Staff member
Life threw me into a heavyweight round of bedwetting when I scored another UTI recently. I got sick of the environmental waste of disposables and invested in a cloth prefold night nappy from a brand called Rearz to trial. After forgetting to wash it before wearing (huge mistake)and soaking through it and the plastic pants onto my sheets the first night, I tried again last night and had great success. I’m a front/side/back/head stand sleeper and appreciate the 360 degree absorbency to no end. I found it way more comfortable and somehow also more breathable than the Better Drys I’ve been wearing. It is helpful to be able to customise the fold to put more absorbency in the front where I need it. It’s also not really much bulkier as I seem to get away with the the single layer. I actually can’t believe I put that off for so long. One of my reservations was around people seeing the nappy drying on the clothes line, but unless you really know what to look for it just looks like a large cloth drying amongst my other clothes (I also care way less now about what others think of my problem, which helps). I dry the clean plastic pants on the door handle of my bedroom cupboard and nobody is the wiser. Just thought I’d throw these insights up for those considering making the leap into cloth.