Talking to and dating girls


Staff member
I’m having a really hard time summoning up the strength to date or even talk to women when I’m out at a bar or with friends. Telling them about my severe urinary incontinence is not something easy to bring up off the bat. I’d like to think I’m a decent looking guy, I’m 6’0 and athletic so every now and then I get lucky and can strike up a decent conversation or buy them a drink. But then I always get worried they’ll see or feel my diaper bulge if we’re dancing or make any advances. I’m 26 years old so it’s the last thing they’d expect and I’m terrified of being shamed, exposed, or made fun of. My diaper is always in the back of my mind, like how much longer do I have before I have to change, wondering if I smell, or she can hear the plastic rustle of the diaper, etc. This results in me pushing females away or not trying at all. I’m wondering if anyone has any tips to help me overcome this
Be confident in yourself. You’re a great guy. It’s not leprosy. If she’s scared away you wouldn’t have gotten along anyway. Wait for the right time and make disclosure. Probably not first night.
Hey there. I totally get where you are coming from. I've been there. Just take it slow and easy. Don't rush into anything right away that involves having to strip down. Get to know her and let her get to know you. I'm no prude, by any means. But wearing diapers, for me, means taking it a bit slower than most guys normally would. In the end, though, it all works out. Hit me with a private message if you want to chat more.
When we have things out of wack, we make mountains our of mole hills. I know I am a brain tumor survivor and I have so many things wrong with me but I just try to enjoy life. I am alone and the end of my 60's. I would like to meet a nice guy and I am sure there is one out there. I am very picky. I am catholic and want a nice catholic guy. I want someone close to me in age-I have no kids-preferably no kids but one who has nice kids and we can have some fun.I like to play bridge and hope to meet someone at the bridge club. I was married 34 years to a functioning alcoholic and was a victim. I still have low self esteem sometimes but I try not to let it brother me. I pray. Prayer is good, remember you area child of God-he loves you and has plan for your life. Just don't be stupid like i was and get someone who doesn't deserve you. Blessings-Barb After a few dates and they get to know you-explain to them about the incontinence-it is life-if they are not understanding-believe me-you don't want them in your life anyway. Your incontinence is a gift and has given you understanding of so much in life-be grateful for it.
I have done a lot of dating, even got married once (never again!). I used to worry a lot about it. It seems as long as I didnt let on it bothered me and I was well prepared it didnt seem to ever be an issue for most of the ladies. Theres no need to bring it up until necessary. Kind of when its a need to know thing, thats kind of how I am with everything about myself when dating or in a relationship tho. I dont use tape on “diapers” around a woman if clothes are gonna be coming off. I have had good luck with clamping devices and pullups that look a lot like normal underwear. Showers are the ticket here, never had a lady that minded me taking a shower before getting intimate even at her place. Just be clean and be cool, you may be surprised.
Hello dcny,
I know it seems incredibly challenging, but I’m confident you will find the perfect girl. Here are some suggestions, from a woman:
To find a kind, understanding woman, you might want to change where you are looking. Instead of bars or tinder, try church, community classes or outdoor groups such as hiking or biking.

I’m 49, not 26, lol, but the nice, professional women I know are definitely not expecting to get naked on the first few dates and would be glad to find a guy who wanted to take things a little slower and get to know them.

When a woman is talking to an attractive guy she’s interested in, trust me she is thinking of the same things about herself...does he think my boobs are too small? Does he think my hips are too big? Do I have to tell him I take an antidepressant? When should I tell him I have an 8 year old at home? Etc etc.

It’s going to be okay. Be confident and you’ll find your love.
Good advice Kitty-be surprise at the places one can meet people even classes to further your education.
I have never had nighttime control and always used protection, the first time I was going to stay the night I disclosed. I was dating a girl who knew of the Bedwetting and how I handled it Diapers, I lost my daytime control totally my sophomore year in college. I got severely depressed and thought this is going to just be the worst thing in the world to need diapers 24/7. My Dr. put in a catheter which made me so uncomfortable due to the bag of pee on my leg. The girl I was dating I pushed away and then I got an infection and was in the hospital for months and almost didn’t make it from infection. When I finally got back to health I made the choice it will be Diapers here on out. I was still bothered and depressed and pushed her away. She finally came over and said it is no big deal it is your underwear and she actually went and put one on and said no big deal. When I graduated college we split up unfortunately. When I started dating again I was totally up front with everyone as soon as a second date happened. I never was made fun of or made to feel I was disgusting but I did have women ask questions and said I just don’t think I can deal with that, which I appreciated. Good luck don’t beat yourself up and stay on the game. Unfortunately both family and friends will find out eventually be open and honest, it took me a awhile to just accept that this is how I am, if people cannot accept it is there loss as I am a very loyal and great person.
Don't sweat it right away. After dating for a while you'll get a feel for how she'll react, i.e. if she's a decent person she'll understand. If she's not decent, then maybe you'd be better off moving on anyway.
Hang in there, dating is one of those things in life that we all fear and when you have a disability it makes it even harder or near impossible to interact but with time and patience you will find how to interact and date. When I met my wife I was mostly just IC at night and I was deathly afraid to tell her but when I did she was like that’s all, I thought you were going to tell me something bad!! I was blown away and she has been extremely supportive in our marriage with this and all the other dumb stuff I do!!🥴 just hang in there and be confident in yourself and good things will come!!
I think the trick in any social situation is to forget you are wearing anything different. Easier to say than it is to do, but people really can't tell.

I posted this on another post so sorry for the copy, but it hits to what you are talking about. Dude, be secure and be confident. You got this and we got your back.

Reading the posts on this topic and wondering, does the level of embarrassment change with age or time?

For me I started to bedwet as a teen. I was totally humiliated by it to the point that I kept it from my parents. It only happened once every few months so easier to hide, but sooooooo humiliating when I'd wake wet. Once I moved out on my own my embarrassment level lessened since I didn't have to 'hide' it. But when I realized that I was getting serious with my now wife and thinking marriage, and she would find out sooner or later the embarrassment level went up again. As Catholics premarital sleeping arraignments were not an issue, but knowing that she was 'THE ONE' if she'd say yes I knew I had to tell her.

Now my mind is wrestling with do I tell her before I ask for her hand in marriage or after. I really struggled with this. If I ask before, and she says yes, then it is a true yes in full knowledge of me and all my issues. If I wait, for fear that she might say no and no need to 'expose' the secret, and she says yes I need to still tell her before or after the wedding???

I chose to tell her after I asked for her beautify hand to join me for life. Why?? Embarrassment... I was set to tell her before asking, but then got too embarrassed to tell her.... what if she says no?? Then she knows... who will she tell??? False reasons but my reasons at the time.

To speed up the story, I asked she said yes and then a new dilemma, tell her before or after the wedding? While in retrospect I think I made the wrong decision in not telling her before I asked her, here I know I made the right decision, I told her before the wedding.

I was soooooooooo scared, rehearsed what I would say, planned when and where I would tell her and then they day and time came. .....

I won't go into the details on how, where and all that when I told, but I will say she was sooooooooo cooooool about it. Apparently I had build up the seriousness of what I was about to tell her that she laughed at first. I was crushed until she said, "No, it's fine I am laughing cause it is such a minor thing. I had in my mind that you were going to tell me that you had cancer and was going to die in a year."

So I share this to say that embarrassment is part of it. Though we should not be, it is part of it. It is how we deal with it that makes it embarrassing.

Be strong, be empowered, be yourself.


So dude, you can do this and be you at the same time. PM if you want, got ya bro.
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