Embarrassing Then, but Funny Now -long but worth the read, least I think so


Staff member
As hinted at in another post, here is my ‘Embarrassing at the time, but funny now’ story.

Before I get started I want to explain the reason for this post. In dealing with bedwetting or incontinence most of us have probably had situations that were soooo embarrassing to us at the time it happened, but now with it being years in the past we look back at it with humour. So as you read my story think back to an incident or situation that embarrassed you at the time but now look back at it with humour and consider sharing. Now I totally get that not all situation that were embarrassing back when it happened magically turn humours with age. Some things are just too embarrassing.

So to my story. As you all know by now my issue is with enuresis, bedwetting. I’ve been dealing with it since I was a teen. I consider myself one of the fortunate ones since it has never been a chronic problem. Just an occasional annoyance that sometimes happens more frequently and sometimes less frequently. During the time of this story I was in my mid 20’s, out of college and establishing myself in the work world. My bedwetting was sporadic with having a wet night once every few months or so. During times of stress or when exhausted the frequency would increase and could even happened twice or more in one week. Finals week in college was pretty wet.

At the time, to protect my bed I just had one of those fitted white plastic mattress covers on my bed and then a fitted sheet. I’d also put a beach towel under the fitted sheet since the plastic did not absorb anything. Now being the young adult finally free from college and out on his own I didn’t always pay attention to my occasional issue. I’d not pay attention to the plastic cover and not realize that it had tears in it (if you ever used them you know they don’t last very long before getting holes or tears in them) Other times I’d forget to put it back on after washing everything. So as you can expect there were a few times that I wet my unprotected bed. Not knowing how to clean the mattress I usually just spray something like a carpet cleaner on the wet area, sprinkle baking soda on the bed and dab it with a towel. (one time not knowing the difference I put baking powder on the bed instead of baking soda, boy I was an idiot).

As you can imagine the few unprotected wettings of the bed and my lack of knowledge of how to properly clean the mattress lead to some noticeable stains on my mattress. Due to their placement it was obvious to anyone who saw my mattress that a bedwetter had slept there. One day when I was remaking the bed after a wet morning, protected bed this time whew, I was getting ready to put the plastic cover back on and really noticed how bad my mattress look. Even though it was just me in the room and apartment for that matter I got really really embarrassed about my mattress and even more so at the reason why it had the stains, my bedwetting. I thought about buying a new mattress but being cheap I pulled the pro bedwetter move, I flipped the mattress. Bam fresh clean looking mattress. I was still embarrassed but quite proud of myself for my solution.

Fast forward about a year and a half latter and it is moving day. I was moving out of this apartment to another one. Still being relatively fresh from college and cheap I didn’t have a whole lot of stuff to move so asked a few friends to come over and help me. I had a plan to keep my bedwetting a secret from my friends. That morning before they came I took the plastic cover off my bed and boxed it up with some blankets. I also put the opened pack of GoodNites that I had in the bottom of the box and taped it up so the box would only be moved and not opened. My plan was perfect. Perfect that was until the plan fell apart right before my eyes.

I was in the bedroom with my two friends getting ready to move the bed. They grabbed the mattress while I got the head and foot board and frame thing. As they are carrying out the mattress they had to turn it on its side to get through the doors. When we get outside they flip the mattress back flat. Unfortunately they flipped it to where the bottom side was now on top. I had totally forgot about my bedwetting stains on the bottom side, and there in the bright sun for all to see was my pee stains. I just froze staring at the shame displayed on my mattress.

I thought, maybe they wont notice. That lasted about a half a second. One friend goes, “JT what is this? Have you had this bed since you were 5.” The other friend laughs and chimes in with, “Don’t even try and tell us you spilled water in your bed. My cousin tried that and it aint work for him either.” I was like dang I was just about to use the spilled water excuse too. I must have been redder than a tomato but I tried to play it off. I first tried to say I bought the bed from a thrift shop and they were already on there, didn’t notice until I got it home and couldn't return it. That didn't work, I forgot one of the friends had help me move into this apparent. He goes, “Not buying it bro, remember I helped you move in and when I did this same mattress didn’t have any stains on it then.” I don’t even know what I said or tried to say next I was soooo humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed all at the same time. My friends, who BTW are very cool, must have noticed how upset I was about them seeing the stains and one goes, “Its cool JT anyone can have an accident and wet the bed.” The other goes, “Yeah my cousin did it into high school.” Then they said a few things like, don’t worry about it, it happens, not big deal, ya know all those trying to comfort phrases. I kinda nodded my head but was still feeling absolutely awful about it. Nothing more was said about it and we finished the move.

