Enjoying pads with tabs


Staff member
Am i just strange that since switching to tabs i actually enjoy going to bed and putting them on. Something about them just makes me feel safe and secure and they are comfy to. Is anyone the same?
I agree Alana. Knowing that I can sleep securely is one of the biggest reasons I wear pads with tabs.
I definitely sleep better if I’m wearing a diaper, but I don’t feel “normal” about wearing one. If I tried to fall asleep without wearing a diaper, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I still know, even if I’m going to bed wearing a diaper, I’ll wake up to a wet diaper and to pee at least six times per night. No diaper can fix that urgency and disruption. But yes, I’d rather wet a diaper than my bed.
Hi @Alana, you are really handling things with positivity and optimism. :D It's become that obvious you are in charge of your self and you are not letting your situation put you into a tailspin! I have no doubt whatsoever that you are going to come out a true winner!
And guess what? You're not strange at all! You're just accepting your situation and doing what needs to be done in a straightforward fashion!
I think you are a true inspiration here and you are showing us how to handle your situation with a lot of grace and dignity. Way to go!!!:D
I'm not sure if I would say I feel comfortable but I can agree I have less anxiety with one on knowing the bed will most likely be dry. It took years to get to that place though.i would say for a good 10 years sleeping in general was awful.. no diaper meant anxiety so I couldn't sleep and with a diaper meant I felt gross, laying there thinking that there were probably 2 year olds in bed at that time with diapers on who will probably wake up dry and mine will probably be wet. I know its a dumb thought but since I was so icked out over diapers my mind would just think of the worst things.
It took years of sleeping pills and just eventual acceptance to get me where I am ok with things today. Been off anxiety and sleep meds for over a year now :)
@JC1471 Congratulations on being off of anxiety and sleep meds! That’s no easy task! Remember they’re there for you again if/when you need them!
I try not to let the stigma associated with wearing diapers affect me. At this point, I wear them all the time and, although I don’t flaunt the fact, I really don’t care if anyone knows. It hasn’t been an issue. My wife knew when we were dating and completely accepted me. My doctor and my physical therapist know, and some family members know. I don’t see a diaper as being any different from a hearing aid or even glasses. They are all kinds of medical support that allow us to get on with our daily lives. Diapers are not just for toddlers and, the more people realize that, the more acceptable they will become. I feel for anyone who feels shame in having to wear them, but I won’t give others that power to shame me just because I need them.
I would wear brief tab diapers all the time if they were easier to put on myself. Just haven't found out a way to make a brief diaper work for me. I wish my dream would come true where they could make the plastic backing tab diapers into a pull up diaper. That would be the best of both worlds for me, I know!!!
Hi @Bugalugs, Truer words were never spoken! You just stick to what you know you need to do! You're doing that for your own comfort and not to please anybody else. Great post! :D
Yep! Everyone tells me they suck, but they get me through most nights without leaking. I’ve been wearing them for 5.8 years. Granted, I always wake up when I pee and change them if they need changing. They’re not holding 8 hours of pee, but sometimes 4-6 hours’ worth. I pee twice as much when I’m horizontal as when I’m vertical.
I wouldn't go so far as to say i enjoy them but ive come to greatly appreciate them. I sleep soundly with no waking up to a soaked bed and that results in much more restful sleep and not being exhausted all day at work.

At first i found them incredibly uncomfortable but it was really just that they took some getting used to. I need premium heavy-duty diapers so the bulk was probably the culprit. I also found them to be hot at first. 6 years into being diapered around the clock im so used to them that it feels weird to not be wearing one. I now find them to be quite comfortable in bed but still find that they can be pretty uncomfortable during the day especially in hot weather or during physical activity.

But compared to meds and being poked and prodded all the time by doctors i love them, relatively. I dont see myself ever getting back into normal underwear at this point and ive just accepted my need for them.
North shore has very good night time diapers and I think in larger sizes too. Same with Bambino’s (which cater to ABs, but have good regular (no print) diapers too.)
Thanks for the kind words billiveshere. I love your positivity too. As we all know, dealing with incontinence is not an easy adjustment (or for some, a lifetime issue), but I have come to realize that there are a lot of things that are a lot worse. Not so long ago, before my TURP operation, I had to use a Foley catheter for quite a while. I found that to be much more of an issue. I was very happy to go back in diapers.
You're right, Bugalugs, there are usually things in our lives that can be a lot worse than what we are actually dealing with.
But I gotta admire you for having to put up with using a Foley catheter for what sounds like a long term basis. I don't think I could have had what it takes to be able to do that. :( To me that would be a big issue. I've had those in briefly following surgery and I was never so happy to be rid of them. Being straight-cathed once after hernia surgery was no picnic either!:eek: Yes, given the choice, I will take diapers each and every time!
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