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Hi all. U lodt my house of 13 years in jan ladt year. Had the worst uear of my life was homeless had no support from government if anything they the council did everything they could to make be kill myself. They claimed we jad made ourself delibertly homeless after 13 years of paying my mortgage and showing we had tried to pay as much as we coild when we could arrears we only 6k when evicted and had 115k in equity in property. Declared ourselfs and 11 yr old child homeless but stupidly admitted i was married. So denied every benefit by concil. Put on slum accomodation with running mould 3 of us to one room and they charged more for this slum than our mortgage per week. Provided not one single benefiit keep saying husband meant i qualified for no housing benefit no storage support etc etc. My anxiety and depression went to self harming then as well. Pus its legal in uk to make under 16 uear child homeless with you or threaten to remove them. I had compleye nervous breakdown. Council wete demanding 232 per week for 1 room mould infested slum. As soon as from the housing benefit application they found out i was married it was like thhat was a crime. In 2 weeks they had thrown us out of borough to one room b&b in hounslow slum. My daughter was unable to attend school as over 1.5 hours away. Ascsoon as council found out where husband worked attched to his meagure earnings of take home 1.8k that was omly thing feeding us and keeping his job. Did it behind our bscks no communication and apparantly this is also lehal. Snatched 350 per month in back unpaid c tax for 3 yeats judgements. Had to give up only benefit i did have esa as not entitled to this according to legal aid sol as it had switched after year to income based and because my husband had income that voided that so in 6 weeks of being homeless and desperate council had snatched 350 in unpaid c tax as attachment to earnings, charged 200 per month more than mortgage we lost house for in first place, ignored all medical reports showing i was suicidal by now claimed they lost them, forced us to live in one room slum out of borough, took away only benefit esa basic i had and set social services on me. I self harmed i was on every anto depressant known to man. No one cared it was as if being married was an excuse to give us nothing and deny everything. In the end from stress and mould i collapsed and was hospitalised with viral infection caused by mould. And thats when bed wertting started. Never ever had an issue until then. Initially thought it was lyrica drug they gave me for pain but stopped taking that and its still happening. Have managed to escape council still with arrears owinf for unpaid accomation, in end just gave up fighting as it was clear never going to win and fight and accomaation had nearly killed me by then. Spent 5 days in icu sutton with upspecified virallness have never really recovered nerves shot severe depresdion. Have returned to work by luck finally got job at old szl level and now have nice rented house in gosport near sea BUT bedwetting still happening. Im only 48 and cant stand this still on a million anto depressants sleeping pills diazepam etc but the bed wetting i dont get why is this happening could this really be stress only caused still....all ideas and suggestions appreciated