At the time I was so mortified and ashamed that they knew I had wet my bed as an adult at least several time based on the few stains. The were cool about it and we were joking and laughing like almost normal by the end of the day. I know I was a little off for the next week or so when ever we got together worried that they might bring it up or tell our other friends about my bedwetting stains. They never brought it up again and I finally got over it.

Now looking back I find it to be a pretty funny story and reflect on crazy 20 something me trying to hide his bedwetting from his friends.

So thats my embarrassing then, but funny now story. What’s yours?
I have similar of the same kind of story. When i was 16, i had stopped wetting the bed around 14 - so i had been dry for almost two years..my parents moved to a new house. And as a suprise they said they were going to get me a new queen sized mattress and bedroom set. So the twin that i had been accustomed to sleeping on - had to go. And it was rough. The day the bedroom set left - i refused to be present. I told my mom and step dad I did not want to be around for when the movers came in and disposed of my mattress - my parents were kinda perplexed for a moment...then were like.."OHHHH"..and let me go to the mall with some friends that day. Before i knew it, i came home and everything in my bedroom was gone.

But yeah, not so much of a funny story - just a story of how prior bedwetting can creep up on you for a moment and having your mind deal with it lol
@Jaytee Ow! :(Ow! :(Ow!:( Painful memory indeed! That moving day must have been awful! I really feel for you bro! If It had been me I don't think I would have had the composure you had. But those friends were nice about it and tried to help you see that stuff like that can happen. Not all friends are like that!!Question though and it may be none of my business. But does bedwetting run in your family? That's why a lot of it happens.
My somewhat embarrassing story doesn't compare with yours as I really keep my incontinence under wraps and haven't mentioned it to anybody, friend or no. This is the only place that I have said anything about it. I use pull-ons now for over-active bladder. A few years ago I used belted undergarments because I didn't feel I need any more protection than that. The elastic belt and button thing is kind of a pain to manage. On that day in question, a Sunday, I took my usual Sunday morning walk in town. Of course I had to "go" and I thought nothing of it! On the way back home I stopped in Publix to shop. Went again but something just didn't feel right. Came back home and took my jeans off. They were wet in back.
"What the....?" I wondered. Turned out that when I had buttoned the undergarment the absorbent side ended up on the outside and the plastic-y exterior was on the inside where of course, it does the least amount of good!
But no one in the store called me out. I figured since I wear a long pull-over polo shirt that must've hidden the evidence! Never did that again and a short time later I "graduated" to the pull-ons.
@Honeeecombs I totally get your anxiety over being there when the movers cam to get your old bed. So cool that your parents understood and respected your feelings and let you leave. I can see them being like, "What, you don't want to be here when your new bed and bedroom furniture gets here. Thought you'd be excited about getting rid of that old twin < short pause> Oh right I get it. Yes you can go to the mall with your friends. It will be all set up when you get home."

At least you remembered and were able to to be around. I totally forgot about it until the mattress was turned over.

Nice story. Shows the struggle bedwetters face, the understand that your parents had, and as you say a good example of how bedwetting can sneak up when you least expect it.
@billliveshere It was very awkward and painful inside for me when I saw that pee stained mattress and my friends just staring at it. All kinds of thoughts went through my mind in like probably 10 seconds but felt like for ever. And then worrying for the next week or so if they are going to say anything, even in joking fun. And especially worried they might say something to or in front of our other friends. I don't know how I kept it together without just busting out crying but I think the kindness my friends showed me helped me get through the rest of the day.

