Urologist: Lend Some Perspective?

@JustAGuy Even with my broken nerves from spine to bladder, I still benefitted greatly from learning how to do better Kegels with a great physical therapist. They have helped me more than anything except Botox. And sometimes, diapers are the best medicine 😃
@snow, Thanks that is encouraging.

Sometimes I feel like we are just going through these motions so we feel better, even though we know they won’t work.

I know that isn’t true, but I’m sure you have felt like this is unfixable at times.

Here’s a thought that occurred to me though:

Should I just hide the fact that I wear diapers from my urologist to avoid any judgement?
@JustAGuy I think I would let your urologist know you wear diapers because it really coveys to them just how much you’re suffering that you need that much protection. I don’t understand why your past urologist(s) freaked out about that or took offense to that. They all know that’s what their patients have to come. I’ve had three urologists and none of them minded that I wore protection, maybe because there is no medication nor surgery that can fix my torn bladder nerves. None of them ever told me to wear protection, though.
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