Incontinence After Prostatectomy Surgery

I'm brand new to this forum. This forum is fantastic. My prostate surgery was October 29th, about 5 weeks ago. This urine control problem as you all know is not fun. But I get it. It could be worse. It's a pleasure to read what you all say. I can relate to everyone here. One guy mentioned 2 to 3 mile walks. Interesting. Bicycling, how did that go? My question is, do you all shower everyday? I do but it's just a waist down shower.
Zorro32, mine was Oct 28th, maybe we can track eachother's progress and provide some encouragement. I'm back to work this week, so far mornings have gone relatively dry. But as the day progresses and fatigue sets in I "leak" a little more. I wear a pad, which I usually change when I get home then wear a 2nd until tge following morning.I do shower daily, I'm around a lot of people at work and fear I may carry an odor.
I shower daily. The parts are in contact with a pad all day so I figure they need a decent cleaning. Today was a good day with minimal leakage so far. Yesterday was totally different. Wife and I went to breakfast and a few stores for various shopping. I had leakage problems getting out of the car, putting groceries in the trunk, some while walking. Just a bad day. It is a challenge.
A little cross-posting here, because of so many threads on this topic.

Here's a report on my 3-month follow-up:

I appear to be leaking about an ounce a day now; at the visit, the doc said that's good. He said that I will probably see continued improvement over the next 3 months, and that after about 6 months there will probably be little if any further change (without surgical intervention at some future point, which I don't plan to do, even if I'm still leaking an ounce a day after six months).

I asked about the nerve-sparing: he said that the nerves are related to erectile function but not to urine control. (It's odd that these docs disagree on so many things: in the other thread, someone reported that his doc said that the nerves affect continence.) In my case, the surgeon had to take out the nerves on one side because the cancer was up against that side of the gland, but he was able to spare most of the nerves on the other side. He said that the sides have some redundancy, so I may recover erectile function (or at least some percentage of it). Given my age (70), he said I'd be a superhero if I had recovered most or all of it by now.

At this point, I'm just happy to be rid of the cancer, which was Gleason 8. The doc estimated about an 80% chance of no recurrence in my case, and that feels like good odds.

After getting a tip in another thread about measuring, I got out my old postal scale (which is so old that its first-class letter rate is 13 cents for the first ounce and 11 cents for each additional ounce) and weighed my pull-ups before and after. It turns out, if I did the arithmetic correctly, that a fluid ounce (U.S.) of urine weighs just over an ounce, so it was just a matter of weighing and writing the number down. It was useful to have a number to give the doctor. And it's helped me feel confident enough now to switch, when the pull-ups box is empty, to guards or pads.
Regarding cleaning, in addition to a daily shower I've been using Tena Cleansing Cream before bed. It doesn't require the use of water: wipe on, wipe off. I find it very helpful. I believe that there are other brands available, too.
12/11 will be my 8 month mark since surgery and I am continuing to see progress. I know 6 months is a common timeline docs use but dont let that be your emotional anchor that it cant get better. I may jinx myself but the last 3 or 4 days have been my best yet. Guidelines are helpful but not absolute. In addition to PT, I've done my own experimentation on how many kegels and how often. I even took a break from kegels in case the muscles were fstigued. I've even learned I have acidic urine which agitates your bladder and negatively impacts continence. I tried a product called Prelief and its had a hugely positive impact. it's been a lot of ups and downs but dont give up. There is hope after the 6 month mark. I've talked to 1 person who saw improvement over a 2 yr period! Long time to stay committed but it was worth it for him.
Glimpse. Congratulations getting back to work. You are doing well on pads already. I'm 67 years old soon to be 68. How old are you? My morning is not dry but not bad. Are you doing any exercising?
Daruma. I think you are doing really well. Thank you for that cream idea. The reason I mention the showering, my skin is drying up.
I am 53 and just made 4 weeks from surgery. I feel the last week is better and I only use 1-2 pads while at work. I have noticed if I am sitting down and using the bathroom every hour or so the leakage is minimal. But if I am standing or walking for a period I leak a lot more and will need to change the pad in the store bathroom. I also leak a lot more late in the day, fatigue I guess.

The doctors say 80-90% of men don’t leak by 6 months and back to normal by a year. I hope so, as I am divorced and have been dating someone I feel is special. In some ways I feel the leakage issues is bigger than the sexual issues. I was very active before traveling with her. I can only pray and stay positive things will get better. I appreciate everyone sharing their stores on here. I think it’s very helpful to us all.
I guess I must be one of the chosen few. My prostatectomy/diverticulotomy was nearly 3 yrs. ago, and I still need to wear diapers. Having some incontinence issues before my surgery, and with the "messed up bladder"(my urologist term), needing to wear protection has become my new normal. It has taken time, but I am getting used to it.
Zorro32, I'm 60 I lost 50 lbs in the 4 months prior to surgery, I think that has helped. I walk 5-7 miles most days at work, I wish my Dr would have told me to do the Kegel's before surgery, I had a buddy with same surgery, different Dr. did kegal for 2 no the prior, no issues. Different doctors different opinions.
Thank you everyone for sharing. Damp has had 3yrs. I applaud your mental strength. Kirk, when I'm sitting I have relief from stress but knowing when I get up it's a leak. Standing is better. Walking the dog for a length of time, I feel many urges to pee. Gkimp great job losing 50 lbs. Yes I started kegel exercises before surgery . I also have a buddy who just had the surgery. His Dr. Is different and didn't push kegel before surgery. I believe it has helped alot.
So after 5 weeks from surgery, my bladder has improved over the last week. I can hold my bladder as long as I am using the bathroom every hour and before any activities. If I am walking in a store I have to visit the bathroom shortly after entering to keep from leaking. The mornings are way better then the afternoon. I notice my bladder is fatigued and I leak a lot more. I don’t leak sleeping, but have to use the bathroom 3-5 times a night. Seems like control is coming back. But I just can’t hold much before being at risk of leaking
That's great Kirk, I was 6 weeks yesterday, had a very good day. Same experience morning dry and afternoons more leakage. Very encouraged though.
Starting week 7 from surgery, had 3 relatively dry days out of the last 4. Today is going well so far. Gives me hope. I'm down to one pad a day, from a pullup and 2 to 3 pads a day.
6 weeks tomorrow. Last few days has gotten better, and use two pads and a pull-up to bed. Trying not to go when I feel like I have too. I think with my prostate in-large for several years before removal. It shrunk and I am trying to retrain the bladder to hold more by waiting 2-3 hours before using the bathroom. When I come home from work seems to be when I still leak. Dry at night but get up a couple times a night to use the bathroom. Overall the last week or so has been a happy improvement. Just hope it continues
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