what do you prefer: bath or shower. and why

Hi Rita, all of those bats must have driven everyone well....batty! But other than the fact that bats nesting in a house can make one big, stinking mess, as you saw much to your chagrin, they are actualy highly beneficial animals. Their diet consists largely of mosquitoes. We have a couple of bat houses at Trout Lake because we know they will go after as many mosquitoes as possible every night and as far as we're concerned, they are very welcomed guests! Of course we showed the kids the bat houses when they came on their field trips. If you have not seen a bat house it is a flat, shallow box with places for the bats to roost and they are mounted fairly high on the trees. But we have not had to have any major cleanups there due to bats!
You're right about that billiveshere. When I was going to school at Colorado State University in the late 1970s I interviewed a professor and wrote an article for the school paper about the research the prof was doing with bats. I learned a lot about the creatures then.
Bats are one of the best insect catchers known - that's why so much guano! Bat houses outside are a great idea - even better than swallows, except swallows do the day-time chore. Bats can fit in any hole big enough for their tiny heads.
But! Bat's do carry disease - and the guano is not safe to handle. It makes excellent fertilizer, though. They and skunks can be a rabies resevoirs.
We rented a B&B apartment, one time, with a clawfoot slippery tub. It was so dangerous to get in and out of - not a single grab bar, too high for handicapped individuals, that we went to a motel the next day. We don't need a handicapped bathroom - unless it is a clawfoor slippery ....
AlasSouth -- What I meant by saying bathtubs as we know them now is that plumbing was attached to the tub around 1883. Sorry for the incomplete information!
ritanofsinger: Seems to me I read a historical fiction novel, possible George McDonald Fraser's "Mr American", one of his Flashman Papers series. It starts/takes place before WWI? Lot's of flashbacks, so the time period gets messed up. He installs a "new-fangled" water heater and combined tub/shower. It was supposed to be at the part of the industrial revolution when steam trains started going strong.
He's out in rural England and astounds his neighbors. Sounds like what you are describing. Now not sure what the material it was made of. So, you're right.
Anywho, Showers have the advantage that if you have a leakage, it goes right down the drain, no?
When it comes to relaxing, a long soak has a shower beat all hollow; especially with bath salts, perhaps.
So combine. A quick shower followed by a tub-bath....
Been doing firewood - ready to relax! Had a first teen-nght (temperature), here; might hit single digits tonight. Calling all block-heaters.
Hi @AlasSouth, Here in Florida we're not going to quite have that first "teen night" tonight, but it is getting cooler all the same! :D Last night was in the 60s (which is cool for us) and 80s today and then there's another cold front on Sunday night and Monday's forecast calls for a bone chillin' high of 72! :O
Delightfully, we had 19’F on Sunday and Monday nights. We even had a skiff of snow Saturday night, which I relished. Usually that storm would have brought several inches that stayed instead of melting, however. But yesterday was unfortunately almost a record high temperature, again. I want to move to the Arctic Circle. We don’t have any precipitation in the forecast for another 10 days at least, nor any cool down. We’ll be breaking all sorts of heat records. This is so disgustingly beyond any “Indian Summer” phenomenon. I didn’t leave L.A. to move to a place that’s almost always as hot as L.A., or hotter. I moved here for the cold and the snow. It should be 40-50’F right now with a lot of precipitation, instead of 70’F in !!!!!!November!!!!!!! Disgusting!

The ski resorts are screwed. September and October are the most important months of the ski season, in terms of the snow base. The ground needs to be soaked and freezing before snow can accumulate. So we’re looking at January at the earliest, rather than the typical November, for the resorts to open fully. They make fake snow on a few sucky runs, but that’s all we’ll have for at least two more months until the ground is firmly frozen and we’ve had a bunch of snowstorms.

I really don’t need this depressing heat this year on top of all the other crap of 2020.
@snow just you wait, the cold will be here. This years winter may be starting late, but it’s probably going to end late. And from what I’ve been hearing, it’s supposed to be a cold and wet winter this year, but who knows? All we can do is hope.
Hi Snow, I know what you mean. Winters are meant to be cold, not hot, for crying out loud! And here I am in Florida! :O Go figure! For someone who is waiting to go skiing it is depressing to hear the forecasts of more record-breaking heat and shirt sleeve weather. I do miss having four seasons. I grew up in snowy areas such as Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and that was before the winters started turning warm on us. I really enjoyed skiing and sledding and all of the fun associated with winter. And I really loved snow days and staying home from school and going sledding and skating.
I don't know how ski resorts up in New England are faring now but out west it sounds like a bad situation especially if the ground conditions and precipitation won't cooperate!
Well just hang in there you may get winter yet although it may be later rather than sooner. :(
I thought of you AlasSouth today when I received an email from a friend. A cartoon showing a man and woman in a big wooden tub on a back porch obviously meant to indicate being in Alaska but with clear blue skies (a technical error maybe). Two bears are leaning on the fence looking at the couple. One bear says, "Oh good. They're already peeled." I just had a picture of you in a hot tub looking at the Northern Lights!LOL
ritanofsinger: Cool! Sounds like a Chad Carpenter comic - he's sort of the "Far Side" of Alaska. His strip is called "Tundra".
Got sun all day tomorrow and had it all day today - but the wind is moaning around the house with temps inthe mid 20s. Single digits 2 nights in a row.
Thanks for the smile!
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