Looking to Talk to Other Lifelong Wetters


Staff member
Hi Everyone,

First of all, let me say how grateful I am to have a website like this where those of us who have incontinence for whatever reason can share and support one another in a safe space. Although I'm basically completely healthy otherwise, I was born with an underdeveloped bladder. I'm a 53 male from New York and I've basically never been able to be reliably dry either day or night and have always worn diapers.

Growing up in the 1970s, I was a member of the first Pampers generation back when they came in the purple box and you had to separate them at the sides. I was able to wear the large size up until I was about 12 and then I graduated to Youth Attends and the early green Depends. Since then I've worn pratically every brand of disposable.

Obviously, being incontinent at any age--no matter how or when it starts--is hard. But dealing with it as a child and espeically a teenager is espeically rough (the teasing from other kids, frustration of parents and other adults, the humiliation of being in the drugstore or grocery store and having your mom pay for your diapers at the checkout line, etc. After that, being an adult with this carries a whole other set of issues (dating, work, etc.).

I would very much like to talk to others who have been dealing with wetting issues since childhood and still are to compare notes. Just FYI, I'm not and AB or anything like that, although the infantile feelings associated with this problem are always there. I hope to hear from you.
Hello from Minnesota. I'm always around for a chat even if it's just to talk about the day or what ever comes up to chat about. I'm a very open minded person. I to have been dealing with the same issues. I you want to chat privately, you can send me a message.
Hi JT. I just sent you a private message too. Have you always had issues too? How old are you? Tell me more abuot your history with this.
Hi I am always available to chat. I am 65 and have had incontinence most of my life. As a child I had to wear cloth diapers and rubber pants during day and night. I didn’t stop wetting bed till I was about 17. I had accidents during day and wore diapers during day even at school tilll the 7th grade. After 7th grade, I would have to go to nurses office to change when I had an accident. After high school I started wearing diapers again. I’ve had a fairly normal life. I’m married and have had a great career. When I was 50 I had a back surgery that caused me to become totally incontinent. Since then I wear diapers 24/7. It really doesn’t bother me anymore for the most part. Bedwetting still bothers me because it brings back memories of my childhood. Oh well, that’s life.
Hi Chris. Thanks for writing. I would love to talk more. I'm a little younger than you-53-but I've always been in diapers too and it was the same deal for me also as a kid. Let's defintitely chat more. I wear 247 also.
I’m always around for a chat too and would also like to chat to others. I’m 60 years of age and didn’t have issues until I had my prostate removed. DM is always open.
Thanks for writing back Tripp. It’s nice to hear from others with similar situations. Growing up was hard as I was teased, made fun of, and generally picked on at school. At home, my mother’s frustration got taken out on me too. I had a friend who wet himself a lot so it made it a little easier. I’d spend the night at his house. Anyway, welcome and I hope you are more excepting now.
Same with me Chris, espeically with having to wear diapers in the day to school. My mom also changed me until well past the normal age, which was very hard too. Did that happen to you? I'm from New York by the way. Where are you?
I’ve been a nightly bedwetter my whole life and daytime struggler as well. I was kept in nightime diapers growing up. Big bulky pin on diapers with plastic pants totally impossible to hide. I wanted to do Boy Scouts like my older brother but there just wasn’t any way. As I remember I was in diapers 24/7 until second grade when I kept asking to stop wearing them to school. I then wore thick training type pants with plastic pants always trying to get to bathrooms as I’d feel myself leaking. This usually worked but there were plenty of days when my pants would get a little damp. Some days were worse than others. I progressed as I got older to 2-3 pairs of briefs with plastic Pants always fearing someone would find out.
