all I just turned 21 and thought with having not been on here a lot lately I would give an update on how things have been going. At night for the most part I've been dry occasionally I'll wake up damp and rarely I'll wake up very soggy but as it was before my main issue is the daytime issues. My bladder varies although at least it is in patterns really the 4 "modes" it seems to have are 1. perfectly fine where I can hold it for a while and don't need to use the toilet more than every few hours 2. Frequent urges where I seemingly need to go every few minutes leaks aren't that common but sometimes happen. 3. Control issues the frequent urges but when they hit I only have a limited amount of time to find a toilet before I start leaking and often when my bladder starts to empty it seems like a dam opens that I can't hold anything back. 4. Almost no control this is pretty rare but occasionally I'll have times where my bladder will just start emptying with no warning and no urge this has only happened a handful of times luckily but still I hate it. Luckily my bladder doesn't seem to go straight from 1 to 4 but instead progresses up and down the chain which at least is helpful in planning for my bladder. I use a variety of products to manage currently. Most commonly I use plastic-backed diapers with garywear PUL pants since they do the best job of preventing leaks and containing odors. I recently switched to Tranquility ATNs from Abena M4s because the Abena's were having an issue with if I wasn't able to change quickly which for me isn't always possible since 1. I don't like changing a barely wet brief since I feel like that is an issue 2. My schedule of classes means I don't have a chance to change for several hours 3. Sometimes I have bladder accidents right before falling asleep which is when this most often, but what happens is this odd strong odor permeates through the plastic and through whatever clothes I'm wearing even the PUL pants and everything gets this weird strong odor it isn't a urine smell even though their is a hint of it, but that is why I switched to Tranquility I am still looking though for a brief that is very absorbent, is comfortable and is affordable if anyone has suggestions. I also use Abena pullups when my bladder isn't acting up as bad. And I use an Abena level 11 abri-san pad when I am working out or reffing soccer with mesh pants to hold it in place it is as absorbent as a tape on brief but doesn't have side panels and tape so it breathes a lot better. Overall, at least I've figured out how to manage this although I wish my bladder would just work right. I still struggle with feeling alone and embarrassed because of this. I also want to thank everyone on here who has supported me and given me advice. If anybody has any advice for me or questions for me or needs advice feel free to ask.