Good question and I don't mind it at all. To the best of my knowledge I am the only bedwetter I the family least the near recent family line that I know of. I didn't start bedwetting until. I was a teen and it was so infrequent (like only a few times in a year or less) that I hide it from my parents. When I was older I did finally tell my mom and she said she had no idea. We talked about it and she said there was no history of bedwetting in the family that she knew of. It is a great question because stats do show that kids who have one or both parents who were bedwetters increases the chance that they might become a bedwetter too.

To your story, Oh my that is embarrassing. Not so much at the time that it happened since you didn't realize you had wetted your jeans, but when you got home and realized I bet you were frustrated and embarrassed. You handled it very well and probably correct in that your long shirt and jeans color helped to hide or minimize the wet look to where others didn't even notice. So probably nothing to be embarrassed about since others hopefully did not notice.

Your story also brings up a good point about being embarrassed even if no one else notices or finds out. Before I got married sometimes when I'd wake up wet I would get so embarassed and not know why. After all no one else was ever going to find out. I had my own washer and dryer so I didn't even have to sneek the wet laundry to the coin laundry. Absolutely no on else would ever know, and yet I'd feel embarrassed. Semotions are strange things.
Hi @Jaytee, I think you really dodged a bullet there with your friends! Others might not be so fortunate. I don't think in my family there was much, if any, bedwetting. My parents were a combination of puritanical New England and somewhat Victorian Texas so that never happens with such families! Don't ya know!!???:D:D:D:D I know what you're wondering at this point and I'll answer now. I did have a few occasions throughout my childhood when I woke up wet. No big deal, just a towel in the bed. No one was nasty about it. One time it did happen camping in Nova Scotia, right outside of Sherbrooke (now a historic site). Funny how you remember things like that. I was in a sleeping bag and the stain was really something! It was red as was the inside of the sleeping bag which had a red fabric of some kind. Even drying the bag out in the sun it didn't get rid of much of the odor, etc. Actually I never really took to sleeping bags. I always felt claustrophic in them. I like to move around and feel some fresh air and breathe deeply. Can't do that in a sleeping bag!:( So actually I don't think I had any big problems with that. Could be wrong, though, as it was such a looooong time ago!
And reading your last paragraph got me to thinking. About feeling embarrassed even if no one else finds out. Having learned what I've learned in the time I've been on this forum, it isn't all that embarrassing knowing I've shared similar experiences with some great folks who are well worth knowing! That kind of puts in all in perspective for me. If I have to share something like this with anyone, then this is the right place!
@billliveshere Ha Haa I like your description fo your family, That just does not happen in this family.

A few random bedwetting incidents I bet are not out of the norm for most kids. They might have form 0 to 2 or 5 random accidents throughout childhood. Like you said no biggie, just clean up and move on. Sorry bout you wetting the sleeping bag. I hope you didn't need to use it the rest of the trip seeing as the smell did not come out. And its a good thing you were outside of the historic site. They probably would not take kindly to someone wetting the historic site. :O

I don't mind sleeping bags but I can understand how to some it can seem constricting.

