Incontinence After Prostatectomy Surgery

GKimp, do you where anything to bed now? Or just the pad through the day? How many times a day are you doing the exercises?
I'm not wearing anything to bed, although I do have a pad under the sheet just in case. No leakage the last 4 nights. I've been getting up about every 2.5 hours and going, very strong stream like I haven't had in years. I do the exercises 3-4 times a day. And I'm wearing a very thin pad during the day.
I am into my 11 month of post op from removing prostate..had 2 infections right after surgery and 4 months after due to my stitches not dissolving.i am going thru 4-5 pads a day ..seems like no matter what i do it just seems to be leaking...i am so frustrated at 53 yrs old to be going thru this ..i feel like i just will not get better and this will be my life of pads and pull ups...i just hope that this will get better in time
Sounds like you have had some setbacks after surgery. Dont give up.
The statistics are all over the place with different peoples circumstances. I cannot do the exercises and am 3 months post op...gradual, gradual improvement.
I think you will find everyone has a different recovery from the next person. I am only 2 months out at 53 and had some down days. But like wet/dry me said. It’s all about having patience as everyones body is different. Stay way from sodas and caffeine, and some have had success with walking everyday. I have even heard one guy ran down hill while doing Keagles helped him recover after two years of leaking. Keep everyone posted on recovery as the input helps us all.
Excellent advice Kirk, I just started 8th week Monday and I am using one very thin pad a day, no pad at night. Dry for hours then a unexpected cough and get a dribble. I do believe being active and doing the Kagels are key, but like you say we are all differt ages and fitness would be easy to get discouraged and give up, but don't. I really hope the best for each and every one of you guys.
I posted about a month ago that I was approaching 8 months post surgery with continued improvement, albeit not as fast as I would have liked. I've seen significant improvement this past month and feeling more confident which makes the emotional/anxiety aspect a lot easier to deal with. In discussion with my physical therapist in early December we agreed to pause my sessions and so far so good. I still have to be careful when and where I take in a lot of fluids, but that's manageable. Walking is good but anything strenuous sometimes triggers a leak if I'm not careful to kegel first. The same with squatting and bending. Still wearing a pad during the day but just a few leaks here and there, mostly when I push my limits. I sleep through the night with no issues. At the 5 and 6 month marks
I was pretty frustrated because my doctor told me my progress would diminish after 6 months and I was afraid I was at my plateau. But clearly he was wrong and I'm lucky to have kept focused on progress or who knows where I'd be now. As so many have already said, keep working even if it is frustrating because everyone is different and it absolutely can improve over the long haul. I'm not finished with my own recovery and hope to report further progress on the future.
MIrichards, Very well written overview. My recover matches most of what you said. My surgery was Aug 6th. Tonight I was under my truck making needed repairs. Weird positions and some straining, my bladder let me know from time to time. Sort of disappointed but understandable under the circumstances. Overall, getting better. Good post.
Starting week 10 after surgery, no leakage at night. During the day I've gone from leakage to a very occasional drip. Possible no more than befire surgery, but I'm very aware now. Do the Kagels, if physically able, get out and walk as soon as you get the Cath out. Keep your head up!
Coming up on Week 15 for me. I’m completely dry at night and have been for awhile. Leaking slightly during day. I’ve ramped up my activity over the holidays with more walking and am an avid runner and started running 2-3 times a week again. First run, I dared to run without a pad and that wasn’t smart. I wasn’t soaked but leaked a fair amount. I’ve worn pad on couple of other runs and walks and focused on kegels while walking. Less leaking each time. Really focusing on the kegels and more activity at this point and staying positive I’ll be completely dry. Only doing the recommended amount of kegels and not overdoing it.
Marcus, that's great progress! I am convinced if you are physically able the more active the quicker the progress. And Kagels are important.
Thanks Gkimp! Appreciate the support and the posts. Really helpful thread with some folks at varying stages post-op and hearing about each one’s progress however great or small.
So hear I am almost 10 weeks from surgery. I have bladder control and don’t leak much as long as I have light activities and use the bathroom often. Maybe 2 pads a day average

I see others have exercised by walking 2 miles. I started last week and felt good. Didn’t leak to bad on treadmill on 3.9 speed. The forth day I pushed it a little and walked 4 miles, and did some super light training on the weight machines. I also did some extra hard keagles. I now noticed when I was done I had blood in my urine. My doctor told me this is normal if I stressed my urinary track. I waited 4 days to let everything heal. Today I walked my 2 miles and noticed it again. Has anyone had this problem?
@Bluedevil1 my therapist recommended the following for me:

5 sets of 10 quick (up and release) kegels 3 times a day and 5 sets of 10 held kegels (up and hold for 10 seconds and then release) 3 times a day.

I try and do some quick and longer held kegels while walking each day. The rest I do while sitting in the car.

Do this every day and you should see progress. Important to breath normally on longer kegels.

I followed this regiment and am dry at 5 months.
Wow, you guys are over-achievers. I had no specific recommendations from my doctor. I did 3 sets of 10 10 second kegels per day. I was pretty dry at around 4-5 weeks, but could leak a little with straining (shoveling snow, squatting). I'm a little over 2 months post-surgery and the leakage has stopped and I notice in the last week or two that I kind of have to push to pee, especially for the last little bit, whereas before that, just relaxing it would gush out. I typically am still doing 2 sets of kegels per day, mainly because I forget to do the third set.
A bit over 2 months post surgery. I’ve definitely made progress. Very little to no leaking at night. What I don’t get is how erratic my progress has been. I had two days with almost no leakage and then it was back again - fairly heavy for me. I can go most of the day forgetting I even have an issue and then as the days goes on the leakage picks up. Walking 3-4 miles per day - some walks no leakage and others a bit the whole time. The inconsistency drives me a bit crazy.
I'm 9 months and still experience what you describe, but to a much lesser degree. Coughing and sneezing can still catch me off guard. I ride a stationary cycle daily and that causes the most leakage. Then there the occasional off day where I need to pay attention more than usual. I've more or less accepted my situation. I was a bit crazy at 2 months. I was probably 5 or 6 months before I started accepting where I was at. Maybe just a part of the process. Others will need to chime in. Its a grind at first and you are still near the beginning. Ease up on yourself as best you can and keep plugging. If things don't improve talk to your DR.
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