How do you manage OAB?


Staff member
I’m 24 year old female. Two weeks ago, I noticed I had been peeing a bit more than usual. Two times a hour, sometimes three. Concerned, I did some UTI tests and decided to go to the clinic (my doctor has not been able to see me and I have not been able to find a new one) they did urine tests on me, said I had a UTI and sent me on my way with antibiotics. Two days later, I went back, as things hadn’t been getting better. It seemed the UTI had been flushed out, and they did not know why I was still having problems. As the days progressed, things only got worse. I’d have to pee every ten minutes. The moment I stand from the toilet, I’d feel the urge to use it again. I did my research, and I’ve been trying double voiding, scheduled bathroom breaks, kegals, etc. however, I still cannot hold it for more than 10 mins. I even went to the ER, anxious and unsure of what was happening. They checked my kidneys, my blood, did a pelvic exam and my urine again and still nothing. At this point, I am still peeing every 10 mins with the never ending urge to urinate (plus dripping). I’m scared and have no idea how to manage this. I have a 5 hour flight a day from now and I’m terrified.
I’m not even sure if this is OAB, as I’m not sure the details of what it is (I tried to do my research though, but it’s hard to focus when I need to pee constantly :( )
Anyway, my question is, does anyone have similar experience? How do you manage? How do you travel in this condition? Has anyone tried that AZO bladder control and does it work? Thank you!! Have a good day!
Edit: the soonest a urologist can see me is in Jan. I can’t get any work done the way things are now and I’m so scared and don’t know what to do.
Sounds just like how I started with it . My urologist diagnoses OAB there is an overactive bladder group on Facebook which is very informative . I have prescription drug to help betimiga 50mg there are a lot of other drugs that can ease symptoms but do not cure it . I felt suicidal when I started with it . The dribbling has stayed same good days and bad days . It has certainly altered my life but you do cope with it . Cut out alcohol & caffeine they can make things worse . I do hope you get some relief from this horrid thing
@Twinkle thank you for your response! I struggle with depression and anxiety, are you saying that the medication can worsen depressive symptoms?
I don’t drink and I don’t like caffeine much, so I’m good in that regard. Thanks again so much for your response! I’m feeling so alone and frustrated right now, but I’ll try find that FB group you mentioned.
Hello Kindasad, Mine started the same way with UTI and was treated. Next culture negative but symptoms persisted. Doctor referred me to uro-gyne. I also would take AZO until I could see the specialist. Specialist placed me on meds and IC diet. (Diet is online)I started getting better with med and diet and after 6 mo I am much better. I wear a urinary pad when away from home but some people wear a pull up or diaper. My life has been altered but I have learned to cope. This condition is very common. For a plane ride I suggest sitting close to the bathroom. For the discomfort I have used a heating pad and sometimes an ice pack. Good luck to you! You are not alone.
Please do yourself a kindness and get pull up depends type underwear (i think Tena brand is better) and experiment with an additional absorbent PAD BEFORE you fly so you know how much to expect on the flight. Take at least one change of leggings and a few disposable pull ups in your carry on or hand bag. Pack enough to last you while at your destination in luggage.
Many carry a packet of babywipe type cleaning wipes in the handbag. I found a natural deoderant product ordered on line called Lume that is a cream you can use on/ virtually in private parts that renders bacteria smells to nothing.
You might want to get somee sticky back bed pads to adher tonthe sheet of the bed at your destination to catch any night leaking. This is also available at the cvs walgreens.
This is no cure but will help you feel in control of the situation itself.
Think as if you were a woman travelling with menstruation.
The AZO pill product is supposed to work after 3 weeks i did not find it helpful but it must help some folks as they still sell it.
You are doing everything you can to manage an uncontrolled body function, and getting medical advice so this is the best you can do.
I for instance once had an eye tick develop when i was stressed about a trip. Right there, on my face, i had incoluntary eye twitching like a rabbits nose and no way to hide it. So i took time to breathe calmly and think peaceful thoughts and the tick gradually responded.
I continue to speak of you tube videos of ASMR which helps millions literally relax or even fall asleep who are anxiety prone. I watch my favorites almost daily and my blood pressure is like that of a young marathon runner when measured in stressful situations if i take time to sink into this state of relaxation ive gained by watching ASMR. You might need to hint for trigger words that appealmto you from the many on offer. Gentlewhispering ASMR has many soothing touch offerings.
CArry smal kitchen trash bags in your handbag! They can be used to conceql a soiled und wear to dispose of and not be so obvious if you are tossing in a hotel or friends trash can.

Pat yourself on the back for being capable and not letting anxiety control your response to a body issue.
Last but not least,
Stay in touch here! It helps to not feel alone. Froends will walk with you through it.
@Maymay941 thank you so much for your response! This is very helpful and I’ll definitely put it into use. I’m really grateful for your informative and kind reply. :)
I’ll try and find Lume as the urine smell from leakage is very unsettling/upsetting for me (I’m very sensitive to smells), so I’m glad there’s solutions for that. Thanks again!!
I was sceptical about the Lume but is is quite incredible. Natural and lasts 72 hours. Takes very little to use. And zero personal smell where applied.
You need a full urology work up. No way around it.

I have OAB. It progressed to pretty severe urge incontinence. I manage it by wearing diapers....pretty awesome fate for a 38 year old man :/

Before that I got a full work up, lots of tests, tubes up my urethra, poked prodded, tried this med and that. they all had minimal symptom improvement or really intolerable side effects...ultimately decided I would just manage with with absorbent products. As things got worse and worse I went from pads, to pull up incontinence underwear to full out diapers. MANY people find significant relief with meds though, so you should try everything.

You won't get any answers at the ER. The only thing you will get from the ER is the typical generic cookie cutter healthcare phrase "everything looks good" "we can't find anything" crap.

Put pressure on the Urologist office to get a sooner appt. I'm certain you agree that the sooner the better.

In the meantime while you are waiting for the Urologist appt my recommendation is do NOT consume tea, cranberry juice nor potassium. That will give you some relief but to what degree I can't say.
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