Staff member
Having nearly 20 years of constant diaper wearing, I have tried and used pretty much every diaper on the market. Some are ok, others are great. But even the best absorbing diaper can fail in the tape department. I've read many times about people using anything from electrical tape to bandaids to packaging tape to secure the diaper tape tabs. So, to save anyone the pain of figuring it out, i thought i would post my best fix solution for ya. I use the medical cloth tape or the clear perforated tape. They both work wonders although the cloth tape works best. I simply apply a 3 inch piece of cloth bandage tape to each tab. Once pressed on well, it nearly disappears and when removing, it tears very easily. Often times, I'll use the 3 inch piece on the bottom two tape tabs and a long piece across the top, from about two inches before the tab begins to the other side. This gives the front of the diaper a lot of extra strength and helps eliminate sagging down on the waist.but on better brands, or ones with a front plastic landing zone, i just use single pieces on the top tabs like i do on the bottom. Hope this helps anyone!