Interesting scenario you put out there @billliveshere.
Since I mostly only wear protection when I am not sleeping at my place just in case that is the night my occasional bedwetting decides to show up I do not often have to buy a product, but when I do it usually is at a store. Since I am not a heavy wetter Depends RealFits work for me and a 20 pack will last me a long. time.
I've never had an encounter with a friend while buying my products but did have a few convos in a store back when I was around 20 and using GoodNites. One time, when I was in college, I went to buy a pack of GoodNites to have for my trip to visit some relatives. I went to like a CVS and grabbed a pack of boys LG-XL GoodNites and then got some toothpaste and deodorant that I needed for the trip too. Not a lot of items and the GoodNites pack was def obvious to anyone walking by me.
When I got up to the register I waited in line and when I put my stuff on the belt the cashier picked up the last time to be rung up for the person, a lady and two kids, in front of me and that caused the belt to move forward since the little electrical eye thing was not blocked. There went my GoodNites, toothpaste and deodorant rolling up to the cashier and away from me. She picked up the GoodNites and then asked the lady if they were part of her items. The lady looked at them and said no. Then the cashier and the lady both looked back at me. I probably got a little red. I really wasn't embarrassed about buying them but when they both looked back at me I got a little embarrassed. Now to be clear they didn't look back in any kind of way other then you'd naturally look back at someone. It was all me that flooded my head with thoughts of, they know I am a bedwetter, and the kids know too, everyone knows I pee my bed. You know the irrational thoughts that come up in that type of situation.
So the cashier finished up the lady's transaction and she and her kids leave. It was only me in line then and the cashier rang my items up and told me how much it was. As she was putting my items in the bag she says, "So you have a bedwetter in the house? My brother was a bedwetter too, even in high school." I was like, "Uhm yes, my little cousin is staying with us." She goes, "Well tell your cousin it's not his fault and he will get it under control someday. That's what we told my brother when he'd get upset about his bedwetting." I'm like, "Umm, Okay, I'll do that, thanks."
So yeah that is my awkward buying GoodNites story.