Whether it's pads inside of underpants, pull-ups, disposable diapers, or cloth diapers and plastic pants, I think each of us eventually find "peace of mind" when we find the correct product to keep our bed dry.
I don't know if the word "Enjoy" applies to what I feel when I put on my night time diapers. I think for me personally, it's more a case of feeling a "sense of calm" that I'm wearing protection that is absorbent enough that I won't wake up in a wet bed. And I think that may change over time, for many of us, if our incontinence gets worse.
When I first started wetting the bed again, as an adult in my 30's, it was only once or twice a year. After the 2nd time it happened, we put a waterproof mattress protector on the bed. After a few years, I was wetting the bed several times a year, and my wife insisted I start wearing something. Depends Real Fit had not been "invented" yet, but there were some brands that had adult pull-ups, which I used. These worked for a while. Fast-forward a few more years, and I was wetting about once a month, AND I was wetting more, so the pull-ups leaked for me. So I went to a thicker, tabbed disposable diaper. Now jump forward again, to this past year. My bedwetting has increased to several times a week, and since I often end up sleeping on my side during the night, I found the disposable diapers leaked for me too...
I don't know about everyone else, but when my diaper leaks, the wet sheets WILL wake me up EVERY time!
Then it's real hard to get back to sleep, without changing the bed. And it's not a fun time to wake the wife at 3am, telling her we have to change the sheets!! For that reason, I have (And she insisted..) gone back to cloth diapers and plastic pants for bedtime. With cloth diapers, I can double them up, or add a cloth booster insert, to get the right absorbency. Now I RARELY ever wake up with a leaking diaper.
Now the point of this is that at every stage of my "return to bedwetting", I felt a real "peace of mind" and comfort, knowing that I could get a good nights' sleep without waking up in a wet bed. And as each product started to fail me, I started feeling stress when I'd go to bed, not knowing what the night would bring. Of course, we all know how a bad night's sleep with affect us, so going to the next level of "protection" was really a no-brainer!!
So does going to bed every night in cloth diapers and plastic pants make me "Happy"??? Well, I guess I can say I'm "Happy" in knowing that I won't wake up during the night in a wet bed, so with that in mind, I don't mind the diapers at all. But in a perfect world, I wouldn't need them at all.