I get your point on feeling embarrassed or not so much. For me I am not embarrassed to share my experiences, stories and personal information here about my bedwetting. However, I would be a shambles if I had to talk with my friends, a group, or others IRL. I think it comes down to comfort level. Here everyone is so open, accepting and supportive that it does not bother me in the least to say I am a bedwetter. IRL it would only be a faint whisper if I had to say it.
Amen to those thoughts in your last paragraph, J.T.! :)And the fact that we are so supportive and open is what makes this forum so unique. Talking to Trout Lake acquaintances, other friends and other IRL situations about our particular, well, unique-ness, wouldn't be too forthcoming from me! But since we understand each other here it's really easy. The thing that amazes me still is how I've become more open in the short time I've been here. Never had an experience like this before in all of my life!
As far as the sleeping bag goes, well actually.....that was the only one available, seeing as how sleeping bags are rather expensive, if you get my drift! It became more habitable as time went on. Thinking back on it, it would have been good to have Goodnites, but obviously they were just a gleam in some inventor's eyes.
And Sherbrooke, N.S. didn't become a certified Canadian historic site because I had an accident there! I don't think I'm that noteworthy! But all kidding aside it is now a very well known historic site that many tourists coming to Nova Scotia experience. You can now spend a day there and learn about how things were in an old woodlands center of commerce. It now is a restored village maybe somewhat on along the lines of a back-country Williamsburg, with old-fashioned shops and places where people do the craft things of way back in the 1900's and maybe an old saloon or two. Just down the road is Port Bickerton, which has to be one of my favorite names. Sherbrooke back then was a lumbering and shipping center. When I was there, all of that activity had quieted down considerably and it was just a little ol' town, not much of anything. All I remember is a truss bridge, a business district with a couple of stores, an Irving gas station, a few houses and a tiny wood-shingled hospital across the river.
I will never forget my first day of physical therapy to get the use of my legs back. As some of you know after the accident being an instant double incontinent 28 year old, I sold my businesses, got a nasty divorce (because she couldn’t live with a husband in diapers) and went into hibernation other than doctor appointments. About 6 months after the accident my doctors got me into an intensive in-patient physical therapy program with exercise coordinators, flex/ message therapists, mental therapists, dietitians etc.
At that time Attends were the only somewhat decent disposable diapers, so I brought a duffle bag of them, but I was still about 90% cloth & plastic pants. Because of the spasms it was full voids anytime anyplace and was still working on timing with my bowels. I ended up having to use the hospital issue diapers as my cloth ones disappeared like an odd sock into the hospital laundry after week one!
After a couple of days meeting my new team, and a million tests it was finally time for my first workout in over 6 months (Previous 10+ years 6 days a week between the weight room & Martial Arts Dojo)and I couldn’t wait to hit a punching bag as I was so mad I wanted to hit ANYTHING!
One of the nurses helped me to get ready and suggested an Attends with plastic pants so I could bring a backup as it was in a separate building. Everything went great until they told me we were going straight to the pool. Being in a wheelchair I assumed it would be a roll-in pool or something similar. I was wrong, it looked like an average competition pool, but I was told it was only about 36” deep or so.
It took two therapists to get me out of the chair and into the pool, then one of them helped me remove my shirt. Well that’s about the time I realized my plastic pants were doing their job, only backwards. They blew up so big it looked like I had an inflatable vest under my trunks! To say I was mortified would be an understatement as there were at least a dozen other people in the pool & probably a dozen more in the jacuzzi’s etc. and sidelines around it. At the time I KNEW I was the only incontinent person on the planet and seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack or a stroke from shear embarrassment! I immediately tried to dunk my head to hide my face but instead ended up doing a barrel roll putting my now enormous butt and legs up in the air & getting the attention of everyone in the pool area, EXACTLY what I wanted? One of my therapists grabbed me and got me upright again then pulled open the top of my pants letting all the air out, but letting about 50 gallons of water in. At least I was stable in the water now, where everyone could see my firetruck red face? All I wanted to do is get in my wheelchair, get out of there and never look back...
Next thing I know a huge guy that looked strong enough to lift a tank started clapping for me and asked everyone to welcome “The Rookie”? He dog paddled over and introduced himself. He had been hit on his motorcycle and was paralyzed from the waist down a few months before I showed up. Before I knew it he and a couple others were all telling me their embarrassing entrances etc. and before you know it I was laughing my butt off standing in a pool with a bunch of strangers, wearing a 200 lbs diaper and laughing at myself and their stories. My entrance was NOTHING compared to some I heard. That was the day the real healing began...
@billliveshere I totally agree. It is so nice to have the great group of people here to talk with about what to many of us is a hidden struggle to those who know us. I could not imagine talking with my friends or coworkers openly about my bedwetting. Funny thing is that just as we are silent to them one of them might be silent about their struggle to us for the same reasons.

Oh no on the sleeping bag. Yes they can be expensive. I hope when you got home it was able to be thorough washed and cleaned so it was fresh for the next trip. By 'habitual' do you mean you were wetting more frequently? Sorry if so.

GoodNites were not around when my bedwetting started but did come when I was in my 20's. I was skinny and they still fit then so I was able to use them until I finally did grow too big for them.