Entering high school was especially hard because freshmen had to change into gym shorts in a locker room. I’d always try and duck into a bathroom stall to do this. The other mandatory class was swimming once a week. This was an all guys school in CHICAGO in 1967 and swimming was naked. Again taking of my usually damp pairs of briefs after taking of my plastic pants. This was the deal breaker as I was seen several times doing this because there wasn’t anywhere to duck off to. We had to shower before going into the pool area and when I’d leak I’d try to conceal it the best I could. The benches we sat on were already wet and I couldnt wait to get in the pool because then the rest of the class I’d be wet and I could leak pretty easily. Doctors kept saying it would take care of itself. I probably was put on 4 or 5 different meds for it, non of which helped, at all. So many other experiences but don’t want to spend anymore time on it now. Suffice it to say only when I was 30 did I find a wise urologist that did a through (very evasive) study with tubes inserted and sensors stuck on my naked body laying on a table with a very large white plastic basin under me to catch anything. Anyway the study showed I have a neurogenic bladder, not curable, and of the tyoe, well as the dr. put it my bladder reacts like a babies. Explained a lot and only knew this back when I was 12. Anyway I just live 24/7 diapered now and have for almost 20 years. No stress, no issues, no skin issues, and no stress. I’m very thankful I’m only urinary incontinent. Even to this day when I look at myself in my bathroom mirror, yes I do see an diapered adolescent bedwetter.
Thanks for writing to me Donny. I can totally relate to what you went through. Were you always diapered at night? I was and I needed help until very late. My name is Tripp and I'm from NY. I'm 53, but feel like 5 at times because of this. K would love to talk more.
I feel so much empathy for those of you who had OAB and/or Nocturia as a child. I remember how much the kids who wet their pants during elementary school were bullied. Everybody knew who they were. The terror they must’ve endured at home would’ve been even worse. This has been plenty hard for me to cope with beginning at age 39, but I can’t even imagine how much worse it would be had it been a lifelong problem. The last thing I’ve needed in my life is even more rejection than what I’ve been dealt. My heart goes out to all of you.
Thanks. That's so sweet of you to say. I also admire your courage here Snow. I've read many of your posts and it looks like you've adjusted well to being in diapers. Do you wear all the time?
Thank you for your compliment, @tripp . I wear a pull-up every night all night. Sometimes I wear them during the day depending on the situation. Thanks to receiving Botox injections, I don’t have to wear them in the day during most of the time, unless I know I might end up stuck in traffic on the ground in a car or in the air on a plane when I’m not allowed out of my seat.
That's good you don't need them all the time. I guess you wet the bed nightly. So do I and I need tape ons.
Available to chat also. I’m
63 and a bedwetter until I was 7 years old. Got in a bad accident a year later and the last 10 years arthritis and 3 prostrate surgeries started nightly wetting again. Now I totally wet each night and leak during the day. Hang in there. Lots of us having similar problems.
I have had incontinence issues and wearing adult diapers for about the last 12 years. I was also a bed wetter as a child and teenager. I always up for chat and learning about others that experience issues too. I am 41 years old.
Hey thanks for writing. Sounds like our situation is very similar. Did you also have to wear diapers growing up
I am not a lifetime wetter but i do have bladder issues almost my whole life. I have been a bedwetter for a long time, up to my early teen years. Due to a troubled home situation I couldn’t talk about it to my parents so often i slept with towels in my underwear and changed my bedsheets myself. Daytime wetting as a child and teen only occurred a few times but up to my early 20th i often had a very sudden and painful urge that made me avoid any social activities i wasn’t obliged to attend. From nature i am an introvert but my bladder issues made me antisocial and anxious.
In my twentieth i had less problems. I lived my life a bit on the sideline, never far from a toilet, only occasionally attending social events. Things went so well I thought I just had a small bladder, no big issue.
I met my wife when i was 27. The following years the painful urge worsened and occured in shorter distances until in my early thirties there were times i couldn’t hold it anymore and started wetting myself. Due to my troubled childhood i wasn’t used to sharing my troubles with my wife and felt i should face my problems by myself. Therefore it took me too long to see a doctor and i was in a lot of stress.
Once i went to see my GP a 10 year ordeal started of any possible treatment known. In the meantime my incontinence got worse. I started bedwetting again, had many UTI’s, varicocele, i turned out to be infertile and i have erectile dysfunction.
For a big part my bladder issues as a child and teen made me what i am today. An introvert who i guess for today's standards is mildly autistic with anxiety issues. I am 50 now and completely incontinent of urine and occasionally feces. Irl i could never talk about my issue, other than to medical professionals but here i am happy to talk about my issues, share my experience and hear about others.
tripp said:
I also have ADHD so that is something else we can commiserate on
I also have adhd,autism and a touch of ocd too. I didn't wear growing up but wish I did instead of waking up in a wet bed
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