I would hope that you have discussed this with your doctor to rule out anything that may have caused your bedwetting? For me, it was a bad UTI as a youth and then several falls and the neglect to see a doctor after the second fall from a ladder. I've been through many, many tests and finally the end result is a nerve that got damaged and does not fire correctly. I can stay dry during the day, but if I wait too long, I don't have the feeling of serious urge and will start to leak. But when sleeping, I have no sensation to wake me up.
Because of this, I have been living with bedwetting for over 12 years. It's very manageable and even to the point where I don't even think about it, even when I'm traveling. I found products that work so well that I rarely, if ever, have leaks.
It's nice to find a group like this with real people that have the same problem.