That place sounds awesome. I love history, sounds like a neat place to visit, have fun and learn all at the same time.

Oh My Gosh, that was a horrible experience for you to go through. Totally feel for you. But amazing the instant response you got from the others, from staff and especially from the others going through therapy too. Too funny 'The Rookie'. They all joined in to welcome you and show that they were there to support you and I am sure during the time you were there you supported them too. Just awesome.

I hate to say it but I did laugh at your description of the ballooning pants. That was an unexpected outcome of getting into the water. My board shorts balloon a little if I jump feet first into the pool I cannot imagine how big your pants got. Knowing the outcome was good I can say too funny.

I am glad that your experience turned out for the best, but man I sure thought it was going to stay an awful experience in the beginning.
Hi @Jaytee, Had to look up where I had "habitual," but it was actually "habitable," or maybe the correct word should be "inhabitable," or something that's able to be lived in. But let's say the sleeping bag had improved somewhat for the next trip. But I knew it would never be the same! :( I don't remember having gotten rid of it, though!
And @Spring87, I really feel for you. When I was reading about how those pants ballooned up and out, I was just about having palpitations myself!:O And that's from being embarrassed for you. If it were me I can't even venture to guess how I would have acted. It's kind of like you feel your life is passing before your eyes! That's what I would feel. And everything must have moved in slow-motion, just like in the movies! Wow!
Wonder what you thought when that big guy dog-padded over to you? I would have gone, "What the ....?" But it was great when he clapped and had everyone welcome "The Rookie." And my palpitations calmed down when you were laughing along with everyone else. You guys must have had some good "sea stories" in the dining room that night! Do you still stay in touch with those guys?
@billliveshere I totally misread that. Oops. Glad the sleeping bag was not harmed further and lives to see more sights with you.
Probably not all that many more sights for the sleeping bag. But I was more worried about our car, a '59 Chevy station wagon, a real POS if tehe ever was one! I was embarrassed to be seen riding in it. One year we were driving off the ferry in Yarmouth, N.S. (another trip) and the brakes failed. Fortunately we didn't end up in the drink! But we went to the G.M. dealership and they had to order a part to be shipped from Toronto. Learned there was a restaurant in Yarmouth that had very good breakfasts though! We were regular customers there for awhile!
Okay I have a funny one that I never shared. After surgery I was having bladder issue when they got me up and walking. I was using abena pads and I hadfixing pants after they took the catheter out. Well I had to get a second CT scan to make sure that everything was okay on the second to last day and wet pretty good while at CT so they got me my bag and a pad out of it. My fixing pants were wet a bit so my mom took them so she could clean them and bring them back. My other pair was back in my room. So all I had was a pad and underwear. Well I was walking with my walker back to my room which was up one floor and then across the hall when I flooded my pad right in front of the first nurses station and the pad pulled everything down around my ankles. So there I was with my butt hanging out and a pad and underwear hanging around my feet. The nurses help me get back to my room and got the floor cleaned up but I was mortified. I was the youngest patient on the floor and the nurse told me not to worry about it as almost the hole floor was in a pad because I was the post surgery ward for people who had issues like I was. Crazy now that I don't even worry about being seen in a diaper by a doctor which before this issue never happened in decades.

Oh my that is a story. I cannot imagine how embarrassed you were when it happened. Good thing the nurse was there to help take care of it quickly. You survived and look at you now stronger for it.
Ow! :( Literally had it all hanging out, eh! :O If it were me I think not only my face but my whole being would have turned red as ... a lobster dinner on the coast of Maine! OK not the best analogy but only one I could think of. The one consolation is it happened in the hospital and albeit in front of nurses, they are the ones who are used to that type of thing. If there is ever a day when something like that doesn't happen then there is definitely something amiss! But aren't we thankful there are nurses who take care of every detail and make things better when it doesn't go well for us? :)
I'm not sure I have a certain " story", but anytime I am in a situation involving other people and needing to go is embarrassing

I've been in a few private doctors appointments/ people's offices and just needed to go (causing the whole place to stink), and I've had sitruations where I've been round people's houses and not had a spare change (awkward)

but nothing passific comes to mind
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