

Staff member
Good Evening Friends. I’m a 43 yr old man suffering from bedwetting and it’s terrible. I started bedwetting back in 2011 and have been managing this problem ever since. I really need to try and somehow stop it. I look forward to meeting others to further share ideas and discuss and support one another. Thank You
Yeah but I’m trying to find a better solution to this. Believe me after 7 years I’ve learned to accept it but refuse to give up.
That’s the attitude we should all have!! I’ve been dealing with IC since 2004 and am 45 now and am still researching options to help control my IC. I’ve come to learn how to deal with it but still hope one day there’s a solution!! Welcome to the group SUnnydaysinFL!! I’ve gotten lots of good support and ideas how to manage and options for treatment on here!! Fight fight fight!!!

Hi there, bedwetting can be so frustrating. For me I only wet the bed occasionally so not an every night thing or even weekly (unless I am stressed or over tired). The randomness of when I might have a wet night can be aggravating.

Your not giving up attitude on getting it under control is great. I am always open to hearing new options or things to try.

I don’t have any tips for you right now, but will let you know.

Know that you are not alone in this.

I would hope that you have discussed this with your doctor to rule out anything that may have caused your bedwetting? For me, it was a bad UTI as a youth and then several falls and the neglect to see a doctor after the second fall from a ladder. I've been through many, many tests and finally the end result is a nerve that got damaged and does not fire correctly. I can stay dry during the day, but if I wait too long, I don't have the feeling of serious urge and will start to leak. But when sleeping, I have no sensation to wake me up.

Because of this, I have been living with bedwetting for over 12 years. It's very manageable and even to the point where I don't even think about it, even when I'm traveling. I found products that work so well that I rarely, if ever, have leaks.

It's nice to find a group like this with real people that have the same problem.
I've posted a similar note before, which is to encourage you to stop or impede the leak with an external device. I'm using a soft silicone unit with a protrusion that puts pressure on the urethra to appreciably cut down on the leakage. Combine that with a medium liner and you may solve your problem. I have more info, if you are interested. Best wishes. Duane
I started the same way having wet spots then it got worse the dr. gave me the answer diabetic so have just been living with it.
I am a nightly bedwetter. It came back in my late 40s and by the time I reached 50 I was wetting almost every night.
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